SHOUTcast & Icecast Radio Player with iTunes

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This is a web radio player for SHOUTcast and Icecast based on jQuery and HTML5, which comes with a powerful API. It pulls data directly from SHOUTcast and Icecast servers and retrieves corresponding images from iTunes and Last.FM based on the track title and artist name of the playing songs.

It comes with superb features such as:

SHOUTcast & Icecast Radio Player with iTunes & Last.FM - 1 Full Playing/streams History
It automatically loads the recent played tracks from the server and shows them in the history section.

SHOUTcast & Icecast Radio Player with iTunes & Last.FM - 2 Artworks from iTunes and Last.FM
It search through either or both iTunes and Last.FM servers to find a matching artwork for the current playing track (based on track title and artist name).

SHOUTcast & Icecast Radio Player with iTunes & Last.FM - 3 iTunes Links for the Playing Tracks
It automatically finds and provides the link to iTunes’ website for the current playing track. So users can find more information about the track and purchase it from iTunes.

SHOUTcast & Icecast Radio Player with iTunes & Last.FM - 4 Display The Next Track
Where available, it shows the next upcoming track automatically.

SHOUTcast & Icecast Radio Player with iTunes & Last.FM - 5 Radio Name
Loads automatically the radio name from the SHOUTcast and Icecast servers. Further radio information can be added too, as extra customisations.

SHOUTcast & Icecast Radio Player with iTunes & Last.FM - 6 Multiple Instances
Various instances of this player can go within the same page.

SHOUTcast & Icecast Radio Player with iTunes & Last.FM - 7 Supports All Formats
It accepts any streaming formats, such as MP3 and ACC, or even a single IP:Port link or URL.

SHOUTcast & Icecast Radio Player with iTunes & Last.FM - 8 Pretty Customisable
There are many options in the API that makes it customisable for its functions or style. E.g Background’s blurriness.

SHOUTcast & Icecast Radio Player with iTunes & Last.FM - 9 Social Media Share
Share button for sharing on Facebook, Twitter, and direct email.

SHOUTcast & Icecast Radio Player with iTunes & Last.FM - 10 Easy to Use & Detailed Manual
It is extremly easy to install, also a detailed manual with examples and use cases plus the full list of API features are included.

SHOUTcast & Icecast Radio Player with iTunes & Last.FM - 11 Customisations Available
Further customisations to add extra features are available upon request.

Extra Features:

  • In-depth Search Engine for Artwork in iTunes and Last.FM
  • Only The Radio Link Required
  • Light Weight
  • Fully Responsive
  • Slider Volume
  • Supports All Formats (MP3, ACC, URL & etc)
  • Font Icons
  • Imageless Design
  • Accepts Radios With Multiple Streaming
  • Last.FM API Integrated
  • Facebook & Twitter Integrated
  • Modern Design

It is extremely lightweight and easy to use. Once installed, it only requires one line of code to embed in the web page. e.g:

<div class="SleekPlayer" id="player1" />

SHOUTcast & Icecast Radio Player with iTunes & Last.FM - 12

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software


Demo Url

http://shoutcast Icecast Html5

High Resolution


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, Layered PNG

Video Preview Resolution


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