Python Quiz – Android Quiz App Using Kotlin

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Template Features

Python Quiz is an android quiz app with a series of questions with four answer options. Simply follow documentation and add your questions and answers that you want your app for . The application builds by kotlin, using latest features of Android platform to provide the best user experience, explore the many useful options & features we offer below:

  • Android Studio Project Included.
  • Easy to Reskin.
  • Admob Integration (Banner & Interstitial).
  • Offline Quiz app.
  • Amazing Graphics & Layout & Buttons.
  • App Size under 6 mb after uploading on google play.
  • Full Documentation.





learning alphabets app



Easy Customization

We are developing this app template for everyone so that didn’t require any programming skills. This Quiz App architecture helps you to customize the app in your own way and design. It’s simple, just follow our documentation then generate a configurable file to make your Android app.


Extra screen

Documentation (Python Quiz– Setup Guide)

Documentaion Preview

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Android 9.0

Demo Url
Mobile Files Included

.apk, .java, .xml

Video Preview Resolution
