Property Rental and Booking App Complete Solution | Flutter UI Kit

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Property Rental and Booking App Complete Solution | Flutter UI Kit

Discover a seamless property rental and booking experience with our meticulously crafted Flutter UI kit following
the MVC pattern. This versatile UI kit is a comprehensive solution for both property seekers and owners, offering
a user-friendly interface, clean code, and easy scalability. With a professional design and extensive
functionalities, this UI kit provides a solid foundation for integrating with any backend, bringing your property
rental app vision to life.

Key Features

  • User and Host Modules: Tailored experiences for property seekers and owners, ensuring a customized journey for each user type.
  • Authentication Flows: Robust security measures with secure login, signup, forgot password, and reset password processes to protect user data.
  • Property Exploration: User-friendly interface for exploring listings, featuring a filterable and searchable system for efficient property discovery.
  • Map Integration: Seamless visualization of property locations using Google Maps, enhancing the user experience and providing geographical context.
  • Booking Workflow: Effortless and secure booking process with integrated availability checks and payment options, promoting a smooth transaction experience.
  • User Profile Management: Empowering users with the ability to edit profiles, view booking history, and manage favorite properties for a personalized experience.
  • Host Dashboard: Comprehensive dashboard for hosts to monitor reservations, view statistics, and manage property listings efficiently.
  • Real-time Chat: Foster communication between users and hosts with instant messaging, facilitating quick and direct interaction.
  • Notifications: Stay informed in real-time with push notifications, keeping users and hosts updated on bookings and other relevant updates.
  • Legal and Support Sections: Clear and concise terms of service and privacy policy sections, coupled with accessible support channels, ensuring legal compliance and user assistance.
  • Feedback System: Gather valuable insights from users through a feedback mechanism, allowing continuous improvement based on user input.
  • Additional Functionality:
    • In-App Payments: Users can seamlessly book properties and make payments directly within the app, offering a secure and convenient transaction process.
    • Host Earnings Withdrawal: Empower property owners to withdraw their earnings directly from the app, streamlining financial transactions and enhancing host satisfaction.

Reasons to Buy

  • Complete Solution: Offers a comprehensive solution for property renting and booking, covering all aspects of the user and host experience.
  • Seamless Transactions: In-app payment functionality allows users to book properties and hosts to withdraw earnings, enhancing convenience and trust.
  • Secure Authentication: Robust authentication processes ensure the security of user data, establishing trust between users and the platform.
  • Efficient Property Exploration: Users can efficiently explore and discover properties through a filterable and searchable interface, improving the overall user experience.
  • Real-time Communication: Foster direct communication between users and hosts with in-app messaging, facilitating quick and efficient interaction.
  • Data Privacy: Clear terms of service and privacy policy sections ensure legal compliance and establish a transparent relationship with users.
  • Continuous Improvement: Integrated feedback system allows for gathering valuable insights from users, enabling continuous refinement of the app based on user feedback.
  • User and Host Focus: Tailored experiences for both users and hosts, catering to the unique needs and preferences of each user type.

Demo Apk:












Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Flutter 3.x

Demo Url
Mobile Files Included

Dart, YAML, .kotlin, .plist, .swift

Video Preview Resolution


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