Quizzy: Online Examination Platform

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About Quizzy

Quizzy is full featured online test and quiz platform built on codeigniter 3, Quizzy is a highly scalable and powerful Online Exam System to manage categories, quizes and multiple choice questions. Prepare candidates to perform extraordinarily with an easy to use highly interactive platform and simplify the assessment cycle. The script comes with quick single step AJAX installer, it includes following features:


Update Log

Version 4.4 – 15 Aug, 2022

New Features:
- Question bank
- Math toolbar 
- Multiple categories can be assigned to a single quiz
- Title slug - to all applicable pages. example, Category Name, Blog Category, Blog Post, Study Material, etc
- Custom URLs for quiz, page, blog post, etc
- Verticle tabs on quiz admin pages
- Difficulty levels
- Option to change items per page on list page
- Quiz: 'Allow Retry'
 - Display notification for retry the quiz on user dashboard, also send the email with retry link once all current attempts failed 
 - Confirm user can't attempt once the allowed + extra attempts are over
- Settings: 'Renew Notification': <1-28> days
- New page with quiz wise history: Title, attempts, Result

- Improved membership options
- Option to delete multiple questions
- Category display on home/menu will display in home grid
- Option for view all quiz (send on search page), also check pagination on search page.. 
- Added sort by on search page and add sort by alphabet 
- Question type and option to numeric 
- Quiz background image
- Thumbnail and Grid list views on quiz list page
- Showing related quizzes
- Quiz title limit removed
- Upgraded admin -> email template 

- Edit coupon error resolved
- Only 12 quizzes are showing in category

Version 4.3 – 09 March, 2022

- see online user list
- block ip from admin
- added user define question and add landing section for home page
- resolve on test page and payment page

Version 4.2.7 – 01 Dec, 2021

- bug resolve on blog detail page
- added question preview button on admin
- added two option in display setting for institute or course display or not on registration page
- resolved issue with instamojo payment gateway
- resolved issue on profile update
- added few missing language tokens

Version 4.2.6 – 30 Oct, 2021

New Features:
- upadted quiz/study material list page
- added filters on list page
Bug Resolved:
- resolved issue with instamojo payment gateway
- resolved issue on profile update
- added few missing language tokens

Version 4.2.5 – 27 Sep, 2021

New Features:
- No go back quiz, disable previous button on quiz
- Dynamic color palette options in admin for quiz/test page 
- Don't show answers in result: setting in quiz
- Coupon can attach with quiz / users
- Tracking of coupons used based on quiz / users
- Option to mail the quiz report to an Emil address 

- No need of payment if price become 0 after applying coupon 
- Display two options in a line while adding the questions. 
- Fill in the blank not working
- Display quiz in front even if they don't have minimum questions
- Add option to enter/check purchase code on Updates page as well
- Common leaderboard not showing correctly
- Remove attachment in question not working

Version 4.2.4 – 06 Sep, 2021

- quiz import only working if status is enabled 
- add marks obtained in quiz reports

Version 4.2.2 – 20 August, 2021

- resolve request for tutor option 
- Select Negative marking percentage to 0 in add/edit quiz page
- updated blog URLs, make them compatible for SEO
- when add question it becomes a mandatory to add *solution image" 

Version 4.2.1 – 03 August, 2021

- display custom fields on users table
- check for update button in admin
- option in admin to choose from: default uploader/media manager

Version 4.2.0 – 24 July, 2021

- add image in answer option
- associate quiz with study material
- change user to author/tutor and make -ve marking non required on quiz add/edit page
- display countdown for upcoming quiz (give option in admin settings to display countdown before N hours before starting quiz)
- check spelling mistakes and update

Version 4.1.7 – 17 June, 2021

New features
- hide the correct answers of the question when the users finish their quiz and see the results.
- feature: request for the tutor account. 
- added the media library into the admin dashboard option to manage the files uploaded
- Graphical stats on the dashboard.
- Category wise membership
- add TRY in currencies (Turkish currency)
- Cookies bar content should be configurable from admin settings.
Bug fixes
- can’t use Captcha for the sign up option. It gets an error.
- On the mobile theme: improved Navigation
- No option for 0% negative marking 

Version 4.1.6 – 26 May, 2021

New features:
- Negative marking option in quiz
- institution/course added for student/user registration 
- added backup feature
- Rewards option for quizes

Version 4.1.5 – 12 May, 2021

New features:
- Grading system for admin and tutor for quiz
- tutor can manage study materials and grades
- Subadmin account 
- Study Material Page Responsive

Version 4.1.4 – 22 April, 2021

New features:
- match question
- fill in the blank 
- paragraph, 
- Quiz sections 
- resolve evaluation test issue

Version 4.1.3 – 14 April, 2021

- google ad sense compatibility for ads 
- resolved some bugs
- improved design

Version 4.1.2 – 10 April, 2021

New features:
- category dropdown for tutor
- new header option
- category order

Version 4.1.1 – 04 April, 2021

New features:
- category dropdown for tutor
- new header option
- category order

Version 4.1.0 – 22 March, 2021

New features:
- Study materials
- Category tree view
- Advertisement sections
- Category lsit/nav in header
- Search pages

Version 4.0.0 – 01 March, 2021

New features:
- Time accomodation
- Unlimited attems for admin
- New user status to active 
- Rearrange admin menu
- Home section or language menu
- Mail templet update
- Admin right click
- Tutor login
- New admin login url
- export for quiz reports
- option to add videos and link in questions
- allow subdomains for autoupdate
- add custom fields 
- Ranking system
- New option in quiz

Version 3.1 – 16 January, 2021

added auto update panel
divide settings page into sections
added customizable email templates
added google recaptcha
improved quiz list design
improved blogs list design

Version 2.2 – 12 September, 2020

added solutions in bulk import
revolved register confirmation link email
added attempts integer
added parent-child category pages for quiz
added euro (EUR) in currencies
added option to add CMS pages in main menu
resolved exam duration issue, it was always 30 min

Version 2.1 – 09 September, 2020

Resolved some bugs
Social login from FB and google
Paid quiz option, with paypal, stripe, razorpay and bank transfer feature
Blog posts with category
Quiz detials page added with like and views count
Review, rating, comments added on quiz
Added option in quiz for: make quiz available for registered users only, user can give quiz only once.

Version 1.2 – 17 August, 2020

Resolved some bugs
Added quiz detail page
Resolved responsive overlay
Moved questions, import and reports on admin quiz edit page

Version 1.1 – 12 August, 2020

-  first release!

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

PHP 7.x, MySQL 5.x

Demo Url


High Resolution


Software Framework


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL

Video Preview Resolution


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