Tagxi Super Bidding – Taxi + Goods Delivery Complete Solution With Bidding Option

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Accelerate the growth of your Transportation Enterprise using our cutting-edge, customer-focused Ride and Goods delivery Management System, complete with an advanced bidding capability. Our platform is meticulously designed to streamline and resolve the intricate challenges encountered during dispatch operations, ensuring seamless real-time solutions. At Tagxi-Super-Bidding, our relentless pursuit of innovation and state-of-the-art technology guarantees unparalleled value addition to your Taxi and Delivery Business, propelling it towards unrivaled success.

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Note before purchase

  • You must have a Technical knowledge to complete server & mobile App setup or You should hire developer to
    complete the setup.
  • We also provide paid installation services.

Demo Video




Promotional website

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Demo Links

Android User App

Android Driver App

IOS User App

IOS Driver App


Key Features

User App

  • Set pickup/Drop location by map
  • book a ride & Realtime ETA
  • Facilitate competitive fare selection among drivers.
  • Show cars on map in Realtime
  • Book A Schedule Ride
  • Save Favourite Location
  • Apply Promo codes
  • Choose Payment Method as cash/card/wallet
  • Add Money to Wallet by Debit/Credit Card
  • Localization Supports
  • Multiple Currency Support
  • SOS-Realtime Notify to admin
  • Referral Program
  • In-App chat B/W Driver & User
  • Ride History with Trip status fiter
  • Ratings & Review
  • Cancel Ride with dynamic cancellation reasons

Driver App

  • Switch Into the shift
  • Bidd the fare between customers
  • Manage Documents & Approval
  • Earnings Dashboard
  • Realtime location update during On trip
  • Start Ride with Otp Feature
  • Cancel Ride with dynamic cancellation reasons
  • Add Money to Wallet by Debit/Credit Card
  • Localization Supports
  • Multiple Currency Support
  • SOS-Realtime Notify to admin
  • Referral Program
  • In-App chat B/W Driver & User
  • Ride History with Trip status filter

Admin Portal

  • Realtime Dashboard
  • Configure Needed documents
  • Roles & Permissions for admin app menus
  • Settings & Configurations
  • Geofencing & Zone creation
  • Multiple currency support by creating service location
  • Price configuration for ride now/ Schedule ride
  • Heat Map
  • Gods Eye(Map view of drivers)
  • Trip Request Management
  • User & Driver Management
  • sos Number configurations
  • Surge Price & Timings
  • Cancellation Reasons Configurations
  • complaint Catgory & Complaint state Management
  • Send Custom Push Notifications to the user & driver
  • Reports- for user,driver & Travel & Financial Reports
  • FAQ Management
  • Ratings & Review Management
  • Live Tracking each Request
  • Airport Pickup/Drop Fee Configs

Dispatcher Portal

  • Realtime Tracking drivers on Map
  • Driver filters On Map
  • Book a Ride
  • Book a Schedule Ride
  • Realtime Trip Request status
  • Detailed of each Ride

Payment Gateway Test Cards

  1. Stripe Card Info
  2. Card No: 4242 4242 4242 4242

    Cvv: Any 3 Digits number

    Expiry Date -Any Future Date

  3. Paystack
  4. Card No: 4084 0840 8408 4081

    Cvv: 408

    Expiry Date -Any Future Date

  5. RazorPay
  6. Click Here to Get Card Info

  7. Cashfree
  8. Click Here to Get Card Info

Package Contents

The package you will get after purchase consists of following folders

  • Documentation: Available online : View Doc
  • Flutter Source Code Of user & driver apps
  • Server-App : Admin panel & Backend api Source code

Feel free to connect us if you have any queries via support@misoftwares.com


  • For customers who have Regular License: we do not support setting your server or android studio and ios
    excode environment in your local device installation, please check our demo application and try all features
    before buying it.
  • Installation and customization service is available you can request for installation now by contacting via
    email at support@misoftwares.com
  • The Customer who purchase this script should have prior technical knowledge in the mobile development and
    server installation part
  • For customers who have an Extended License: we will support you and checking your hosting and android studio
    and ios excode environment in your local machine, get help in payment gateway issues, notification issues,
    adding new languages,etc.
  • When you customize your application our support team cannot help with issues of your customizations.
  • We try for a fast reply to your issues, but as described on our support tab, response time may be up to 5
    business days. Too many issues/feature questions that do not include in the support service will slow down
    our reply time. Please investigate yourself before opening a ticket or posting a comment.
  • Before asking our team, please check our instantly updated documentation http://tagxi-docs.ondemandappz.com
  • Try our demo application for free, we can clarify anything before purchasing our item.
  • You can’t get a refund once the item has been downloaded in any circumstances, check Envato refund policies



  • VPS server with Ubuntu(20.4) preferred.
  • Billing enabled google cloud & Firebase console access.
  • Flutter 3.10.6
  • Xcode 14.0.1

Change Log


    - Initial Release


- Multiple Vehicle types feature added for drivers app 
- Bidding & Normal ride can be enabled for each vehicle type feature updated 
- Ride later & Without destination feature can be available for normal ride vehicles 


 - Flutter version upgraded from 3.3.4 to 3.10.6 


- Share ride details with live tracking link feature updated
- Change Payment method at end of the ride when it's cash/card by the customer feature updated
- Payment received status update when it's cash by driver added
- Categorised Fare list by service location updated in admin admin-panel
- Minor Bug fixes


- New UI update for mobile applications
- Mercadepago payment gatewat added 


- Mercadepago payment gatewat bug fixes for server app 
- User app trip invoice flicker issue fixes
- Dark theme issue fixes
- Minor issue fixes for both server & mobile apps


- Admin comission update for drivers 
- Bug fixes done for both mobile app & server side apps 


-Live chat between Admin & users/Drivers feature added 
- Custom make & model feature added for driver signup
- Minor bug fixes done for both server & mobile apps 
- Promotional Banner feature added for User app 


 - Flutter version upgrade to 3.16.0
 - Banner feature added in the users app
 - Waze map added for navigation
- Minor bug fixes done for both server & mobile apps 

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Flutter 3.x

Demo Url

https://super Bidding.ondemandappz.com

Mobile Files Included

JavaScript JS, PHP, JavaScript JSON, XML, .java, Dart, JavaScript JSON, .java

Video Preview Resolution
