Tripz SaaS Laravel Travel Planning Tool

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Tripz is an open-source Laravel travel planning software that lets you launch travel planning software as a service. Users can create travel itineraries, checklists, photo albums, store documents, and write travel journals. This software is designed to help people who love to plan their trips and organize all the necessary documentation. It also stores inspirations for destinations and memories in the form of albums and journals. Users can also include family members as users to see the details and plan together. It helps to keep essential travel documents and itineraries in the same place. With Tripz, it’s super fun to plan and organize necessary documents.

Landingpage demo

Demo Credentials are as follows.

The user demo URL is


Password 123456

The super admin demo URL is


Password 123456

Version 1.2 is released.






The first step of planning your trip is to create a destination. To create a destination, go to the destination in the sidebar of the user portal.


Users can upload images as the inspiration for any places under the destination they would like to visit.


Travel Planning

Tripz gives you a central hub to organize all your business planning work. When all information is in one place, executing ideas becomes far easier.

Travel planning Checklist

Before your trip, you must do certain tasks such as packing bags, applying for important travel documents, etc. You can create a checklist of those tasks under travel planning.

Travel Expense

Users can track how much they have spent on the whole trip. To do that, you will first need to add a transition category from settings. Then while you add expenses under the travel plan, choose the transaction categories such as hotel, food, or whatever you have created in the settings and enter the expenses.

Travel Documents

You can also upload essential travel documents and download them when necessary under travel planning. It’s a great way to organize all your documents for each trip.


Tripz also comes with a calendar so that you can plan in your calendar as well. It would be best if you had all your events organized and kept on a calendar.

Travel Journal

A habit of note-taking is a great skill. With this software, you can take good notes and write about anything that comes to your mind. This note system will help your team learn together.


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