SC StripeShopping is an ASP.NET CORE MVC 6 Project that can be used to start building your eCommerce Website.
The project implement the Shopping Cart process (Shopping – Checkout – Payment).
The Shopping Cart persist on database and attached to the logged in User.
To getting started, please read the documentation :
The application is written in the Asp.Net Core MVC – using .NET 6
Key Features
- Well structured & Designed solution
- Clean code
- EntityFrameworkCore Code First
- Seperated Business Patterns
- Identity Area for User account management
- External Authentication: Google, Micrsoft, Twitter, Facebook
- Admin Role to manage Products
- Clean Invoice Pdf generation
- Sending Invoice by Email
- Stripe Gateway Checkout
- Session & Persistent Shopping Card tracked by User
- Generic Repository Pattern
- appsettingsjson Configuration Helper
- Serilog Middleware ToFile Implementation
- Exception middleware to capture all unhandled Exceptions
- Full commented source codes
- Jquery based prototype pattern
- Jquery Ajax helper
Software Requirements
- Visual Studio 2022
- Microsoft SQL Server Express 2014 or later
- Microsoft NET 6 SDK
+ Initial release: 22 December, 2022 V :