TheCrate – WooCommerce Subscription Box Theme

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TheCrate - WooCommerce Subscription Box Theme - 1
TheCrate - WooCommerce Subscription Box Theme - 2

TheCrate - WooCommerce Subscription Box Theme - 3

Premade Subscription Box Demos:

  1. Beauty Crates: Beauty Subscription Box (live demo).
  2. Shave Crates: Shaving Subscription Box (live demo).
  3. Coffee Crates: Coffee Subscription Box (live demo).
  4. Fresh Food Crates: Fresh Food & Vegetables Subscription Box (live demo).
  5. Meal Kits Crates: Meal Kits & Healthy Food Subscription Box (live demo).
  6. Puppy Crates: Subscription Boxes for Dogs (live demo).
  7. Kitten Crates: Cats & Kittens Subscription Boxes (live demo).

TheCrate - WooCommerce Subscription Box Theme - 4

TheCrate - WooCommerce Subscription Box Theme - 5

Huge Update: The first product configurator present in a WooCommerce theme was added in the latest update (version 1.2)!

See it in action:

TheCrate - WooCommerce Subscription Box Theme - 6

Play with the Configurator in our LIVE DEMO

New Theme Demos Added Weekly: Changelog

Are you in search for a Subscription Box Theme? Tired of testing and evaluating themes? Now, with TheCrate, you can choose one and get all. TheCrate is a piece of art, a handcrafted WordPress Theme perfect for any type of subscription box site.

Areas list where TheCrate theme can be used as website for: Any type of subscription box service or ecommerce website, beauty subscription boxes, fresh food & organic food subscription boxes, men’s care subscription boxes & more. New Demos on the way.

A Subscription Box WooCommerce Theme with a huge features list:

  • Subscription Box settings – see details
  • Unique: “What’s in the box” Tab – (on product page – live demo)
  • Unique: “Product Variations Configurator” Plugin – (included in the package – live demo). The configurator can be used with the following subscription plugins
    • WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin;
    • YITH WooCommerce Subscription (Free & PRO Variants);
    • SUMO Subscriptions plugin;
  • All In One Subscription Box WooCommerce theme
  • Compatible with WooCommerce Subscriptions
  • Compatible with YITH WC Subscriptions (included – the free variant).
  • Product Types:
  • Instagram feeds
  • Back to top button (customizable)
  • Page Preloader
  • SEO Optimized
  • Sticky Header (on scroll)
  • The theme comes with multiple header variants
  • One-click importer
  • 600+ Google Fonts
  • FontAwesome 5 (free variant)
  • Well documented
  • Various Custom Widgets and much more
  • Eye-catching CSS Animations
  • Permanent updates
  • Excellent Typography
  • Optimized for high speed
  • Online Documentation Available
  • Redux Framework Theme-Options Panel
    • General Settings
    • Unlimited Sidebars
    • Styling Settings
    • Header Settings
    • Footer Settings
    • Contact Settings
    • Donations Settings
    • Blog Settings
    • Shop Settings
    • 404 Page Settings
    • Social Media Settings
    • Demo Data Importer
  • Testimonials
    • Testimonials carousel;

Server Requirements

PHP Configuration Recommendations

  • max_execution_time 500
  • memory_limit 128M (256M Recommended).
  • post_max_size 32M (64M Recommended).
  • upload_max_filesize 32M

TheCrate - WooCommerce Subscription Box Theme - 7TheCrate - WooCommerce Subscription Box Theme - 8TheCrate - WooCommerce Subscription Box Theme - 9TheCrate - WooCommerce Subscription Box Theme - 10

Change LOG

=== Released v1.5.4 – 23-APR-2024 ===

[NEW] - Full Compatibility with PHP v8.1.x, v8.2.x, v8.3.0;
[UPDATED] - Bundled plugins;
[IMPROVED] - Demo Importer UX;
[FIXED] - Deprecated functions on demo importer;
[FIXED] - Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in theme files;

=== Released v1.5.3 – 22-APR-2024 ===

[UPDATED] - Updated all bundled plugins.
[UPDATED] - Updated WooCommerce template files.

=== Released v1.5.2 – 28-NOV-2023 ===

[UPDATED] - Updated all bundled plugins.

