Ultimate GDPR Compliance jQuery Toolkit

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Ultimate GDPR Compliance jQuery Toolkit

Is your Website GDPR Compliant?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standardizes data protection law across all 28 EU countries and imposes strict new rules on controlling and processing personally identifiable information (PII).
From 25 May 2018 every website collecting data from EU citizens must need the GDPR requirements.

Ultimate GDPR Compliance jQuery Toolkit is all-in-one solution for your website.

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Complete GDPR compliance jQuery toolkit


  • Data Access – Dedicated form for Users to access currently stored personal data,
  • Right to be Forgotten – Dedicated form for Users to request deletion of stored data,
  • Cookie Consents – create dedicated box for Cookie Consent and block all cookies until cookie consent is given
  • Add consent boxes for various forms on your website
  • Check what cookies are used on your website
  • Easy integration with ANY website
  • 14 languages versions:
    1. German
    2. French
    3. Spanish
    4. Norwegian
    5. Russian
    6. Polish
    7. Italian
    8. Dutch
    9. Croatian
    10. Hungarian
    11. Romanian
    12. Czech
    13. Slovak
    14. Portugese

    – how to use it? Read here

  • 5* Customer Support
  • Online Documentation


2.4 (11.11.2021)
- feature: "Reject cookies" button added to cookie popup;
2.3 (24.05.2021)
- bugfix: Provided option to disable Age Verification for all available language versions. 

2.2 (26.04.2021)
- feature: Provided option to disable Age Verification

2.1 (25.03.2021)
- Improvement: Script optimization
- feature: Added Age Verification functionality

2.0 (26.10.2020)
- feature: Added 'close' functionality to the cookie popup.
- bugfix: Updated scanner URL

1.9 (21.04.2020)
- bugfix: Fixed problem with YouTube and Google Maps cookies being blocked when whitelisted

1.8 (16.03.2020)
- bugfix: Fixed the issue with page reload.

1.7 (14.11.2019)
- improvement: The site will auto-reload after saving cookie consent.

- feature: The plugin will reload automatically when one of the groups will be accepted.

- bugfix: Fixed issue:  'accept_button_text' and 'advenced_button_text' can't be changed due plugin settings.
- bugfix: Cookies from GDPR jQuery plugin are now flagged secure.

1.6 (18.01.2019)
- feature: editable cookie expiration time (how long the plugin will remember user choice)
- feature: option to define cookie_path
- improvement: remove Bootstrap dependency
- feature: place/move plugin HTML wherever in document DOM (parent_container option)

1.5 (07.09.2018)
- feature: 3 new cookie bar skins
- feature: 3 new skins for popup
- feature: added new 14 language versions (init.js) 

- improvement: init.js added new options (box_skin, popup_title, cookies_groups_design, assets_path)
- improvement: init.js - setting good defaults
- improvement: extended online documentation, more examples

- bugfix: IE11 compatibility fix
- bugfix: better styles for displaying 1,2 or 3 cookie_groups
- bugfix: default group is styled now properly

1.4 (12.07.2018)
- improvement: Clickables labels in prevent forms
- improvement: Page loading improved
- improvement: Accept all scripts from domain option

- feature: Cookies consent reset link
- feature: Constant whitelist for 1st and 3rd party cookies (they are allowed without accept)
- features: New translations for init.js (14 languages)

- bugfix: Improving IE11 compatibility.
- bugfix: gear_icon_position option
- bugfix: Fix displaying fontawesome icons

1.3 (13.06.2018)
- feature: Cookie scanner cookies names added to list.
- feature: Cookies scanner messages added.

- bugfix: Solved problems with cookies groups in configurator (from now cookies are automtically added to the higher group).
- bugfix: Document write for 'non cookies scripts' problem fixed.
1.2 (05.06.2018)
- feature: Geolocation functionality added - plugin can be displayed only for users from selected countries,
- feature: Cookie scanner and frontend cookies groups config added

1.1 (05.06.2018)
- feature: Data Access, Right to be forgotten and Data Rectification forms added

- bugfix: js error fixed for advanced cookie settings

1.0 (01.06.2018)
initial release


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