This video player supports: subtitles, playlist, HTML5 and YouTube videos. Subtitles or playlist can be disabled if you don’t need it. Playlist can contain unlimited videos. Each video can have own subtitles. Player is completly resizeable and responsive so it fits perfectly in every website design.
- easy setup
- responsive
- Youtube support
- real HTML5 subtitles support (optional)
- playlist support (optional)
- click & drag (touch) to control gallery
- mobile friendly (iPhone, iPad, android)
- 100% vector icons, retina-ready (for high resolution displays like Macbook, iPad, iPhone)
- all browsers compatible
- Google Drive videos support
- Amazon S3 support
- multiple instances: you can insert more players in same page
- optional logo: you can add your logo as image (.jpg, .png).
- optional preview image: if you want your player to be paused when page loads, you can set preview image
- autohide controls: you can choose after how much seconds player controls will disappear
- autoplay: on/off
- complete volume control
- tooltip for time seek
- real fullscreen support (when not supported real fullscreen it switches to full browser support)
- double click to enter/exit fullscreen
- SPACE key play/pause
- ESCAPE key to exit fullscreen
- installation instructions included
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Transition Slider jQuery Plugin
Transition Slider WordPress Plugin