Two In One : Whois & DNS Lookup – Domain/IP & Hosting Checker & Email Extractor

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Two in One !


For any domain name or a web site get :

  • Host information.
  • The Host Name.
  • The Reverse DNS of the IP.
  • The IP address.
  • The AS (autonomous system) number.
  • Check a large list of domains at once.
  • Export results to a .TXT

Scrape emails from any website :

  • Extract all emails addresses from any website.
  • Extract Email using a library that is extracts page elements according to tag names in the HTML document.
  • Processing all URLs found in the provide website to extract the maximum of emails.
  • Extract email addresses from a large list of websites at once.
  • Export result to a .TXT


Hosting Checker and Email Extractor is a two in one Windows desktop application builded with python that provides the most accurate results:

  1. Hosting Checker
    1. Definition
    2. Hosting Checker is a Windows desktop application that helps you in just a few moments discover who is hosting any website, you will find the WHOIS informations for any domain name, it provides the most accurate results and gives you crucial information about any domain name, like: Host information, The Host Name, The Reverse DNS of the IP, The IP address,The AS (autonomous system) number.
      It also allows you to import a text file, of domain names, and after the checking is finished you can download the informations previously mentioned foreach domain in a text file.
      It’s fast and accurate, it’s an amazing tool to help you save your time.

    3. How to use it
    4. To use this hosting checker, simply enter the URL ( of the website or the domain name ( that you would want to use to look up and then click on the “Find Host Infos” button. The results will be displayed instantly.
      Another choice is to check a list of domain names at once all you have to do is to upload a file text and wait the process to finish and then you will have your results.

  2. Email Extractor
    1. Definition
    2. Email Extractor is a Windows desktop application that provides the most accurate results and make you scrape emails from any website, it give you the following features :
      – Extract all emails addresses from any website.
      – Extract Email using a library that is extracts page elements according to tag names in the HTML document.
      – Processing all URLs found in the provide website to extract the maximum of emails.
      – Extract email addresses from a large list of websites at once.

      It also allows you to import a text file, of websites and after the checking is finished, you can download the extracted email addresses in a text file.
      It is one of the fastest tool that’s helps you to do web scraping, you can quickly build a high-quality email list.

    3. How to use it
    4. To use this email extractor, simply enter the URL of the web site in this format ( or ( that you want extract emails from, and then click on the “Extract Emails” button. The results will be displayed instantly.
      Another choice is to extract emails from a list of websites at once all you have to do is to upload a file text and wait the process to finish and then you can download your high-quality email list.


You will Receive only Software .exe for Windows, Code is not Included.


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