The Team Pro – Team Showcase WordPress Plugin

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AWSM Team Pro is the most versatile WordPress plugin available to create and manage your Team page.

Team Plugin for WordPress

AWSM Team Pro comes with 8 cool presets and a number of style options. You can create a great looking team section on your WordPress site in a few minutes after installing the plugin.

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The Team Pro - Team Showcase WordPress Plugin - 2

Team Plugin Video Demo


  • Responsive and Touch Enabled
  • Number of style options for each presets
  • Clean design
  • Detailed documentation
  • Icon font included

8 Unique presets

  • Drawer
  • Modals
  • Slide-In
  • Grid
  • Circle
  • Card
  • Table
  • List

Page Builder Support

AWSM Team PRO supports Gutenberg and popular page builder plugins to easily add your team layouts to your pages

  • Gutenberg
  • WPBakery
  • Elementor
  • BeaverBuilder

Showcase! See the plugin in action in these great websites!

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V 1.11.2 [13 Nov 2023]
  - Fixed: Team block issue in back end editor.
  - Fixed: Trashed teams showing in the front end.
  - Fixed: Team member count issue.
  - Code improvements.
  - Other minor bug fixes.

V 1.11.1 [2nd March 2023]
  - Fixed: License validation issue

V 1.11.0 [2nd March 2022]
  - Added: Option to disable 'All' tab for team filters.
  - Code improvements.
  - Other minor bug fixes.

V 1.10.2 [10th Aug 2021]
  - Fixed: Conflict with Elementor Builder when WordPress debug mode is enabled

V 1.10.1 [05th Aug 2021]
  - Fixed: 'Enable auto-updates' feature not working.
  - Improved: Automatic plugin update handling.
  - Minor bug fixes.

V 1.10.0 [09th July 2021]
  - Added: Members Search Feature.
  - Added: Support for limiting members with the 'limit' attribute in the shortcode.
  - Fixed: Drawer preset issues with multiple teams.
  - Fixed: Transition issue with Modal Preset in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
  - Improved: Icons for the member links.
  - Code improvements.
  - Other minor bug fixes.

V 1.9.2 [26 March 2021]
- Fixed: Issues with jQuery version 3.5.0 and above.
- Fixed: Touch issues in some presets.

V 1.9.1 [12 March 2021]
- Fixed: PHP 8 compatibility issues.
- Fixed: Team shortcode causing issues with some page builders.
- Fixed: Timeout issue in some installations for the member screen.
- Improved: Icons for the member links.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

V 1.9.0 [10 Dec 2020]
  - Added: WPML and Polylang Support.
  - Fixed: External library injection from JS.
  - Fixed: Issue in animation queue for modal type presets causing a blank screen popup.
  - Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

V 1.8.1 [31 Aug 2020]
- Fixed: Admin Notices generated by 'Enable jQuery Migrate Helper' plugin.
- Fixed: Issues with XML Sitemap generated by WordPress from Version 5.5.
- Other minor bug fixes.

V 1.8.0 [9 June 2020]
  - Added: Deep linking options for Members and Team Filters. Template files need to be updated if overridden in theme.
  - Fixed: Conflict with some AJAX powered themes.
  - Fixed: JS based events added by other plugins in member content not working with Drawer preset.
  - Improved: AWSM Team module for Beaver Builder.
  - Other minor bug fixes and code improvements.

V 1.7.2 [30/03/2020]
  - Fixed: 'AWSM Team' Gutenberg block compatibility issues in WordPress 5.4.
  - Improved: Automatic plugin update handling.
  - Improved: Member edit screen styles.
  - Minor bug fixes.

V 1.7.1 [21 Feb 2020]
  - Fixed: Page reload issue in iOS when modal popup is opened.
  - Fixed: Members with Draft status appearing in Members dropdown under Team details.
  - Fixed: HTML content get stripped from Designation and Short Description fields.
  - Fixed: A conflict with NextGEN Gallery plugin that prevents a user from adding or editing member details in Gutenberg.
  - Improved: Modal and Slide-Ins presets animations.
  - Other minor fixes and style improvements.

