Ultimate Inventory with POS

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Ultimate Inventory with POS - 1


Released on May 20, 2023
Improved Stability & Performance

Demo: https://pos.creatantech.com

Ultimate Inventory with POS is a PHP/jQuery-based web application that allows you to manage your sales and stock. The application has an Easy POS system for faster billing.

Application manages the
Sales & Sales Return Invoices as well as Payments,
Purchase & Purchase Return Invoices as well as Payments,
Customers information(Customers Bulk Import),
Suppliers information(Suppliers Bulk Import),
Expense information,
Tax & Tax Grouping,
Units, Categories, Items(Items Bulk Import), Brands and business required Reports, and much more.

Very responsive template used, Advanced reports for review like
Sales reports, Purchase Reports,
Sales Payments Reports, Purchase Payments Reports,
Profit & Loss Reports,
Expense reports,
Customer reports,
Suppliers reports,
Stock Report.

The application can be ready to install on the local computer or a server with an easy installation process.

  • Quality verified by Envato
  • Complete Source Code & Database
  • Easy for installation and easily can update.
  • We will help you to Install & Free support
  • Regular updates
  • Free future updates
  • Welcome for suggestions

Framework Used :
Codeigniter 3

Ultimate Inventory with POS - 2

Ultimate Inventory with POS - 3

Ultimate Inventory with POS - 4

Ultimate Inventory with POS - 5

Demo Link:

Username: admin
Password: 123456

Help(Documentation) Link:

Version Log

# Version 2.4: May 20,2023
1. NEW: Sales invoice & Return Invoice - auto payment input box filled.
2. NEW: Customer Ajax (Search with mobile, name, Code).
3. NEW: Supplier Ajax (Search with mobile, name, Code).
4. NEW: Items Ajax (Search with name, Item Code).
5. NEW: POS Right search inout box to search items.
6. NEW: Footer text not shown on POS invoice
7. NEW: POS separate permission.
8. NEW: Help Document - separate permission for it.
9. NEW: Sales list, purchase list, expense - provided permissions option to see all records or not.
10 NEW: Item -> Edit option for Item code.
11. NEW: Signature upload.
12. FIXED: T&C - not showing on default & format 2 invoice.
13. FIXED: POS Hold - Invoice issue
14. FIXED: Store -> Setting -> UPI Code issue.
15. FIXED: Sales Invoice updated with minor changes.
16. REMOVED: Removed lot number from CSV file also form Item master.

# Version 2.3: October 25,2022
1. FIXED: Barcode print issue.

# Version 2.2: October 22,2022
1. FIXED: PDF issue.(Composer auto load issue)

# Version 2.1: October 17,2022
1. NEW: Report can convert into PDF formats.
2. NEW: Added French languages.
3. NEW: Number to-words format settings in Site Settings. (Default & Indian)
4. IMPROVED: Updated Stock report, and added brand & category search bar.
5. IMPROVED: POS invoice-Add previous balance
6. IMPROVED: Added category filter in Sales Report.
7. IMPROVED: Sales Payments report-Added Created By column & Added Payment Type filter.
8. IMPROVED: Added QR Code in POS invoice.
9. IMPROVED: Sales List- Added filter of Created by & Sales date.
10. IMPROVED: Invoice can view in RTL version as well
11. IMPROVED: POS Invoice - Added Discounted.
12. FIXED: Profit & loss report fixed Issue in Gross Profit in invoice wise & total Gross profit.
13. FIXED: Dashboard values
14. RENAMED: Customer Opening Balance into Previous Due.

# Version 2.0: February 14,2022
1. NEW: Added discount type & discount in the item master.
2. FIXED: POS barcode search box
3. FIXED: Sales invoice column orders.

# Version 7.9: January 15, 2022
1. NEW: In sales invoices, you can make items in decimal quantity
2. UPDATE: Discount on all items in POS form
3. UPDATE: Profit & Loss report
4. UPDATE: Restricted tax deletion if it is already used in the item master.
5. UPDATE: Items import feature.
6. FIXED: In the Purchase invoice Tax amount calculation issue is fixed.
7. FIXED: Date picker in Profit & Loss report.

# Version 1.8: June 21, 2021
1. UPDATED: Added Payment Status in Purchase Report
2. UPDATED: Added Payment Status in Sales Report
3. UPDATED: Invoice-wise total fixed location in Profit & Loss report

# Version 1.7.9: May 01, 2021
1. UPDATED: Added Date Picker in Profit & Loss Report.

# Version 1.7.8: March 21, 2021
1. NEW: While editing/updating the POS invoice you can select the date.
2. NEW: Added Payment type dropdown in Sales & Purchase Payments report.
3. UPDATED: SolveD issue the of decimal values in sales & purchase invoices.
4. UPDATED: In POS invoice showing the Customer due instead of the invoice Due amount & also shows the Customer's mobile number on the invoice.
5. UPDATED: Updated SMS Template with new Keywords to show customer due & invoice due.(cust_tot_due_amt & invoice_due_amt)

# Version 1.7.7: February 01, 2021
1. NEW: New input box was added in the Item master, which shows the final price of the item.
2. NEW: Added Purchase Items Report.
2. UPDATED: The item list has been updated, removed lot number & sales price were a new 1 column was added final sales price

# Version 1.7.6: December 24, 2020
1. UPDATED: Items Import: Barcode import column added
2. UPDATED: Small Changes in the application.

# Version 1.7.5: November 02, 2020
1. UPDATED: POS hold list updated, will hold price and Customer Name
2. UPDATED: Sales Invoice Format-2 updated, removed unit cost.
3. FIXED: Total Payment received in the Dashboard

# Version 1.7.4: October 09, 2020
1. UPDATED: Showing Note on Invoice (Format-3)
2. UPDATED: Added HSN in Items Master also showing HSN in Invoice format-3
3. FIXED: Installation File Permissions in Issue Solved.

