Compile HTML files into a Mac OS X standalone application
Check the official website for detailed infos and free trial version :
Online help guides & APIs documentation :
Info for El Capitan users : Sentenza Desktop is fully compatible with the latest OS X 10.11.2
Info for Snow Leopard users : Sentenza Desktop should normally be compatible with Mac OS X 10.6.6 but I can not guarantee. Test the trial version (link below) to be sure that Sentenza Desktop can open and compile a test project. Scroll down to read the full system requirements.
Using Sentenza Desktop is really simple. You have just to fill fields, radio buttons and checkboxes to customize your application. You specify the root directory where the content of your application is stored (HTML, CSS, JS files and images), and the engine will compile a standalone application. Sentenza Desktop is optimized for using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript (of course you can use audio and video).

With Sentenza Desktop you can codesign your application without using any external tools. You will have the choice to compile a .pkg package (for Application Loader submission) or a .xcarchive package (for XCode submission). An Apple Developer Account is required to publish your applications on the Mac App Store.
Building applications for the Mac App Store is an easy way to make money. The community is massive and the Mac App Store is an incredible marketing tool, ready for promoting all types of applications (games, utilities, references, books, lifestyle, music, video, …).
For Sentenza Desktop I built a library of APIs that can help you to add advanced features to your applications. Those APIs must be called in JavaScript and can be mixed each other or with other functions. From my tests, I have not detected any conflicts with multiple JavaScript frameworks. I tried to be as complete as possible to recreate all basic functions of a modern application (read and write a file, using notifications center, manipulate the window, …).
Below is the list of all available APIs in the latest version. If you have suggestions for future APIs, feel free to contact me. I will make my possible to add them to the next version. For more informations about APIs usage, consult the online help and documentation.
System Requirements
Trial Version
You can get a trial version here :
Help & Starting Guides
Online help is here :
If you have troubles to create a .PKG
If you have some problems with .PKG package installer, use this method (screenshot) :
Official Apple help :…/SubmittingYourApp.html
APIs Documentation
Online documentation is here :
Some easter eggs have been hidden in Sentenza Desktop, feel free to find them !
If you have any problems with Sentenza Desktop, if you find a bug, if you have some suggestions or just if you want to say Hello, feel free to contact me. I will try to reply you as soon as possible. But, please, understand that I can not give support for HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript coding. I recommend you to consult developers forums and community websites like StackOverflow to find help. Thank you in advance.
Feel free to visit this page :
Please, don’t forget to give a rate to Sentenza Desktop (5 stars for example)
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Updates history
Version 1.2 (build 410)
Version 1.2 (build 405)
Version 1.2 (build 376)
Version 1.1 (build 361)
Version 1.1 (build 360)
Version 1.1 (build 359)