Starcross is the best landing page for Business, Professional, Company and Consulting Services.
This template has smooth animation, clean features, a modern and unique design which make your website more beautiful.
This template was built in HTML5 and CSS3, with parallax image effects and CSS animations to make it even more appealing and dynamic. It has a fully responsive grid structure built with a Bootstrap framework, it’s retina ready and compatible with all major web browsers and devices (desktop, notebook, tablet and mobile).
Starcross template comes with 23 valid HTML files, custom colour schemes and beautiful typography elements.
And The template is build based on the Bootstrap framework v3.3.7 along with the latest HTML/CSS and jQuery library to achieve a stunning effect. Therefore, any developer can easily customize the template as per requirement.
- 13 Homepage Layouts
- 4 Different Slider In Hompage
- 23 Total Pages
- Fully Responsive Design
- One Page & Multi Page
- Retina ready
- Neat and clean design
- Clean Code
- Browser Compatibility
- Fontawesome
- Google webfonts
- Extensive Documentation
- All files are well commented
- Working Contact Form
What do you get?
- HTML content
- Well documentation
Credits Javascript:
- bootstrap.js(Twitter Bootstrap v3.3.7 js file)
- jquery-3.2.1.min.js(latest jquery library)
- main.js(Custom js codes for plugins)
- jquery.slicknav.min.js(use for navigation)
- slick.min.js(use for slick related plugin)
- custom-nav.js(use in homepage navigation)
- custom-ytp.js(custom jquery for video background)
- jquery.countTo.js(for count up (or down) to a target number)
- isotope.min.js(works on a container element with a group of similar child items)
- jquery.appear.js(call a function when an element appears)
- jquery.easing.min.js(for smoothing)
- jquery.fancybox.pack.js(Simple and fancy lightbox alternative)
- jquery.mb.YTPlayer(for video background)
- owl.carousel.min(for slider)
- swiper.js(use for slider)
- wow.min.js(use for animation)
- rangeslider.js(use for rangeslider)
- jquery.selectBox.js(use for selectbox)
All images used are from: pexel. Free for commercial use.
------------------------------------------------------------------- v 1.1 - 17 September 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE - index--03.html(Homepage Slider 1 added) - index-04.html (Homepage Slider 2 added) - index-05.html (Homepage Slider 3 added) - index-06.html (Homepage Style 1 added) - index-07.html (Homepage Style 2 added) - Style.css(updated according to added pages) ADDED - Integrate Google Map - Custom-map.js ------------------------------------------------------------------- v 1.2 - 08 October 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE - index-construction.html(Construction Homepage) ADDED - Default.css - Construction.css ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- v 1.3 - 14 November 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE - index-realestate.html(Real estate Homepage) ADDED - Default.css - realestate.css - rangeslider.css - selectbox.css - Rangeslider.js - jquery.selectbox.js - custom-selectbox.js ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- v 1.4 - 27 November 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE - index-apps.html(Mobile Apps Landing page) ADDED - apps.css ------------------------------------------------------------------- v 1.5 - 12 December 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE - index-medical.html(Medical Homepage) - Fixed some bugs ADDED - medical.css ------------------------------------------------------------------- v 1.6 - 02 February 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE - index-education.html(Education Homepage) - main.js(some js scripts) - Fixed some bugs ADDED - education.css -------------------------------------------------------------------
Online Support :
If you have any questions, please email us at
Don’t forget to rate the template. Thanks so much!
- Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the download bundle.