Simple POS is PHP and jQuery based web application. This is suitable for small and medium businesses/organization.
The update v4 has been redesigned to suite it to most of the businesses.
Now you can have the option to handle multiple bills with hold bill option
- Simple User Interface
- Products with taxes
- Barcode and Label Printing page
- Add customer without leaving POS Screen
- Hold bills option to save it in open bills
- Discount (now you can add different discount to each sale)
- Edit Product Price, Quantity, Sale tax and discount from POS
- Check today’s sales and load nay open bill without leaving POS Screen
- Print or Email receipts
- Barcode scanner/reader compatible
- Settings
- Enable/Disable On-Screen Keyboard
- Date Format (Select any from 6 available)
- Set Product Display for POS (By Name, By Photo or By Both)
- Set defaults tax rate, discount, category, customer, barcode symbology, Site Name, Receipt Header/Footer.
- Reports
- Daily Sales
- monthly Sales
- Custom Sales Report
- Top Products
- Custom Product Report
Request feature for next update
We are accepting the feature requests till 15th April 2015. Please email your detailed request to Thank you
Demo Link:
Live Demo Credentials
Role: username / password
Admin: / 12345678
Sales staff: / 12345678
Change log