Quiz – Android Studio – Backend – Frontend

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Quiz allows you to test your knowledge with multiple questions (True/False and Multiple Choice) and categories.

Quiz is designed for Android and Web, responsive Web Design based on BootStrap.

Categories and questions are added from Webadmin/Backend and it is shown in the Android app and Frontend.


The documentation are online you can see it here

Android app


  • Android Studio 4.1.3
  • Firebase account.


  • Android Native App (Java language).
  • AdMob banner and interstitial.
  • Share social network.
  • Push Notifications with Firebase.
  • Privacy Policy.
  • Terms & Conditions.
  • About Us.



  • Linux server, shared server hosting or VPS.
  • Php version 5.5 or higher.
  • Mysql database.


  • Built with Codeigniter web framework.
  • Responsive Web Design based on BootStrap.
  • Sending Push Notifications to Android with Firebase from Backend.
  • User roles: admin and author.



  • Linux server, shared server hosting or VPS.
  • Php version 5.5 or higher.
  • Mysql database.


  • Built with Codeigniter web framework.
  • Responsive Web Design based on BootStrap.
  • Google Adsense.
  • Google Analytics.

What you get

  • Full Android source code.
  • Full Php code.
  • Documentation (pdf file).

Spanish support / Soporte en Español

La aplicacion Android y Web (Frontend y Backend) estan traducidas al Español.

Cualquier duda que tenga sobre esta y mis otras aplicacion no dude en preguntar.

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Android 9.0, Android 8.1, Android 8.0, Android 7.2.x, Android 7.1.x, Android 6.0, Android 5.1.x, Android 5.0, Android 4.4.x

Demo Url
Mobile Files Included

.apk, .java, .xml, JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP, HTML

Video Preview Resolution


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