Smart Android WebView App Template

  • Reviews:



Smart Android WebView App Template - 1

Smart Android WebView App Template - 2

App Developed on:

  • Android Studio
  • Assets: (Photoshop & Illustrator)

Package Contains:

  • Complete clean source code
  • Easy and brief documentation
  • Apk file for testing

The description of

is an Android WebView mobile application from a responsive website. Now you can easily convert your responsive website into Android App.

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  • Beautiful UI
  • Clean & Customizable Code
  • HTML5, JavaScript Video
  • Download Manager & File Upload
  • Privacy Policy
  • About Us
  • Reload, Forward, Backward
  • Swipe to refresh
  • About Us Screen
  • Navigation Drawer
  • Admob Ads
  • One Signal Push Notification
  • Floating Action Button
  • Social Media Enabled
  • Error screen in case of no Internet

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Android 9.0

Demo Url

Mobile Files Included

.apk, .java, .xml

Video Preview Resolution
