Tutorio – Education Platform and Learning Management System

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Education and Learning UI/UX

Latest Update v1.3.1 – 09 February 2019See details

Tutorio Bootstrap v1.3.1 - Dark Mode

Tutorio Bootstrap - Education Platform UI/UX

Tutorio Bootstrap - Learning Management System

Tutorio Bootstrap - eLearning

Tutorio Bootstrap - LMS

Tutorio Bootstrap - Learning Dashboard

Tutorio Bootstrap - Online Learning

Tutorio Bootstrap - Lessons

Tutorio Bootstrap - Courses

Tutorio Bootstrap - Education

Tutorio is a beautifully crafted user interface for modern education learning platforms and online courses websites. Tutorio includes examples for all the website pages possibly needed for a learning management system application or e-learning website, covering the most important roles in any learning application, the student and the teacher.

  • Complete UI/UX for Education Platform, Learning Management System
  • Manage Courses, Lessons and Quizzes, Video Tutorials, Classes
  • Learning Dashboard for Students and Teachers

Landing, Courses, Lessons and Catalog pages

  • Home landing page with large hero header, learning features, courses, learning paths and testimonials
  • Library course catalog with featured learning paths and top courses by category
  • Course Category catalog details with top and trending category courses and teachers
  • Explore Courses catalog with sidebar filters
  • Explore Courses List view mode
  • Learning Paths for guided learning tracks on a specific subject
  • Course Details page with large hero header, table of contents, about the course and author, feedback and student ratings
  • Lesson Details page with top bullet navigation between the course lessons and quizzes and large video player
  • Learning Path Details page with large hero header, introduction to the particular topic, skill assessment and courses by skill level.

Student pages

  • Private Take Course pages for paying members with access to all course lessons and download lesson files
  • Student Dashboard with subscription status, recent courses, student rewards, quiz performance and forum activity
  • Take Quiz page with a sidebar navigation for the quiz questions, a quiz countdown timer and quiz statistics
  • Quiz Results page displaying the summary of a single quiz submission by a student, displaying the correct answers and offering the possibility to restart the quiz
  • Edit Account page with common editable profile fields (avatar image upload, the student name, email, password, etc) and Account Billing settings with saved payment methods
  • My Courses page displaying only the courses started by the student, with progress activity
  • Billing with payment history, past invoices and overdue payment notice with the option to pay
  • Printable Invoice template page
  • Student Public Profile displaying acquired skills with courses completed by the student and rewards
  • … and more

Teacher pages

  • Teacher Dashboard with earnings statistics displaying the last 30 days, sales by Course, latest transactions and latest student comments
  • Course Manager displaying the instructor courses portfolio
  • Create or Edit Quiz with basic quiz information such as title, associated course, image uploader, quiz time limit, sortable quiz questions and a custom question modal interface
  • Instructor Public Profile displaying the instructor rating and a public portfolio of all the courses by the instructor
  • Earnings page with sales statistics by year and by course
  • Statement page with detailed transaction history
  • … and more

Utility pages

  • Login / Signup pages
  • Discussions Home with categorised discussion threads and search
  • Discussion Details page displaying a complete discussion on a subject with replies
  • Ask Question page allowing the student to start a discussion
  • … and more

Latest Update

Tutorio v1.3.1 – 09 February 2019

  • add new dark mode
  • IE11 fixes

Tutorio v1.2.0 – 05 February 2019

Tutorio Bootstrap v1.2.0 - Teal Light and Teal Dark

  • add new teal light skin
  • add new teal dark skin

Tutorio v1.1.0 – 01 February 2019

  • fix dropup effects
  • fix header shadow color
  • add navbar light
  • add RTL
  • add app settings
  • move mini navbar to fixed bottom
  • add black logo variant
  • add @2x png assets
  • fix some paragraph margins

Informação adicional



Compatible Browsers

IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible With

Bootstrap 4.x

Demo Url



Well Documented

High Resolution




Themeforest Files Included

Layered PNG, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files
