ProWriters – Sell writing services online

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ProWriters is an application that allows you to sell your writing services online. The application contains writing service management software and an e-commerce website, built with Laravel Framework. The system helps you to receive orders and payments from your customers and execute the works through your writers. It enables you to charge your customers based on three different pricing policies: Fixed Price, Per Word, Per Page, and other factors like Work Levels, Word Spacing Types, Urgencies, etc.

If you do not have a writing service business already you can easily start one right now with ProWriters

Built with Laravel Framework

Try Demo:

Website Part


Software Part


Login as Admin

Password: 123456

Login as Writer

Password: 123456

Login as Customer

Password: 123456


Prowriters - Features

Payment Gateways:

Prowriters - Payment Gateways


Manage Services

Create unlimited number of services. Set price and charge your customers based on different Work levels, Word spacing type, Urgency etc.

Choose from three different pricing policies:

  • Fixed Price
  • Per Word
  • Per Page

Create additional/optional services and attach them with your main services

Receive Orders

Receive orders from your customers with detailed information about their requirements including file attachments. When an order is received, the system automatically sends an email notification at the email address predefined by you. Manage your orders, assign them to writers, and track them by its different statues

Accept Payments (Online and Offline)

Accept online payments through Stripe, Paypal and Braintree.

Create an unlimited number of offline payment methods from the admin panel and accept offline payments.

Customer Panel

Provide your customers with a separate panel when they sign up. Using the panel they can place new orders, track their orders, communicate with writers, download files, review your service, top-up their wallet balance, view transaction history, etc.


Give your customers the option to have a wallet. Users can top-up their wallets and spend the balance to place orders later whenever they want.

Writers Panel

Send an invite to writers to join. Once they register they get a separate panel to see their Assigned Tasks, Communicate with Customers, Browse for work opportunities, Request for payment for their work and many more

Receive joining requests from writers

Allow potential writers to apply to become a writer on your site. A candidate can apply by submitting his information and upload a resume. As an admin, track each applicant by the various status of recruiting stages. Click a button to automatically enroll a candidate as a writer. After enrollment, the system automatically sends a notification email to the writer with login information.

Manage Writer’s Profile

Create a list of an unlimited number of writers. Upload profile photos, keep a record of their bio, skills, and other information. Search writers by area of expertise when necessary


When a new order comes in, pick the most suitable candidate from the pool of your writers, and assign it as a task. Then track its progress by various order statuses. Receive notification on every milestone achieved

Browse work

Allow your writers to browse through unassigned tasks and find a suitable task for themselves. You can always turn on or off the option.

Customer Rating

Allow your customers to rate your service after delivery is complete. It helps you to know how well you are able to serve your customers and how efficient are your writers


Set your own currency, digit grouping symbol, formatting option etc.

Email Settings

Choose between SMTP and Mailgun for the application to send notification emails. Configure your email right from settings page

Change log:

October 17,2020

fixed - website menu breaks in large devices
fixed - notification list is hidden under the search box on a writers panel
fixed - wallet top-up error
removed - option for updating the status of an order if the payment is not completed
added - option to delete an order that is in In Abandoned Cart (customer didn't complete the payment)
added - PayU Payment gateway

October 12,2020

Added Paystack Payment Gateway
Added terms and condition checkbox 
Customers can see their orders with pending payment
Fixed - Inactive work level showing up
Added order search option for customers
Displayed selected urgency on order page
Added option to archive orders
Added order search option in customer panel

July 10,2020

Fixed a bug - Price not generating in the website, for fixed priced services

July 8, 2020

Integrated Paypal Smart Checkout
Integrated Stripe
Offline payment method.
Implemented three different pricing policies: “Fixed Price”, “Per Word”, “Per Page”
Writers Application/Signup.
Modified how “Additional Service” works
Added missing option for modifying footer and social icon texts
Added option add custom css/js script to the header and footer


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