TechLine – Technology Modern Theme

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User friendly multipurpose web based business HTML5 template, constantly updated and growing.
Built with WPTF, the most powerful and advanced framework for develop modern websites in HTML and JQuery.
Enjoy the extreme customization power and a very big set of modern components, features and options.
You can use it for every business like startups, businesses, agencies, web services, individuals, web agency, financial, creative agencies.


V 1.4.7
Security bug fix.

v 1.4.6
WordPress 5.x and Gutenberg full compatibility.
PHP 7.2+ full compatibility.
Plugins update to latest version.

v 1.4.5
New feature: repeating animation for fullpage
New feature: checkbox for contact form
New feature: set sections background position
New feature: new CSS class "Shadow" 
New feature: pricing table button style option
New feature: custom separator char for counter component
New feature: text list component animations
New feature: scroll box gradient overlay and top/bottom position classes
New feature: custom title and text size content box component
Update: support of Lists - Post Types components for classic mode posts
Update: removed WordPress admin layout change on small screens
Bug fix: drag and drop issues
Bug fix: copy and paste feature bugs
Bug fix: post's author name
Bug fix: Woocommerce shop archive page
Bug fix: blog and Lists - Post Types various fixes of the following archives: main, category, tag, monthlyear, author
Bug fix: font family settings on theme options panel (Safari only bug)
Bug fix: search results excerpt
Bug fix: various back-end and front-end bugs fix
Bug fix: boxed and transparent option on page setting 
Bug fix: Facebook stream comments bug

v 1.4.4
New feature: SMTP support for contact form component. Go to Theme options > Social and API
New feature: fullpage custom anchor links for horizontal sections (slides)
New feature: fullpage links compatibility to navigate between sections and slides
Update: font Awesome update to version 4.7
Update: update to all arrows (lightbox gallery, fullpage arrows, sliders, menus) now created with only the CSS without icons
Bug fix: translation strings
Bug fix: breadcrbumbs for category and tags pages

v 1.4.3
New feature: post informations for classic mode and theme forest review process 
New feature: shortcode support for footer content
Bug fix: author archive
Bug fix: various back-end and front-end bugs fix
Bug fix: infinite loop of some shortcode of external plugins like Woocommerce

v 1.4.2
Design update: new UI design, admin and page builder
Feature update: removed components: Page popup and Page Lightbox. Now available as separated options
Feature update: new Twitter stream plugin, users need to set the keys from the options panel
New feature: full area links for content box components 
New feature: manual demo importing option
New feature: removed component: Background icon
Bug fix: various back-end and front-end bugs fix
Bug fix: animation for List - Post Type box types: side icon and top icon
Bug fix: button lightbox content settings saving

v 1.4.1
Feature update: masonry menu now remove automatically empty categories and categories assigned to all items
Bug fix: social share button
Bug fix: wordpress pagination next and previous buttons
Bug fix: contact form subject and sending

v 1.4
New feature: copy and paste components on the fly
New feature: contact form now use wp_email and is compatible with WP Mail SMTP By WPForms
New feature: search show featured image of the pages, post and woocommerce products, the image can be hidden on single page from theme options
New feature: two blocks section boxed layout
New feature: icon boxes left layout
New feature: tab titles with description text
New feature: tab size for vertical menu
New feature: admin layout with auto columns for sliders components
New feature: outer menu position for masonry
New feature: new text list component style
Feature update: admin images now are showed always correctly 
Bug fix: logo retina on middle logo menu and top logo menu
Bug fix: logo on middle logo menu transparent version
Bug fix: minor bugs fixed on various components

v 1.3
New feature: custom theme options for single post or page
New feature: image coverflow container now 5 new features
New feature: fullPage anchor menu links
New feature: new style for text lists
New feature: new extra content for content box component
New feature: bleed option for parallax titles
New feature: Post type boxes title sizes
New feature: Woocommerce menu cart
New feature: Woocommerce support for breadcrumbs
New feature: Contact form button styles
Bug fix: lot's of minor bugs has been fixed

v 1.2
New component: breadcrumbs
New component: steps
New feature: button style for image box, content box and Lists components
New feature: white option for title
New feature: smooth scroll
New feature: new options for Lists components
New feature: new options for Slider components
New feature: border style buttons
New feature: scroll to top button
New feature: breadcrumbs for the titles
New feature: new css classes list for the composer
New feature: improved layout for the composer
Bug fix: lot's of minor bugs has been fixed

Images and videos from demo site are not included.


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