Rentors – Universal Android App For Renting and Hiring

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An Overview of the App

  • Rentors is an universal Renting Platform where Renters meet Rentees.
  • It brings Earning for Renters
  • Saving for Rentees
  • And Revenue for Admin..

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Android Code Setup Pre-requisite-.

  • Android Studio version – 3.5 recommended

Backend Setup Pre-requisite-.

  • PHP version – 7.3 or above only
  • Mysql version – 5.7.23 and above only

Note: Rentors PHP backend can be setup on linux/windows shared hosting server, AWS Ec2, Dedicated linux/windows server. For more information you can contact to our support at

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Admin Panel URL:

Admin Email :-

Admin Password :- 123456

Android APK URL: Android APK

- V 1.1
- Release Date: 2nd Oct 2020
- Second Release.
- Change Log :
1. Added New Payment Gateways as Flutterwave and RazorPay
2. Added .env file in backend code to setup server easily.
3. Added Sengrid to send email OTP.
5. Admob Integration on Android App.
4. Fix minor bugs.
- V 1.0
- Release Date: 13th July 2020
- First Release.

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Android 9.0, Android 8.1, Android 8.0, Android 7.2.x, Android 7.1.x, Android 6.0, Android 5.1.x

Demo Url

Mobile Files Included

.apk, .java, .xml, JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP, HTML

Video Preview Resolution
