Symmetric – A Magazine Theme for Ghost

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IMPORTANT: this template is for Ghost CMS not WordPress. We don’t offer refund for mistaken purchases.

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IMPORTANT: this theme is for Ghost CMS not WordPress.

Symmetric is a well structured magazine theme for Ghost. It is focused in the content and extend main Ghost funcionalities so the user get a unique web experiencie in this platform.


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What our customers says



  • Tested up to Ghost v3.0.2.
  • New!: Prepos 6 autocompiler (symmetric v5.0).
  • Translation ready.
  • Google Insights Score: 85% desktop and 93% mobile, check here.
  • *New: added 2 dispositions (one sidebar and no sidebar) for posts and pages.
  • Editorial style.
  • HTML5 & CSS3 ready.
  • Ghost 0.7.x to 3.x compatible.
  • PSD logo included.
  • Featured Articles carousel.
  • Featured sidebar (with 2 main categories).
  • Breaking news widget.
  • 4 Single post dispositions
    • Fullwidth: cover for large images, see here.
    • Standard: image inside the article, see here.
    • One sidebar: featured sidebar is hidden, see here.
    • No sidebar: both sidebars are hidden, see here.
  • Custom Tag page, see here.
  • Custom Author page, see here.
  • Custom 404 Page see here.
  • Blog background cover support.
  • Search Widget.
  • Gallery Support, similar to a WordPress Shortcode.
  • Native Google Maps v3 Integration, similar to a WordPress Shortcode.
  • Optimized advertising sections.
  • Disqus Support.
  • Syntax Highlighter.
  • Fully responsive.
  • Video Support (Vimeo, Youtube, etc).
  • Retina Display Ready.
  • Font Awesome icons.
  • Works on Android, Ipad and Iphone.
  • Documentation included.
  • Clean Design.
  • Well Coded.
  • Navigation Menu.


v5.6.0 - 04 October 2019
- * Improved: compatibility up to Ghost 3.0
- Added: lazy load for posts on homepage.
- Added: Bookmark card support.

v5.5.0 - 01 March 2019
- Improved: Search Engine not working with latest Ghost Content API (v2), check section 3.4 on documentation to get it work.
- Improved: now Symmetric is fully compatible with the latest Content API (v2), so it's not required Public Beta API anymore.
- Improved: according to the new Content API, Symmetric will work with Ghost v2.12 and higher, for lower versions, is still recommended to use Symmetric v5.3
- Improved: now Symmetric uses image scalation functions, this will improve the overall load time (smaller images).
- Removed: Google Maps api key support (now it is premium so only iframes are allowed).

v5.3.1 - 03 September 2018
- Minor fix: Added css/plugins.css file instead of css/plugins.min.css
- Updated: now plugins.css will be auto-compiled into dist/plugins.min.css automatically

v5.3 - 01 September 2018
- Feature: Now Symmetric supports Galleries on Koenig Editor
- Minor fix: changed lightbox arrows color, from gray to white

v5.2 - 23 August 2018
- Updated: symmetric now is fully compatible with Ghost v2.0.x
- Important: symmetric v4.7 to v5.1 is compatible with Ghost v2.0 with minor warnings.

v5.1 - 17 August 2018
- Fixed: comments count not working on Symmetric v5.0
- Improvement: higher contrast with markdown for codes.
- Minor changes to the documentation.

v5.0 - 17 August 2018
- Important Update: now Symmetric uses Prepos 6 autocompliler so any CSS or JS change will be minified and optimized automatically.
- Improvement: removed several CSS and JS folders to keep to folder structure clean.
- Improvement: several structures on default.hbs were changed to work with the new autocompiler. Same applies to CSS and JS.
- Documentation Updated: new section "How to edit CSS (prepos installation" 

v4.8.1 - 11 August 2018
- Minor fix: content width changed from 1170px to 120ppx

v4.8 - 11 August 2018
- Feature: added full support for koenig editor (ghost 1.25)

v4.7 - 26 May 2018
- Minor optimization: minified CSS will be loaded from partials folder.
- Documentation updated.

v4.6 - 27 April 2018
- Minor fix: preloaded CSS not working properly on Firefox and Old browsers (Internet Explorer).
- Improved: Google Maps scripts will be loaded asynchronously and only in the pages that will be needed.
- Update: now Google Insights is 85% Desktop and %93 mobile with crossbrowser compatibility.

v4.5.1 - 26 April 2018
- Minor fix: embed iframes not displaying correctly on mobile devices.
- Minor fix: long description for tag's page not working properly on mobile devices.

