The Otaku 2.0 | Photoshop Plugin

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Follow us on in IGVideo TutorialThe Otaku 2.0 - GIF 01The Otaku 2.0 - Title 0 Otaku 2.0 - GIF 02The Otaku 2.0 - Title 02The Otaku 2.0 - GIF 03The Otaku 2.0 - Title 03The Otaku 2.0 - GIF 04

Item Description:

Welcome! If you love our first version of The Otaku Plugin, we are here to let you know that we have comes with another version of this plugin, Stop spending your time on 01 effects per 01 images and make generate an unlimited effect in clicks and in minutes, we provide a Chinese Artwork Photoshop Tool that will do the right job for you, you’ll have the access to a smart photoshop plugin to generate a mask in 01 clicks for your image (For Photoshop CC2018+), and apply the effect in 01 clicks without loading resources, without worry about the presets and everything! you’ll have a great Chinese effect in high resolution and powerful result and fully editable layers, folders, and adjustments.

You have full control of your result by changing the switching between the display mode, sun styles, shadow styles, and the additional elements, you’ll have the access to the video tutorial that comes with the plugin to show you how to install and use the plugin, watch it and edit the final result to get a better output.

Item Features:

The plugin works only on Photoshop CC2015.5, CC2017, CC2018, CC2019, CC2020 and CC2021.

  1. 02 Display Modes (Ligh & Dark).
  2. 03 Artistic Sun Styles.
  3. 03 Realistic Shadows Styles.
  4. 03 Editable Canvas Styles.
  5. +20 Additional Colors FX.
  6. Additional Manga Style.

Item Support:

If you get any issues with the plugin, contact us by describing your issue and your layers panel screenshot, to help us assist your correctly, we will be in touch with you as soon as fast we can.
Our email:

Item Review:

Your support is just in 01 clicks, but it’s precious for us! we will be grateful if you give us a 05 stars review, that will help us a lot.
you can review the item from here, Thank You!

Item Change LOG:

• 14 - May - 2021 • v1.0.0 • Initial Release •


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