=== Released v1.5.1 – 20-OCT-2023 ===

[NEW] - Link target option for the 'Icon List Item' shortcode.
[UPDATED] - Updated all bundled plugins.
[UPDATED] - Updated WooCommerce template files from the theme.

=== Released v1.5 – 19-JUL-2023 ===

[NEW] - Link target option for the 'Icon List Item' shortcode.
[UPDATED] - Updated all bundled plugins.
[UPDATED] - Updated WooCommerce template files from the theme.

=== Released v1.4.10 – 25-FEB-2023 ===

[NEW] - Added tiktok social account on header top bar

=== Released v1.4.9 – 21-JAN-2023 ===

[NEW] - PHP 8.0.x Compatibility added;
[FIXED] - Theme Panel PHP errors on PHP v8.0.x;

=== Released v1.4.8 – 12-JAN-2023 ===

[NEW] - TikTok Social Media link (theme panel);
[NEW] - TikTok Social Media follow widget link with icon;
[UPDATED] - Bundled plugins;
[UPDATED] - WooCommerce outdated templates from the theme (quantity template);
[FIXED] - Tagcloud widget height problem making other widgets showing next to them instead of showing below;
[FIXED] - ThemeSLR - Social Accounts (Profiles) - PHP Notices when adding the widget initially;

=== Released v1.4.7 – 16-DEC-2022 ===

[UPDATED] - Bundled plugins;
[UPDATED] - Regenerated the .pot translations file from the theme;
[UPDATED] - WooCommerce outdated templates from the theme;
[FIXED] - My Account header link opening the WooCommerce logged in links panel when logged out instead of page link to the Login/Register page;
[FIXED] - A javascript error on the header;

=== Released v1.4.6 – 18-NOV-2022 ===

[NEW] - PHP 8.x compatibility;
[UPDATED] - Bundled plugins;
[IMPROVED] - Documentation: Added clarifications on the missing Configurator plugin from the automatic installed (check the documentation);

=== Released v1.4.5 – 15-SEP-2022 ===

[UPDATED] - Bundled plugins;
[IMPROVED] - Documentation;

=== Released v1.4.4 – 05-AUG-2022 ===

[NEW] - Full WordPress 6.x compatibility.
[NEW] - Link target theme option added for header top menu.
[NEW] - Header 2 and Header 3 variants (Header 2 slightly improved).
[NEW] - Header 2 new layout - screenshot:
[NEW] - Header 3 - screenshot:
[NEW] - Option to style the WooCommerce sale badge.
[NEW] - When customer is logged in, woocommerce links listed on header under the user icon (on click) - screenshot:
[NEW] - Social Accounts widget: link opens now on a new tab.
[NEW] - Contact info widget: added clickable links to phone and email fields.
[NEW] - Styling Options for mobiles: Navigation styling (colors, font-size, backgrounds and more).
[NEW] - Styling Options for mobiles: Header icons styling (colors, font-size, backgrounds and more).
[NEW] - Styling Options for mobiles: Navigation Mobile Burger color.
[NEW] - Moved the "Nav Menu" settings inside Header settings theme panel tab.
[NEW] - Products per page shop theme panel option.
[REMOVED] - Burger sidebar navigation: removed logo option (from now it can be added on widgets, directly);
[UPDATED] - All the plugins that comes bundled with the theme;
[IMPROVED] - Site boxed layout width;
[FIXED] - Burger sidebar navigation: Not opening (conflict with the fixed cart);
[FIXED] - Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function vc_param_group_parse_atts() in tslr-isolated-element.php:9 (when WPBakery is disabled);
[FIXED] - Deprecated: Function Redux::setHelpTab is deprecated since version Redux 4.3;
[FIXED] - Deprecated: Function Redux::setHelpSidebar is deprecated since version Redux 4.3;

=== Released v1.4.3 – 15-APR-2022 ===

[NEW] - Full compatibility with WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin (some issues with the qty boxes).
[UPDATED] - Bundled plugins;
[FIXED] - Quantity +/- buttons not working on bundle products.
[IMPROVED] - General Styling.
[IMPROVED] - Translations.

=== Released v1.4.2 – 11-MAR-2022 ===

[NEW] - New options in configurator.
[UPDATED] - Bundled plugins;
[FIXED] - Quantity +/- buttons not working on Groupped products.
[IMPROVED] - Shop Styling (desktops & mobiles).

