Shutterbug One page Multi-purpose PSD Template Based on Bootstrap, 12 column Responsive grid Template.
Shutterbug One page Multi-purpose PSD Templates a Great Design idea for website of Creative Corporate, Portfolio, Photographer and Much More…
- 06 Unique Fully Layered PSD Files with Layer Styles.
- 2 Different Index Colour Variation PSD.
- Active and Hover stats are included.
- Build up on Bootstrap. 12 column Responsive grid (Guides are included in PSD)
You should find the following PSD files in the download pack:
- index
- index-dark
- portfolio
- portfolio big image
- blog category
- blog single page
Used Fonts
- Google Webfonts – “Roboto”
- Google Webfonts – “OpenSans”
- Google Webfonts
- PhotoDune
- IStock