About Read
Read is a responsive template focused on readability with a minimalist design.
- HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Design, Retina ready, jQuery powered
- Minimalistic design focused on readability
- Filtered portfolio with ajax load more items and custom styled-mobile optimized lightbox
- Responsive mobile optimized image gallery with ajax load more items option
- Blog with post formats
- Self hosted html5 audio/video (one .mp4 file for all browsers!)
- Responsive video embed in various aspect ratios (youtube/vimeo …)
- Cross browser styled form elements
- Working ajax contact form with validation
- 20+ social media icons
- Cross browser compatible
- Extensive Documentation & Support Forum
Read is mobile optimized
v1.2 – 9 July 2014
improved : readabilty on blog single pages fixed : youtube video not show in masonry blog on firefox fixed : blockquote icon too big on IE fixed : facebook like button doesn't show on IE and firefox.
v1.1 – 29 March 2013
- added: blog masonry page - added: mobile search solution - added: inline lightbox shortcodes - added: client side validation to comment form - added: alternate archives page - added: ligthbox soundcloud embed support to portfolio - added: blog single share links - added: drop caps - added: instagram social media icon - improved: pre code blocks - improved: post format styles - improved: audio and media player styles - updated: twitter script - udapted: jquery to 1.8.3 - fixed: footer input overflow issue
v1.0 – 9 January 2013
- first release
- Normalize.css
- Bootstrap 2
- Fancybox
- Justvector social icon font
- jQuery
- Detect Mobile Browsers script
- Modernizr
- Isotope
- fitvids.JS
- jQuery validate plugin
- Fonts by Google Webfonts
- google-code-prettify
- Font Awesome
- jQuery Uniform
- HTML5 Shiv
- selectvizr
- jQuery Instagram Script
- Flexslider
- Mediaelement.js
- Gamma Gallery
- Preloaders
- imagesloaded
- jQuery Masonry
- jQuery++
- js-url
- History.js
- Thomas Edison image by Cea.
- robot sketch by superconnected
- gauge image by perpetualplum
- illustrations by Stanley Chow
- illustrations by Dan Matutina
- illustrations by Dave Mottram