Quizix – Android Quiz App with AdMob, FCM Push Notification, Offline Data Caching

  • Reviews:



Quizix is an android quiz app with single text/photo question with two/three/four answer options. Simply add your category/sub-category/question from backend and all remaining tasks will be done by app. The application is fully native, using latest features of Android platform to provide the best user experience.

Demo APK? Click below

Quizix - Android Quiz App with AdMob, FCM Push Notification, Offline Data Caching - 1
Quizix - Android Quiz App with AdMob, FCM Push Notification, Offline Data Caching - 2
Quizix - Android Quiz App with AdMob, FCM Push Notification, Offline Data Caching - 3

Demo Admin URL:


Username: user@test.com
password: 12348765


Online Documentation

Quizix - Android Quiz App with AdMob, FCM Push Notification, Offline Data Caching - 4

Quizix App Features

  • Laravel Admin Panel
  • Admob Banners, Interstitials & Reward Video
  • Firebase Push Notification
  • Firebase Crash Reporting
  • Firebase Google Analytics
  • Firebase UI Auth (Google, Facebook, Email, Phone)
  • Firebase Realtime Database(Leaderboard Data)
  • Add/Edit Tutorial
  • Data Caching for Offline
  • Google Analytics
  • Supports Tablets & Mobiles
  • Random Questions/Answers
  • Quick Quiz Round
  • Premium Categories/Sub-categories
  • Category/Sub-category Wise Questions
  • Photo/Text Question with 2/3/4/5 Answer Choice
  • Unlimited Categories & Questions
  • Backend Push Notification Panel
  • Splash Screen, App Intro Slide, Material Dialog
  • Question Timer, Sound, Vibration
  • 50-50, Skip Question, Negative Point, Answer Explanation Dialog
  • Share App/Score on Facebook/by Message, Email etc
  • Lifeline
  • Internet Only Mode
  • Enable/Disable ads per Activity
  • Press Back again to Exit
  • Enable/Disable Splash Screen after first run
  • Bulk Upload(Questions)
    Admin Side:

  • Easy and Attractive design.
  • Display Total Question.
  • Add/Update and Delete questions it too simple.
    You Will Get:

  • Full android source code.
  • Full PHP Source Code for to manage quizix app.
  • Full Document of project that explains step by step process.

How to Setup

Online Documentation

Setup Backend

Setup Firebase

Change Package & Setup Social Login



17 Feb 2020
1. Updated with new Android 10
2. Secondary layout added for Splash Screen, Home Screen
3. Categories Listing & Sub-categories Listing
4. Brand New Result Screen
5. Leaderboard Screen Minor Updated
6. Updated with latest 3rd party libraries
7. Various Animation Added
8. Various Bug Fixes
9. Android 4(Kitkat) Support Removed
10. Google Analytics Support Removed
11. IAP Support Removed for now(Will add on next Update)
12.Fabric Crashlytics Removed since that is deprecated now(Upon Firebase Crashlytics Stable Relase will re-add it)



25 September, 2021
1. Multiple layouts for Splash Screen, Game Screen, Category Screen, Sub-category Screen & Question Screen
2. Updated to latest Android version
3.  Brand new backend
4. Brand new documentation
5. All libraries are up-to-date
6.  Laravel to latest version
7. Improvements on Android code



25 Aug 2019
1. Android 9.0 Support Added
2. Files updated with latest Android version, Gradle version, coding standard & best practices 



5 Aug 2018
1.  New Features
2.  Bulk Upload(Questions with Image)
3. You can now set number of Leaders shows on Leaderboard from Config.java
4. Bug fix
5. Various Minor bug fixes



10 July 2018
New Features:
1. Bulk Upload(Questions)

Bug fix:
1. Minor bugs fixes



14 June 2018
New Features:
1. IAP(In-app-purchase) free version added

Bug fix:
1. Application Crash on Various Activity



5 June 2018
New Features
1. Custom Leaderboard(Firebase Firestore Relatime Database to save User Data)
2. Firebase Auth Social Login(Facebook & Google)
3. In App Purchase(Unlock premium Categories/Subcategories & Remove Ads)
4. Reward Video Ads(You can set how many life user get per video watch)
5. 5 Answers Option
6. Add/Update Tutorial
7. Premium Categories/Sub-categories
8. Lifeline
9. Internet Only Mode
10. Enable/Disable ads per Activity
11. Press Back again to Exit
12. Enable/Disable Splash Screen after first run

Bug fix
1. Layout conflict with Banner Ads fixed
2. Image overlay issue fixed on Lolipop
3. Math Questions minor issue fixed

1. Arabic Layouts & Translation string file



9 May 2018
1. Re-order Categories position from Backend Update
2. Firebase Crash Reporting replaced with Crashlytics Bug fix
3. Quick Quiz round result dialog issue fixed



30 March 2018
1. You can set limit of Questions per category from backend.



18 March 2018
1. Share App/Score on Facebook/Other option like Message, Email, Messenger etc Added
2. Enable/Disable option to Show Correct Answer when Wrong Answer Given Added
3. Rewarded Video Ads Added

Bug fix:
1. Wrong Correct Answer Count on Game Result Dialog
2. Backend Image Upload Issue
3. Border Issue above Game Result Dialog



06 March 2018
1. Random Questions/Answers 
2. Quick Quiz Round
3. Math/Equation Question/Answer Support
4. Long Questions/Explanation Text Support
5. Multilevel Sub-category Support
6. Backend Search/Filter
7. Backend Push Notification Panel
8. Firebase Crash Reporting
9. Back to Catgeory button added on Game Result Dialog
10. Google Analytics

Bug fix:
1. Missing translation on Setting Screen
2. Answer selection issue on Laravel backend while editing Question
3. Responsive issue on Question Screen on Smaller Device



18 Jan 2018
1. Full RTL Support Added(Arabic Translation added) - more language will added on next update.
2. Sub-categories Added.
3. Photo Question Added.
4. Answer Explanation Dialog Added
5. You can now define/give 2/3/4 answer choice per Question.
6.  Better Caching system(Shared Preference to save API data).



26 Jan 2018
1. Minor update in tags & documentation



10 Jan 2018
+ Initial publish

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Android 9.0, Android 8.1

Demo Url


Mobile Files Included

.apk, .dex, .java, .xml, JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP, HTML

Video Preview Resolution