V 1.7.0 [9 Dec 2019]
  - Added: Options to control the thumbnail image size for the team members.
  - Added: Drag and drop sorting for team filters.
  - Added: New icons in Links for members.
  - Fixed: Team members display issue when translations are applied for team filters.
  - Fixed: Flickering issue for team listing when team filters are applied.
  - Fixed: An issue in modal when a fixed header is used.
  - Fixed: Deprecated warning in the Elementor editor.
  - Improved: Post updated messages.
  - Other minor bug fixes and code improvements.

V 1.6.1 [14 November 2019]
- Fixed: Members reordering bug

V 1.6.0 [1 July 2019]
- Added: Elementor support
- Added: Beaver Builder support
- Fixed: Popup next/prev navigation bug when the teams are filtered

V1.5.0 [21 June 2019]
  - Added: Gutenberg block
  - Other UI and code improvements

V1.4.5 [18 June 2019]
  - Added: Automatic update feature
  - Fixed: Filtering not working when special characters added in the title

V 1.4.4 [12 June 2019]
  - Fixed: A bug not returning image size other than member featured images

V 1.4.3 [24 May 2019]
  - Fixed: URL escaping the issue of email addresses 

V 1.4.2 [20 May 2019]
  - Fixed: Bug that caused appearing of empty space while switching filters
  - Removed: Removed srcset from images
  - Added: Phone number detection from additional information and turned to link
  - Minor improvements

V 1.4.1 [26 April 2019]
  - Fixed: js error on iOS that prevented touch events

V 1.4.0 [24 April 2019]
  - Added: Sorting feature that will let you order team members by name, date etc
  - Added: Templating option that will help developers customize the team templates
  - Minor fixes and improvements

V 1.3.1 [27 March 2019]
  - Minor improvements 

V 1.3.0 [7 March 2019]
  - Added: Filter tabs feature 
  - Improved: Post thumbnail support for plugin
  - Improved: Member selection user experience

V 1.2.2 [30 January 2019]
  - Fixed: A bug that caused WPBakery Element not to work
  - Fixed: Drawer preset conflict in certain Ajax themes

V 1.2.1 [10 January 2019]
  - Fixed: A bug that caused a fatal error on WordPress 4.9.9 and earlier versions

V 1.2.0 [09 January 2019]
  - Added: New meta box under member custom post type to add team directly
  - Added: Team column in members' listing 
  - Added: Radom order option for team members
  - Added: AjaxComplete state to reinitiate scripts on ajax load for Ajax plugins and themes
  - Other overall improvements

V 1.1.4 [12 March 2018]
  - Added: HTML Support for fields
  - Minor improvements

V 1.1.3 [28 June 2017]
  - Fixed: A language localization bug

V 1.1.2 [15 June 2017]
  - Fixed: Typo in list preset
  - Fixed: Shortcode rendering on widget

V 1.1.1 [15 March 2017]
  - Fixed: Conflict with Flamingo plugin

V 1.1.0 [12 November 2016]
  - Added: Support for Ajax themes
  - Added: RTL Support
  - Fixed: Custom CSS issue when added multiple teams in a page
  - Fixed: Modal issues with Divi theme

V 1.0.5 [4 November 2016]
  - Fixed: Icon conflict issue
  - Fixed: Modal issue for Divi themes
  - Added: emailto: support for icons
  - Removed Modernizr to fix conflicts

Ver 1.0.4 [28 September 2016]
  - Fixed: Members limit issue
  - Improved: Overall CSS 

V 1.0.3 [2 September 2016]
  - Fixed: Custom CSS issue with page builders
  - Fixed: Scrollbar issue for mobile devices
  - Added: More icons

V 1.0.2 [26 August 2016] 
  - Fixed: Minor CSS issues

V 1.0.1 [25 August 2016] 
  - Added: 5 column option 
  - Improved: Responsive layouts 
  - Fixed: Various minor bugs

V 1.0 [17 August 2016] 
  - Initial release

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