Stellar Video Player – WordPress plugin

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From creators of the #1 BEST SELLING VIDEO PLAYER

The exact same people that designed and developed the Elite Video Player crafted Stellar Video Player.

The most advanced Video Player ever created!

Stellar Video Player is a premium multi-purpose video player. Stellar player supports YouTube playlists/channels/single videos, Vimeo videos, self-hosted HTML5 videos (only mp4 required), Google drive videos, Dropbox videos, local videos, Amazon s3, LiveStreaming HLS m3u8 videos, basically everything that you’ll need from HTML5 player. No coding or technical skills required.

Lifetime support and frequent updates will ensure to make the most out of your purchase.

Have your Stellar Player up and running in minutes

Installation is super easy. Once you have downloaded the Stellar Player simply edit it’s intuitive options.

YouTube support – playlist/channel/single youtube

Stellar video player can play any youtube video, import youtube playlist or even youtube user channel. You can use default YouTube player or YouTube player with custom controls.

YouTube 360 VR & YouTube LiveStreaming support

Stellar video player has support for any Youtube 360 VR video, and even supports livestream videos from Youtube.

Self-hosted videos

You can host your own videos with only mp4 format required.

Vimeo support

Also, Stellar video player can play any video from vimeo too. Vimeo videos can be played with default Vimeo player or custom Stellar player.

HTTP Live Streaming (HLS .m3u8) support

Stellar video player now supports HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) .m3u8 files.

Amazon S3 & Amazon cloud drive videos

Stellar player can play any video from amazon server.

Google Drive videos

You can store and play videos from any Google Drive.

Dropbox videos

Recommended when it comes to large files, use Dropbox to host your videos for free and play them in Elite player accross websites.

Microsoft OneDrive videos

You can store and play videos from OneDrive as well.

Local videos

You can also play any video from your local drive, no need for web hosting. Videos from dropbox are also supported.

Openload videos

Stellar video player can play any video from Openload.

Mixed videos

Create your playlist with any video type you want – mix YouTube/Vimeo/Self-hosted/GoogleDrive videos all in one playlist.


Stellar video player supports pre-roll (before), mid-roll (during), post-roll (after), video ads and pop-up ads. For each video in playlist you can set own pre-roll/mid-roll/post-roll/pop-up ad. Also, advertising is improved with custom skip ad option, which means that you can set different skip time for each video. Each ad can be added for all video types that Stellar player supports: youtube single videos/youtube playlists/user channels, vimeo videos, and self-hosted mp4 videos.

Deeplinking videos – specify certain video (or random) on webpage load

Stellar player supports deeplinking, meaning you can set which video from playlist to load when webpage loads. This feature gives you plenty possibilities. Also, you can set random video from playlist when webpage loads, which can also be integrated with random Video Ads.

With deeplinking, any video from playlist can be accessed through URL link. Also, users can share active (current) video.

For example: Deeplinking target to video called “Top Models” from playlist.

Protect video content

On self hosted videos you can disable right click over the video to prevent “Save video” action, and hide “src” attribute.
Also, to protect your videos in a way that nowbody can see your video content (even if it’s “downloaded”) is to use HTTP Live Streaming – HLS m3u8 format.
This will help to understand better: link, this way nobody can view your video.

Convert your .mp4 files into .m3u8 format to protect your videos.

Video quality HD/SD/auto

With integrated quality selector Stellar player provides user the best video experiance.

jpg, png, gif support

With Stellar video player you can display your images or gifs, instead the video. This feature gives you option to use Stellar player like banner or image slider. You can even mix images with videos in the same playlist.
Stellar player as banner – demo video

Sticky mode

Stellar player has support for sticky mode to keep videos visible to your customers all the time on the page (when scrolling up/down through page). If video is not in user viewport, sticky player will appear in bottom corner, and if video is in user viewport, sticky player will automatically hide.

Lightbox mode, responsive mode, fullscreen mode

Stellar video player can be showed in lightbox mode. You can set any image to open player in lightbox. Multiple lightbox images are supported (multiple lightbox players in same page). Lightbox options are: lightbox image, lightbox image width and height, lightbox close on click outside (optional), lightbox autoplay (optional). This way you can have multiple video players on the same page.

Responsive mode creates Stellar video player that fits exactly into page or post content.

With Fullscreen mode Stellar video player will cover the entire page.

Unlimited color option

Stellar player look can be customised by changing the color accent to any color you like to make your player blend in to your website perfectly.

RTL support

Right to left video player texts for eastern countries.

Translate to your language

Every single word in the video player can be edited and translated to your own language so you can get closer to your visitors.

It works everywhere

Stellar video player is a HTML5 ready player that enables it to work on all platforms – desktop & mobile.
Stellar player is optimized for laptops with touchscreen as well.

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Any Theme/Editor/Builder support

Stellar Video Player player works with any WordPress editor/builder like Elementor, Divi, Bluehost, Oxygen, Visual Composer, Beaver Builder etc. as well as with any WordPress theme. No matter which setup your wordpress has, you can easily integrate Stellar Video Player.

Gutenberg support

Beside Classic WordPress Editor, it has support for latest built-in WordPress editor – Gutenberg.

