Sports Quiz Trivia ( Admob & Facebook Ads )

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Sports Quiz Trivia ( Admob & Facebook Ads ) 

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List of the app features:

Key Features:


Quiz Logic:

  • The app includes a QuizLogic class responsible for managing the quiz flow, tracking correct and incorrect answers, and implementing helpful features.
    • The app incorporates two lifelines to assist users during the quiz:
      • 50:50 Lifeline: Allows users to eliminate two incorrect choices, increasing the chances of selecting the correct answer.
      • Ask the Audience Lifeline: Simulates audience feedback, providing percentage-based suggestions for each choice.
  • Dynamic UI:

    • The app features a dynamic user interface with colorful gradients and animations, creating an engaging and visually appealing quiz environment.
  • Scoring:

    • The app keeps track of users’ correct and incorrect answers, providing a sense of achievement and progress.
  • Customized App Bar:

    • The app includes a customized AppBarStyle that dynamically changes its color gradient based on user progress, enhancing the overall visual experience.
  • Ads Integration:

    • The app incorporates advertisements using AdMob ( open ads, banner ads and Int ads ) and ( Facebook banner and Int ads ). Ad integration helps monetize the app and provides revenue opportunities
    • ………………………………………………………….


•     V2

  1. You can add an image to the question (optional)
  2. One signal push notification added
  3. Fix some issues in the helping methods

•     V1

     Initial release


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