=== Released v1.4.1 – 27-JAN-2022 ===

[FIXED] - Quantity +/- buttons not working on cart page, after using the 'Update Cart' button or removing an item from the cart.

=== Released v1.4 – 23-JAN-2022 ===

[NEW] - Theme Demo: Kitten Crates (Subscription Box Shop for Cats and Kittens).
[NEW] - Theme Panel Option: Box shadow option for buttons.
[NEW] - Options on Social Profiles widget (added new social accounts).
[NEW] - Theme Panel Option: Option to apply the background of the footer top to the entire footer (top/bottom).
[IMPROVED] - Translations.
[IMPROVED] - Navigation submenus weight.
[IMPROVED] - Header top: social media links (colors not being taken from the theme panel - header top).
[IMPROVED] - Header top: option to set a border separator.
[IMPROVED] - Header top: location/phone links.
[FIXED] - Quantity field value on cart (always showing 1 item).

=== Released v1.3 – 10-JAN-2022 ===

[NEW] - Theme Demo: PuppyCrates Home - For Dogs Subscription Box Sites;
[NEW] - Header styling (New header option - header top bar);
[NEW] - Theme Option: Breadcrumbs Heading Font-Size;
[NEW] - Theme Option: Breadcrumbs Texts Alignment;
[NEW] - Theme Option: Nav Links Font-Size option 'slider option';
[NEW] - Theme Option: Global option to set the style of the buttons: Buttons Layout (radius) - Square (Default), Rounded (5px Radius), Round (30px Radius);
[NEW] - Theme Option: Header Top/Bottom White Space option;
[NEW] - Theme Option: Shop Product Layout (With or Without Border on Shop grids);
[NEW] - Theme Option: Shop Product Layout Radius (With or Without Rounded corners on Shop grids);
[UPDATED] - The plugins;
[IMPROVED] - Transtions;
[IMPROVED] - Page Speed;
[IMPROVED] - Demo Importer speed;
[FIXED] - Demo Importer issue: Not importing the header navigation;
[FIXED] - Demo Importer issue: Not setting WooCommerce default pages (Shop, Cart, Checkout, etc);
[FIXED] - Demo Importer issue: Not importing footer nav menus);

=== Released v1.2 – 20-DEC-2021 ===

[NEW] - Product configurator on pages - see it in action - Perfect for subscription box online stores - it gives your customers the possibility to build their own order via product variations on any pages (not only on product pages);
[NEW] - Bundled the WC Product Variations Configurator on Any Page plugin (Any purchase will receive in the package the plugin).;
[NEW] - Option to set up a new header button name on certain pages (via page edit);
[UPDATED] - Theme documentation - added details on how to install and use the new addition from the theme: The "Product Variations Configurator" plugin that will be bundled from this version;
[UPDATED] - The demo importer;

=== Released v1.1.1 – 09-DEC-2021 ===

[UPDATED] - The plugins;
[IMPROVED] - Header styling;
[IMPROVED] - Transtions;

=== Released v1.1 – 01-DEC-2021 ===

[UPDATED] - The demo importer;
[NEW] - Option to replace the header button name "Subscribe" from the theme panel and also from page edit view (to edit on particular pages);
[NEW] - Options to override footer background color/image and spacing (padding) on pages - custom fields;
[NEW] - New Demo added: Meal Kits Crates;
[NEW] - Sharing buttons for single products and single posts;
[NEW] - WooCommerce Wishlist plugin;

=== Released v1.0.1 – 26-NOV-2021 ===

[IMPROVED] - Groupped Product page - styling improvements;
[FIXED] - Quantity increment/decrement on groupped products and cart (issues);

=== Released v1.0 – ===

[RELEASED] - v1.0;

Item Refunds

We do not provide refunds for mistaken purchases. Due to the nature of digital goods, it’s not possible to “return” them. Therefore, refunds can only be given for products that are broken, but this is not the case, as our theme has been reviewed and accepted by an Envato review team.


Fonts Used: Jost / Work Sans Google Fonts
Images: – All rights reserved!

Icons: FontAwesome 5 (Free Variant), Line Icons,,


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