Red Stripe Responsive Parallax Event Site Template

  • Reviews:



Version 1.1 has released.

  • Fixed minor chrome bug.

Modern HTML5. Responsive. Designed for promotional purposes. You can use it for events but it also has features to function as a business portfolio site. This theme is easy to customize and maintain.

This template has a unique mix of a 2 column fixed layout and single column fluid layout. Columns overlay one another to give a dual layered effect. The navigation is a sticky navigation that scrolls to anchors on the page. There is a speaker section which includes animated images that flip on mouse over. This theme also includes a media center with image popup modals and videos from Youtube or Vimeo. There is an agenda section that includes calendar dates and specific sessions that occur on each date. It also includes a calendar and agenda display. There is a Google map that can detect the user’s location and route directions to your event’s location. This template includes a functional signup form.


  • 2 column fixed or single column fluid layout
  • Dual layer effect
  • Sticky Navigation
  • Auto Scroll Navigation
  • CSS3 3D Image Flip Effect
  • Video Media Center
  • Image Popups
  • Calendar Treatment
  • Google maps with user location detection and direction router.
  • Functional Registration Form
  • Parallax Design
  • Scroll Events


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