React Native Dating Mobile App – IOS & Android With Backend

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* Scan with expo for live preview *


* Instructions – Opening app in Expo Go*

Download Expo Go from the Apple App Store or from the Google Play Store.

  • On your iPhone or iPad, open the default Apple “Camera” app and scan the QR code you see in the terminal.
  • On your Android device, press “Scan QR Code” on the “Home” tab of the Expo Go app and scan the QR code you see in the terminal.

Please Refer our updated online documentation here

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A React Native App for dating & personal chatting with complete backend integration.

  • This app has Facebook login & Firebase Integration
  • Find Nearest Friends using geo location based
  • One to one personal chat messenger
  • Last Seen,Double ticks,User Online Features
  • User gallery ,upload images ,profile settings
  • Push notifications if message triggers
  • In app alerts if message triggers from others users.
  • Gender,Location & Age Search Filters.

Now with New UI/UX Screens.

React Native Dating Mobile App - IOS & Android With Backend - 1

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Other, Other, Other, Other, Other

Demo Url

https://react Native D

Mobile Files Included

JavaScript JS

Video Preview Resolution



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