# Version 1.7.3: Sep 01, 2020
1. NEW: Default Language Setting Added
2. NEW: Added Brand wise & Category wise filter in Item List.
3. NEW: Added Other Charges in the POS
4. UPDATED: OTP Sending by Email for password change feature.
5. UPDATED: Admin Role Fixed

# Version 1.7.2: Aug 13, 2020
1. UPDATED: Changes in the sidebar menu(Added New Shortcut Links)
2. NEW: New Button in POS invoicing form, Which Automatically Pays All Payment And Save it with Print Popup.
3. REMOVED: Removed dd/mm/yyyy format
4. NEW: Tax Selection in Purchase Return
5. NEW: Fixed and Percentage Discount in POS, Sales, and Sales Return.

# Version 1.7.1: July 07, 2020
1. NEW: POS Invoice Save & Print / Just Save button added.
2. IMPROVED: POS Multi Payment issue.
3. IMPROVED: Sales invoice Format.
4. FIXED: Stock Report Excel Download issue
5. FIXED: POS Multi Payment issue.

# Version 1.7: June 06, 2020
1. NEW: Description for Items and sales invoice
2. UPDATED: Corrected Number Format in the entire application

# Version 1.6.6: May 03, 2020
1. NEW: Added Sales Tax Selection in the Sales invoice as well in the Purchase Invoice 
2. NEW: UPI Code and UPI id in company profile
3. NEW: New Sales Invoice Format 3  

# Version 1.6.5: April 24, 2020
1. NEW: Purchase Payments Report - Supplier Wise 
2. NEW: Sales Payments Report - Customer Wise
3. NEW: Khmer(Cambodia) Language  
4. Updated: Profit & Loss Report
5. Fixed: Tax Calculation
6. Updated: Changes made in the update process ( Read Help Document)

# Version 1.6.4: March 05, 2020
1. NEW: User Profile Pictures 
2. NEW: Added Marathi Language.
3. NEW: Bulk Items Import Feature 
4. NEW: Added Custom Barcode for Items
5. Fixed: POS Slow Loading issue
6. Improved POS Invoice

# Version 1.6.3: Jan 10, 2020
1. Fixed: Sales Return bug
2. Improved: POS

# Version 1.6.2: Jan 02, 2020
Note: One Time Use Purchase Code Usage feature added
1. Fixed: Installation issue.

# Version 1.6.1: Dec 24, 2019
1. Fixed: Theme color slow loading issue.

# Version 1.6: Oct 31, 2019
1. New: Tax Grouping.
2. New: Bulk Customer & Supplier Import.
3. New: Customer & Supplier Opening Balance.
4. New: Customer & Supplier  Receiving Due Payment .5. New: Customer & Supplier : eceiving Sales Return Due Payment.
6. New: Improved Dashboard design & features view.
7. New: Added Brand Wise Stock Report.
8. Fixed: Profit Percentage Saving Issue.

# Version 1.5: Oct 11, 2019
1. New: Purchase return Management.
2. New: Purchase return Payments Management.
3. New: Sales return Management.
4. New: Sales return Payments Management.
5. Updated: Updates Profit & Loss Report.
6. Updated: Added Expired Items List in Dashboard.
7. Fixed: Pie chart data.

# Version 1.4.2: Sep 17, 2019
1. Fixed: Item Opening Stock bug
2. New: Improved Multi Languages.

# Version 1.4.1: Sep 11, 2019
1. New: Added 12 Theme Colors for the Application.

# Version 1.4: Sep 08, 2019
1. New: Added SMS API, Custom SMS
2. New: SMS Templates, instantly send Sales invoice details to customer mobile
3. New: Added two sales invoice formats, can handle it from site settings 

# Version Sep 01, 2019
1. New: Added Bangla & Urdu Language

# Version 1.3.9: Aug 25, 2019
1. Fixed: POS Category wise search

# Version 1.3.8: Aug 18, 2019
1. New: Brand Management
2. New: Currency Management 
3. New: Added Lot number and Expire Date for Item Management 
4. New: Added Item wise sales report and Expired Items Report
5. New: Change Return or Amount Refund system in POS Sales entry
6. New: Easy to Update future updates.
7. Update: Improved Invoice format 
8. Exclusive and Inclusive Item Prices in Sales entry.

# Version 1.3.7: Aug 03, 2019
1. Fixed: Sales invoice tax amount.
2. New: View POS invoice in the selected language.

# Version 1.3.6: Aug 03, 2019
1. Fixed: Bug from Items form.

# Version 1.3.5: Aug 02, 2019
1. Fixed: POS Sales Invoice

# Version 1.3.4: July 27, 2019
1. Fixed: POS form

#Version 1.3.3: July 22, 2019
1. New: POS Amount Show in Selected Currency format.
2. New: Added new Albanian & Dutch Languages
3. New: Added two new Currencies in the application. (Saudi Riyal & Dubai Dhiram)

# Version 1.3 .2: July 19, 2019
1. New: Added Arabic Language and Currency. [Also can insert Arabic data]

#Version 1.3 .1: July 05, 2019
1. New  Admin Contact Details
2. Fixed: Sales and Purchase Invoice Bug.

# Version 1.3: July 01, 2019
1. New: Customizable Roles Management    
2. Fixed: Units update form
3. Fixed: POS Decimal Calculations

# Version 1.2: Jun 29, 2019
1. New: Added Spanish Language
2. Fixed: Saving POS Invoice


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