TeamWork is a project management system that facilitates ease in keeping a on project progress. Maintenance of projects becomes easier by assigning leads to concerned staffs.
Demo link:
pass: admin123456
pass: client123456
pass: staff123456
- Stripe Payment Gateway
- Realtime chat
- Realtime chat option
- One to One chat option
- Multiple files attach option
- Zoom Meeting
- New Meeting Create
- Upcoming Meeting List
- Live Meeting List
- Previous Meeting List
- You can create/edit/delete a zoom meeting only admin users permitted.
- TeamWork
- Projects management
- Clients management
- Staffs management
- Task List (Add New List, Edit and Delete) in Task Board
- Task List (Drag and Drop)
- New task (Add a task, Edit and Delete)
- Task (Drag and Drop)
- Task (Move the task)
- Change Task Status
- Task Activity (Comments and Attachment)
- Task history
- New task assigned email notifications the staff
- Task removed email notifications the staff
- Project (Create, Edit and Delete)
- View Project Details
- Project (Start Date and End Date) deadline
- Project Status(Inprogress, Completed and Timeout)
- Add Project Description
- Project invite notifications
- Project deleted email notifications the project creation staff
- Client (Create, Edit and Delete)
- Client Profile View
- Staff (Create, Edit and Delete)
- Staff Profile View
- Staff Active/Inactive Option
- Staff Roles (Admin/Staff) Option
- You can create/edit/delete a milestone only admin users permitted.
- Only view invoice staffs and clients a permitted.
- Milestones
- Invoice management
- Track paid & unpaid invoices
- New staff awaiting review email notifications the administrator
- New account pending review email notifications the staff
- Staff Active/Inactive email notifications the staff
- Account deleted email notifications the staff
- Unlimited Color
- Easily Label and Message changeable
- Google reCAPTCHA (Enable/Disable) Option
- Mail Setting (Enable/Disable) Option
- Mail subject and body easily changeable
- Web and email notifications
- All reports on Dashboard
- Professional email template include
- and more…
Software Requirements
- PHP 8.0
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- v 1.2.0 (01/03/2023) - Laravel Framework Upgrading To 9.0 From 8.x - Added SMTP Feature
- v 1.1.1 (28/01/2022) - Laravel Framework Upgrading To 8.0 From 7.x
- v 1.1.0 (02/02/2021) - Minor bug fixed
- v 1.0.0 (08/01/2021) - Initial Release
If you have any questions about this Teamwork Laravel – Project Management System, please feel free to contact with me via email :
Thanks so much!