Taskify SaaS – Project Management System in Laravel

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Taskify SaaS – Project Management System in Laravel

Most awaited, loved, and latest Project Management, Task management and Productivity Tool’s SaaS version has arrived. Kickstart your business with the robust and feature-rich SaaS software.

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Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Super Admin Panel - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Super Admin Dashboard - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Customizable and configurable - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Custom roles and permissions - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Features - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Media Storage - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Plans - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Transactions - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Projects, Tasks, statuses - Admin panel - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Chat, Meetings - Admin panel - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Time tracking - Admin panel - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Activity Log & Birthday, Work Anniversaries and Leaves - Admin panel - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Workspaces - Admin panel - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Team members and Clients - Admin panel - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Leave Requests and Multi-Language - Admin panel - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Estimates, Invoices, Expenses, Payments & Taxes - Admin panel - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
ToDos - Admin panel - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool
Notes - Admin panel - Taskify SaaS - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity Tool

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Demo Details:

URL: https://taskify-saas.taskhub.company/

Super Admin / Business Owner: superadmin@gmail.com
Password: 12345678

Admin / SaaS Subscriber: admin@gmail.com
Password: 12345678

Team Member: teammember@gmail.com
Password: 12345678

Client: client@gmail.com
Password: 12345678

Taskify SaaS version, you get all the powerful features of the standard version, plus additional capabilities
tailored for a SaaS (Software as a Service) offering, including:

Super Admin / Business Owner Panel

The Super Admin Panel is a centralized command center that allows you to manage and monetize your SaaS offering

✨ Subscription Plans: Create and configure different subscription plans with varying feature sets and pricing
tiers to cater to diverse customer needs.

Billing Management: Seamlessly manage payments, and subscription, with support for popular payment gateways
like PayPal, Stripe, PhonePe, and Paystack.

Usage Analytics: Gain valuable insights into subscription usage, customer activity, and revenue metrics to
inform your business decisions.

User Management: Efficiently manage customer accounts, assign roles and permissions, and monitor user
activity logs for transparency and accountability.

⚙️ Customizable Settings and System: Tailor the platform to your organization’s specific needs and preferences
by customizing settings and system configurations. Adjust branding elements, such as logos and color schemes, to
align with your brand identity. Modify default settings, layouts, and functionalities to create a personalized user
experience tailored to your unique workflow.

Auto-update System Updater: Stay ahead of the curve with an automated system updater that keeps your
platform up-to-date effortlessly. Receive regular updates containing the latest features, enhancements, and security
patches without any manual intervention. Ensure your platform remains secure, efficient, and equipped with the
latest tools and functionalities to meet evolving user demands.

Custom Roles and Permissions: Define custom roles with specific permissions tailored to the organization’s
structure and requirements, ensuring secure and controlled access to sensitive data and features.

With these advanced capabilities, the Super Admin Panel empowers your customers to optimize the Taskify SaaS platform
according to their organization’s requirements, ensuring seamless operation, maximum efficiency, and unmatched user

Customer’s panel for Admin, their Team and Clients

With the Taskify SaaS version, each customer organization has an “Admin” user role, granting them administrative
privileges over their dedicated instance of the platform. They can manage their billings, their team, clients and
much more :

Workspace Management: Create and manage workspaces tailored to their organization’s needs, fostering
focused collaboration and information security.

User Management: Add, update, and remove user accounts within their organization, assigning appropriate
roles and permissions.

⚙️ Customization: Customize the platform’s look and feel, including branding elements like logos and color
schemes, to align with their organization’s identity.

Access Control: Control access to specific features, data, and settings based on their organization’s
requirements and subscription plan.

Project Management Tools (Tags, Deadlines, Budgets): Effortlessly organize and prioritize projects using
tags, set deadlines to ensure timely completion, and manage project budgets efficiently.

✅ Task Management : Create tasks, assign deadlines, and track progress in real-time to ensure projects stay on
schedule and within scope.

Elegant and Informative Dashboard: Gain comprehensive insights into project statuses, team productivity,
and upcoming deadlines through a visually appealing and intuitive dashboard.

Custom Statuses for Projects and Tasks: Define custom statuses for projects and tasks to reflect their
current stage in the workflow accurately.

Real-time Chat with Live Notifications: Foster instant communication and collaboration among team members
with a built-in chat feature, complete with live notifications to keep everyone in the loop.

Virtual Meetings: Schedule and conduct virtual meetings directly within the platform, eliminating the need
for external communication tools and ensuring all project-related discussions are centralized.

Dedicated Workspaces: Create dedicated workspaces for different teams or projects, facilitating focused
collaboration and organization.

Client Management: Maintain a comprehensive database of clients and their project-related information,
streamlining client communication and relationship management.

Leave Request Management: Streamline leave request processes, allowing employees to submit requests, track
their status, and manage their leave balances effectively.

Duplication of Projects, Tasks, Meetings, Contracts, and Payslips: Duplicate various elements such as
projects, tasks, meetings, contracts, and payslips with ease to save time and streamline repetitive processes.

Contract Management: Manage contracts efficiently within the platform, including creation, editing, and
tracking of contract statuses and deadlines.

Payslip Generation and Distribution: Automate payslip generation and distribution processes, ensuring
accurate and timely payment to employees.

Multi-Language Support: Reach a global audience with multi-language support, enabling users from different
regions to access and utilize the platform in their preferred language.

Note-taking and Knowledge Sharing: Capture and share important information, insights, and best practices
through built-in note-taking features, fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration.

✅ To-Do Lists: Create and manage to-do lists to keep track of tasks and priorities, ensuring nothing falls
through the cracks.

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With the Taskify SaaS version, you can effectively monetize your project management and productivity platform while
providing a robust and scalable solution to your customers, allowing them to streamline their workflows and foster
collaboration within their organizations.

This is not all, more exciting features are coming up very soon. Thank you for exploring Taskify SaaS, Have a great
time ahead!

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

PHP 8.x, MySQL 8.x, MySQL 5.x

Demo Url

https://taskify Saas.taskhub.company/login

High Resolution


Software Framework


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL

Video Preview Resolution
