Shoppy – Shopify E-commerce Android Kotlin App

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Shoppy – Shopify E-commerce Android Kotlin App

It is readymade eCommerce app with shopify store front API. You can start your business using online shopping app. You need to add product/categories to your shopify partner account.You can set product price, images, description,variants, etc..

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App Login Details:


Password: 12345678

Shopify Details:


Password: qrolic



  • Material design

    Material is an adaptable system of guidelines, components, and tools that support the best practices of user interface design

  • Collectionwise product list

    A collection of related product list that can be purchased individualy

  • Dynamic Product Variants

    A product with vairants, each of which may have a different sku,price.etc. For ex, Tops available in different colors, size and materials.

  • Search and filter product list

    Products that can be search, sort and filter by different options like product type, product prices , newest product, etc.

  • Product Detail

    A Product that displays product type, tags, vendor, price, descriptions, images , variants, etc..

  • Cart management

    Review your shopping cart with the options to remove products and to pay your products using shopify web checkout.

  • Checkout management

    Add all the informations required for delivering and billing the products in safe and easy way.

  • Order List And Detail

    Check your ordered items with their status, shipping address and billing informations.

  • User Management

    User management options :
    – Login with existing users
    – Register with new user
    – Forgot password
    – Account Edit

  • Address Management

    Userwise address management for add, update and delete address.

  • Neat & Clean user interface

    An app with a neat interface helps to maintain user’s maximum focus and reduce cognitive workload.


For technical support (only after sales), please Create a Ticket For pre-sales enquiries, please use the comments section.

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Android 9.0, Android 8.1, Android 8.0, Android 7.2.x, Android 7.1.x, Android 6.0, Android 5.1.x, Android 5.0

Demo Url
Mobile Files Included

.java, .xml

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