Easy installation with demo content is available. You can get your theme ready with some simple steps in 5 minutes. Everything you see on demo page is provided.
If you already using a WordPress theme and you want to use a mobile special theme for mobile devices We included a guide for integration.
There is written instructions for installation in documentation and also video guide to do so too. You will not have any head aches or frustrations while using Sweipe!
Creating new and unique pages with Sweipe is extremely easy and fast. You can simply drag and drop from between many elements and customize them for your needs.
There are 10 option panel category to customize Sweipe. You can personalize almost anything for your needs from different fonts to different colorings.
Many smart phones have this feature and we give you ability to enable or disable this. You also have options to edit like delay, dismiss even the text user see.
Unlike generic option panels, When you use Sweipe option panel you will see your changes immediately on the other side of your screen. This saves a lot of time!
If you ever need to write or put your custom css/javascript code in Sweipe there are custom fields that you can use. You’ll never need to alter system code ever.
We ensured that to follow best SEO practices to help better rank your web site. You can also use best WordPress SEO plugins like YOAST or All in One SEO.
With customization panel you can change color of almost every element. Also page builder provides color changes too. Everything you need for personalize is here.
There are many custom sidebars where you can place widgets on.and also custom widgets. You can customize widgets for yourself and start using now.
This theme tested with W3 Total Cache plugin and proved compatibility. If you ever need to use this plugin to improve performance We got you covered.
English .pot file is included in theme folder, you can add your language and translate it.
This theme is fully compatible with WooCommerce. Shopping pages are fully tested and ready to use. Product, cart, checkout and other pages are ready.
We included child theme into Sweipe. When you download theme you will also get child theme. We also described the installation and activation on documentation.
You will receive theme update no matter what even you don’t buy support. Updating Sweipe require only just a click with Envato WordPress Toolkit, so easy.
14.07.2021 - ver 3.0.1 - WordPress 5.8.* compatible. - WPBakery Page Builder bumped up to latest version. - Revolution Slider bumped up to latest version. - Demo content update. - Slider demo content update. - JS Plugins update. - Main files downloaded now contains plugins. - Gutenberg block style fixes. - Workaround for google fonts with space in their name added by Kirki option panel, - Sticky post redesigned. - Block styles enqueued for better gutenberg support. - Image captions aligned. - Blockquote block styles fixed. - Style of password protected posts form redesigned. - Continue Reading link is now button. - Theme author block redesigned. - Alignment fixes made. - Redesigned Image captions for better visibility. - Title with markup fixed. - Gallery column support fixed to 9. - Gallery image caption line clamp set to 2. - Pagination redesigned. - Improvements for desktop visibility. - Fixed problem on hiding loading screen. Sometimes jQuery window on load event wouldn't fire and loading screen wouldn't disappear. - Fixed visual issues with WooCommerce buttons. - Many other fixes and improvements. 03.04.2020 - ver 2.1.6 - New Envato Theme Check compatibility. - Started using Firebase Storage as custom plugin CDN for faster and more reliable source. - Replaced Aq_Resize with a new custom function. - Fixed TGM Plugin Activation warnings. - Custom widgets moved out from core theme code to FlatMobile Sidebars plugin. - Child theme updated to version 1.0.1 for compatibility. - Full WordPress 5.4 compatibility checked. - Compatibility with the Contact Form bumped up to 5.1.7 version. - Compatibility with the Kirki Option Panel bumped up to 3.1.0 version. - Compatibility with the WooCommerce bumped up to 4.0.1 version. - Compatibility with the WPBakery Page Builder bumped up to 6.1 version. - Sweipe Sidebars plugin updated to 1.1 version Now this plugin contains custom widgets. - Sweipe VC Extend plugin updated to 1.5 version. 01.03.2020 - ver 2.1.4 - Compatibility: WordPress 5.3.x - Compatibility: Updated all plugins. 10.10.2016 - ver 2.1.3 - Compatibility: WordPress 4.6.1 - Compatibility: WooCommerce 2.6.7 - Update: Sweipe VC Extend version to 1.2 - Update: Sweipe Post Types version to 1.1 - Update: Contact Form 7 version to 4.5.1 - Update: WooCommerce version to 2.6.7 - Update: Visual Composer version to 4.12.1 - Update: Revolution Slider to - Update: Kirki version to 2.3.5 - Fixed: Search Page - Fixed: Testimonials 16.08.2016 - ver 2.1.2 - Fixed: Annoying flickering scroll issue 16.08.2016 - ver 2.1.1 - Fixed: In WebApp mode, lightboxes were not working 16.08.2016 - ver 2.1 - Improved: WebApp capability - Improved: Add to HomeScreen feature - Update: Demo Content 29.07.2016 - ver 2.0 - Compatibility: WordPress 4.5.3 - Compatibility: WooCommerce 2.6.4 - Update: Contact Form 7 version to 4.4.2 - Update: WooCommerce version to 2.6.4 - Update: Visual Composer version to 4.12 - Fixed: Demo homeslider 25.05.2016 - ver 1.9.2 - Fixed: An issue with old PHP version. - Fixed: Logo was not linked to Home Page. 25.05.2016 - ver 1.9 - New Feature: Add to Home Screen for iOS, Android, Blackberry and Playbook devices. Also this feature has variety of options at Customization panel. - Updated: Visual Composer from 4.11.1 to 4.11.2 - Updated: Contact Form 7 from 4.4.2 to 4.4.3 - Updated: TGMPA to 2.6.1 - Updated: Kirki from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2 - Updated: Kirki was bundled within theme files, removed it and added as a TGM plugin - Updated: Typography section on Appearance -> Customize reworked and better option table added. It’s easier to work with typography options now. - Updated: Increased the tap size of top right button which opens right panel. 31.03.2016 - ver 1.8 - Updated: Theme is now compatible with HTTPS SSL Certificates. - Updated: Visual Composer to 4.11.1. - Updated: WooCommerce to 2.5.5. - Fixed: Compatibility issues with WooCommerce 2.5.5 03.03.2016 - ver 1.7 - Fixed: Footer social icon changes - Fixed: Footer copyright text changes 25.02.2016 - ver 1.6 - Added: New options to menu items - Fixed: Some hosts were caching child themes style.css even after change - Fixed: Ripple effect - Fixed: Custom CSS and Custom JS codes were not working 24.02.2016 - ver 1.5 - Added: Ripple effect for menu is available - Added: Icon support for menu items - Fixed: Loading screen is now present 23.02.2016 - ver 1.4 - Added: Alternative panel reveal effect with blur - Fixed: Problem changing body text color - Updated: Option Panel - Updated: Visual Composer