v4.5 - 26 April 2018
- Compatibility Test with Ghost v1.22
- Minor fix: now tag "breakings news" is hidden
- Major changes: symmetric was updated to achieve the highest score possible on Google Insights (87% desktop, 91% mobile).
- Major changes: documentation was fully redesigned and there is a new section "optimization".

v4.0 - 20 January 2018
- Compatibility Test with Ghost v1.20
- Now Symmetric is Translation Ready: includes English and Spanish.
- Major changes to CSS and JS files, now is using minified files to improve the overall speed of the template.
- FontAwesome updated to v4.7.

v3.2.1 - 22 September 2017
- Compatibility Test with Ghost v1.9
- Fixed: error with comment id for Disqus at index.hbs and partials/default-article.hbs
- Tested all functions on 100/100 passed rules. 

v3.2.0 - 21 September 2017
- Compatibility Test with Ghost v1.8.7
- Fixed: error with comment id for Disqus.
- Improved: breaking news slider effect.
- Improved: gallery shortcode on latest Ghost (v1.5 and greater) some inconsistencies with the linebreaks (br) and paragraphs.
- Documentation updated.

v3.1.2 - 04 September 2017
- Compatibility Test with Ghost v1.8.x
- Fixed: now posts without a featured image, will be displayed in fullwidth on any posts loop.

v3.1.1 - 17 August 2017
- Minor Change: added close button to the search results.
- Minor Change: added clearfix to every 2nd child to search results.

v3.1 - 16 August 2017
- Compatibility Test with Ghost v1.1.x
- Added 2 single and page dispositions: one sidebar and no sidebar.
- Updated: Documentation.
- Some minor fixes on mobile devices.

v3.0 - 26 July 2017
- Symmetric now is fully compatible with Ghost 1.0.x
- Updated: Documentation.
- Added: new readme file about wich zip file must be installed.

v2.4 - 24 May 2017
- Removed: Twitter slider is not longer available (twitter API doesn't allow access anymore).
- Added: Breaking news slider.
- Documentation updated (how to add breaking news slider).
- Tested on latest Ghost v0.11.9.

v2.3 - 12 March 2017
- Fixed: disqus comments count on home and single post.
- Documentation updated, added some tips about twitter widget.

v2.2 - 26 December 2016
- Improved: twitter account box now is wider, for long twitter names.
- Improved: twitter text box, now will cut any text if this one is longer than the parent box.
- Fixed: submit buttons (when using forms) is now aligned to left.

v2.1 - 16 August 2016
- Fixed: tags not showing up on carousel (symmetric v2).
- Updated: documentation about how to use a twitter widget.

v2.0.1 - 08 July 2016
- Added: ios momentum on mobile devices.

v2.0 - 22 June 2016 (IMPORTANT UPDATE)
- Now carousel, featured-top, featured-bottom, cloudtag and search form will use the latest Ghost Public API (Ghost 0.7.8+ is required).
- Fixed cloudtag now show all tags, not just the recent ones.
- Fixed search form, now this will search inside all website, not just the recent post.
- Improved: featured-top and featured-bottom sections has an independent limit (7).
- Improved: carousel section has an independent limit (10).
- Added: ghost-symmetric v1.5 legacy zip file, if you are experiencing some errors with version 2.0 of Symmetric.

v1.5 - 19 June 2016 
- Fixed Twitter carousel.

v1.4 - 31 October 2015 
- Updated to latest disqus integration code.
- Added comments icon when single standard view is displayed.

v1.3.1 - 27 October 2015 
- Improved: now facebook widget is displayed in English by default.

v1.3 - 24 October 2015 
- Fixed: latest tweets widget (now works in a diferent way so check the documentation).

v1.2 - 22 October 2015 
- Fixed: menu links overlapping on mobile devices.
- Improved: single post share buttons disposition on mobile devices.

v1.1 - 13 October 2015 
- Added: flickr widget (config file was updated too).
- Added share buttons on articles.
- Minor fix: Removed search box animation from sticky menu to optimize menu max width.
- Minor fix: footer logo title now is white when no image logo is uploaded.
- Changed Gallery shortcode animation.
- Improved main-color.css file so now the user have more control over the design.
- Improved menu disposition on tablet devices and small desktops.
- Improved author page disposition when no cover image is uploaded.
- Improved advertising banners.
- Documentation updated.


Images by: unsplash


Fonts icons by: Fonts Awesome


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