Lifetime support!

With this purchase you get a lifetime 5 star support. You also get a frequent updates, bug fixes and adding new features (on customers requests) for free!


  • the most creative video player
  • packed with options
  • pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, pop-up advertising that works with youtube videos/playlists/user channels
  • pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, pop-up advertising that works with vimeo videos
  • pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, pop-up advertising that works with self-hosted videos
  • Lightbox mode
  • mixed videos – YouTube/Vimeo/Self hosted/GoogleDrive
  • Google Drive videos support
  • Amazon S3 support
  • deeplinking
  • start with specific video
  • html5 self hosted quality selector HD/SD
  • mobile optimized
  • optimized for touchscreen laptops
  • responsive design
  • sticky mode
  • easy to use
  • choose between custom YouTube controls or default YouTube controls
  • multiple (unlimited) instances of Stellar video player in same page
  • resizeable width and height
  • font awesome icons – perfect for Retina displays (font Awesome icons are vectors, which mean they’re gorgeous on high-resolution displays)
  • fully customisable – use any color scheme you like or set one of the 20 pre-built colors (lime, green, emerald, teal, cyan, cobalt, indigo, violet, pink, magenta, crimson, red, orange, yellow, amber, brown, olive, steel, mauve, taupe)
  • choose between 3 types of player – with playlist (on right side or bottom) or without playlist (single video)
  • real fullscreen support
  • tooltip indicator for better user experiance
  • optional right-click menu
  • option to hide self hosted video sources (to prevent users from download/steal your videos)
  • autoplay (optional)
  • logo image (optional)
  • poster image (optional)
  • autohide controls (optional)
  • shuffle (optional)
  • load random video on webpage load (optional)
  • info window (optional)
  • social networks share (optional)
  • embed player (optional)
  • 6 video player pre-built shadow effects
  • use only buttons and functions that you need
  • 12 pre-built scrollbar types (light,minimal,light-2,light-3,light-thick,light-thin,inset,inset-2,inset-3,rounded,rounded-dots,3d)
  • well documented
  • free support
  • free updates

What buyers say:

[five stars]
Possibly the best video player on CodeCanyon…. and I’ve licensed them all.
A+++ This one is the one to get.

[five stars]
Great support, great video player, must have!
– M4GN3T

[five stars]
Great Job!
– NemsHD

[five stars]
great design
– pimpi

[five stars]
Very happy with this plugin! The author is great and responded to some quick questions!
– shamisworldfamous

[five stars]
best player ever.
– Karwowski

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Transition Slider is revolutionary image and video slider with advanced WebGL transition effects never seen before in slider plugins. Transition slider brings seamless transition effects with zoom blur, motion blur, camera roll, warp, twirl, stretch, fisheye and brightness. Impress your clients and customers with this unique slider!

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Stellar Video Player - WordPress plugin - 7

Transition Slider jQuery Plugin

Transition Slider WordPress Plugin

Change log

14.10.2022. – v2.9

- Vimeo API update

22.03.2022. – v2.8

- midroll fullscreen fix

01.02.2022. – v2.7

- textarea input value missing

29.10.2021. – v2.6

- load random video on page load

26.2.2021. – v2.5

- small fix for Arabic language

15.2.2021. – v2.4

- adjusted Vimeo videos to latest HTML5 autoplay policy

26.1.2021. – v2.3

- adjusted YouTube videos to latest HTML5 autoplay policy

22.1.2021. – v2.2

- New
Fast Forward video
Fast Backward video
Custom time for Fast Forward / Fast Backward steps in seconds

24.8.2020. – v2.1

- optimized for wordpress 5.5

31.1.2020. – v1.8

- YouTube API  key update

12.12.2019. – v1.7 Major update

- implemented Sticky mode to keep videos visible to your customers all the time on the page (when scrolling up/down through page). If video is not in user viewport, sticky player will appear in bottom corner, and if video is in user viewport, sticky player will automatically hide.

20.1.2019. – v1.6

- HTML5 autoplay available with 'muted' attribute (according to latest HTML5 video policy)

24.9.2018. – v1.4

- fixed search option for self hosted videos

6.9.2018. – v1.2

- added option "iOSPlaysinline" for iOS devices, which can play videos inline (like on desktop) or automatically play in Fullscreen by default

5.9.2018. – v1.1

- fixed fullscreen in case of multiple player instances

23.8.2018. – v1.0.6 – 1.0.9

- small bug fixes
- fixed search option for automatically generated youtube playlist

4.4.2018. – v1.0.5

- added option to adjust video ratio to fit perfectly when playlist is 'opened' or 'closed'

15.3.2018. – v1.0.4

- self hosted videos, update next btn image if click on last video in playlist

9.2.2018. – v1.0.3

- Deeplinking (user can share active (current) video, meaning any video from playlist can be accessed through URL)

12.1.2018. – v1.0.2

- added options to enable or disable Next video button, Rewind button and Quality menu 
- added new options; youtube start time option, youtube end time option

30.11.2018. – v1.0.1

- added RTL (right to left) support (texts can be from right to left for eastern countries)



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