RESTINA – Food & Restaurant HTML Template With RTL.
RESTINA is a sleek and contemporary HTML template for restaurants, cafes, quick food chains and
Food bloggers who want to promote their delicious fare and mouth-watering recipes online. whose design
Simple and refined. RESTINA offers a wide range of features and capabilities including online recipe pages
Storage, and social media integration. When creating a new website or updating an existing one, RESTINA is
The best choice for food lovers who want to spread their delicious cuisine to the world. This is comprehensive HTML
The template includes every feature required for a restaurant. The template is fully documented, and commented
The department provides further support. Additional features have been added to RESTINA as per user demand.
RESTINA Template Overview:
Bootstrap 5.3 Framework:
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile-first projects on
the web. -
Responsive Layout Design:
Whatever you are using the device your site will run as it should. RESTINA template is a fully responsive
layout for all types of devices. -
38+ Valid HTML Files :
RESTINA template coded with beautiful and clean codes! Some powerful HTML files are 100% valid W3 web
RESTINA Template Features:
- 03 Home Pages
- 38+ HTML Templates Available
- CP & Restaurent Based Design
- SEO on-page optimized.
- Integrated google maps..
- HTML & CSS & JS files are included
- Unique Design
- Responsive Layoutes
- Sticky Menus
- FontAwesome
- Free Fonts Used
- Pixel Perfect
- Powerful & Latest Bootstrap v5
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Unique Hover Effects
- Well Documented
- Multiple Pages
- Unique Slider Effects
- W3C Validated HTML And CSS
- Use Mobile Navigation
- Clean & Modern Design
- FontAwesome Premium Icons Included ($20 value)
- Stylish Social Links
- Fully Customizable
- Well Commented Code
- Full Cross-browser Compatibility
- Great Support
- And Many More….
Plugin & Animation:
- Animated Headline
- Animated Barfiller
- Marquee Animation
- Sticky Sidebar
- Ranger Slider
- Scroll Button
- Colorful Tab
- Slick Slider
- Font Awesome
- Select 2 Js
- Nice Select
- Counter Up
- Venobox
If you need any help using the file or need special customizing please feel free to contact us. We will try our best.
If you have a moment, please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much Thank you.
Note All images are just used for preview purpose only and are NOT included in the HTML files.