Introducing ‘Tangram Swap,’ a captivating puzzle game centered around the ancient Chinese art of tangram. In this game, players are presented with a collection of beautifully crafted tangram pieces, initially shuffled and scattered across the screen. The objective is to strategically click on the pieces to swap their positions, allowing players to gradually assemble the correct shape.
The player can also rotate the pieces to unlock additional possibilities for fitting them together. By combining swapping and rotating actions, the player must skillfully manipulate the tangram pieces until they perfectly align and complete the target shape.
Featuring an intuitive interface and visually stimulating graphics, ‘Tangram Swap’ provides a delightful gameplay experience for puzzle enthusiasts of all ages.
Get ready to exercise your problem-solving skills, unleash your creativity, and embark on an immersive tangram-solving adventure in ‘Tangram Swap.’ Can you conquer the art of tangram as you swap and rotate your way to puzzle-solving glory? It’s time to find out!
Know also: Move to Gram
Portrait (1280×720)
Made in Construct 3. No third party pluginsbehaviors.
– Works in most browsers.
– Mouse and touch controls.
– Easy way to add/replace images.
– Included Sources: Construct 3 (r344.2)
What you get
– Documentation.
– Construct 3 Files (source).
– HTML5 Game files exported.