Tailor Online – WooCommerce Plugin for Online Custom Tailoring

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Tailor Online is a premiere WooCommerce plugin for online custom tailoring. It is enriched with excellent features including unlimited customizers, online design and submission, email notifications, measurement submission for each order and a lot more.

The excellent and robust code is backed up by contemporary and user friendly design which is almost ready made for tailors and businesses/shops related to online tailoring.

This plugin introduces an easy to use and affordable online dress designing feature for modern online bespoke tailoring websites. Using our plugin the retailer can add options for various design styles for each customizer and users can design and customize their clothes by selecting different design patterns as they get the freedom to choose every component that goes into tailoring your outfit.
The design allows users to choose the fabric and unlimited style elements which have been created using our plugin for example collar style, buttons, pockets, etc.
Once a user has made a design, they will get an option to enter their measurements for that particular order. Our excellent measurement tutorial videos are included with this plugin and they provide an easy approach to take accurate measurements. Once the order is completed, the user will get an email notification.

We have found the perfect balance between usability, design and code robustness. Tailor Online is a powerful plugin which is affordable and ready made for online custom design and tailoring.
It is fully responsive and works perfectly on all devices.

Features Include:

-- BestWooCommerce Plugin for Online tailoring. 
-- Custom video tutorials with text included for custom tailoring. 
-- Unlimited Customizers and steps
-- Measurements with video and image gallery guide 
-- Powerful admin panel
-- Free premium built-in assets
-- Free Custom icons included. 
-- Easy to use. 
-- Easy to customize. 
-- Detailed Documentation.
-- Receive online order and order detail
-- Customize email template for orders

Welcome Tailors Online
Welcome Tailors Online

V 2.1.3

-- Add to cart button display issue while no customizer attached
-- Add to car button display option added on detail page. 
-- Dokan plugin compatibility added

V 2.1.2

-- WooCommerce add to cart replaced with customize now button issues fixed
-- Add to cart( Customizer ) button text options added instead of edit image
-- Minor css fixes
-- Customizer button display, while customizer is enabled product detail page issue has been fixed 
-- Compatibility added with variable products 

V 2.1.1 – 2 October 2018
Please Note: Since release 1.4 is there was a major update with new features. Before update please take database and files backup.

-- WooCommerce add to cart replaced with customise now button issues fixed 
-- Add to cart( Customiser ) button text options added instead of edit image
-- Minor css fixes

V 2.1.1 – 2 October 2018
Please Note: Since release 1.4 is there was a major update with new features. Before update please take database and files backup.

-- WooCommerce Compatibility issue fixed

V 2.1.0 – 25 June 2018
Please Note: Since release 1.4 is there was a major update with new features. Before update please take database and files backup.

-- Customizer saving issue in products edit mode fixed.

V 2.0 – 13 June 2018
Please Note: Since release 1.4 is there was a major update with new features. Before update please take database and files backup.

-- Replace "Add To Cart" button with "Customize Now" Settings added
-- Customizer and Measurement settings issue fixed on cart and checkout pages.
-- .POT template update : Translations issues fixed.

V 1.9 – 25 May 2018
Please Note: Since release 1.4 is there was a major update with new features. Before update please take database and files backup.

-- Apparel step show issue on first load fixed [Fix]
-- Replace add to cart button with customize button if customizer enabled [New]

V 1.8 – 03 May 2018
Please Note: Since release 1.4 is there was a major update with new features. Before update please take database and files backup.

-- Measurement type issue on checkout page fixed

V 1.7 – 24 April 2018
Please Note: Since release 1.4 is there was a major update with new features. Before update please take database and files backup.

-- Minor css fixes
-- Error message fixed while adding settings to cart

V 1.6 – 23 March 2018
Please Note: Since release 1.4 is there was a major update with new features. Before update please take database and files backup.

-- Themes Compatibility( Styling ) issues fixed
-- Topbar for customizer options removed
-- Images for measurements added in package

V 1.5 – 5 March 2018
Please Note: Since release 1.4 is there was a major update with new features. Before update please take database and files backup.

-- Steps assets override on customizer update fixed 
-- Minor css fixes

V 1.4 – 29 January 2018
Please Note: Since release 1.4 is there was a major update with new features. Before update please take database and files backup.

-- Minor css issues fixed
-- Textarea for custom css  added
-- Steps tabs made click-able
-- Thumbnail and Preview image options added in customizer steps
-- Tooltip options( back-end ) added for each step

V 1.3 – 02 November 2017

-- Minor css fixed
-- Force measurements on cart and checkout pages options added
-- Email producing HTML content in console issue fixed
-- Steps Sorting options added

V 1.2 – 17 august 2017

-- Dynamic Color Schemes options added 
-- Customizer steps at product detail page options added.
-- Measurements scale issue fixed 
-- Measurements pagination (Step number) added 

V 1.1 – 09 May 2017

-- Email template issue fixed

Please : Theme and images are just for the preview and are not included in the package.

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

WordPress 4.7.x

Compatible With

WooCommerce 3.0.x

Demo Url

http://www.codezel.com/tailors Online/

Gutenberg Optimized


High Resolution
Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP

Video Preview Resolution


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