RTM – React Task Management tool

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RTM is a tiny task management tool for the developer who wants to manage multiple projects. RTM provide NO DB
functionality means You do not need any database to store data and No authentication process to access

So the question is, where will the data stored?

RTM built in React. There is no connection with the Backend server For that reason, the data will be
store in
localStorage. localStorage is limited to the browser only, so no one can access your workspace from
browser or device.

In Demo
, we set our database ENV credentials to data. so you will not see any
changes after refresh the page.
for more details. click here.
also, it is okay if you don’t know react too much. there will be no change required until you want to add some

Key features

  • Built in React and Tailwindcss
  • No Database No Authentication
  • Data store in localStorage
  • Multiple Workspace
  • File Attachment
  • Style Description
  • Create, Edit, Delete or View Task and Column
  • Create column for task timeline like: To do, In Review, Completed, etc.
  • Column and Task Sorting
  • Import/Export Workspace
  • Responsive Design
  • Browser Compatible
  • Clean Code, Well Documentation and much more
Live Preview link : https://react-task-management.vercel.app
Live Documentation Link : https://rtm-documentation.vercel.app

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome

Compatible Software


Demo Url

https://react Task Management.vercel.app/

High Resolution


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS

Video Preview Resolution


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