The robot is programmed to dance. The video is shot close-up.
This video was shot using Canon 5d Mark 3. If you liked this video, rate it, please!
This video can be used in background, business, computer, man, 3d, dance, technology, android, humanoid, robot, cyborg, futuristic, head, human, moving, tech, white, alpha, awesome, body, boy, camera, character, cool, cut, cyber, dron, glossy, grey, handsome, light, male, matte, multimate, neck, plastic, reflecions, render, replace, robotic, security, stylish, upper, wired, robotics, science, ai, artificial, automation, autonomous, ball, biotechnology, control, cybernetic, drone, electronic, energy, expo, eyes, fun, future, gaze, handheld, industry, intelligence, intelligent, learn, machine, matrix, mechanical, mobile, move, play, power, program, remote, sci-fi, scientist, smart, space.