Unlimited Edu Firm School & College Information Management System

  • Reviews:



Unlimited Edu Firm is School & College Information Management System. School or College can manage student & staff detail with the different helpful module. Front Desk, Student & Staff, Account, Library, Hostel, Attendance, Transport, Assignment, Download, Zoom Meeting, SMS & Email Alert, Online Payment Gateway, User and Role manage with powerful ACL are the Key features of EduFirm.

Unlimited Edu Firm Official Web

Test IMS Demo (Some Features Disable on Demo)
URL: http://demo.unlimitededufirm.com
Admin Login:
User: admin@edufirm.com
Password: 123
Account Login:
User: account@edufirm.com
Password: 123
Library Login:
User: library@edufirm.com
Password: 123
Staff/Teacher Login:
User: teacher@edufirm.com
Password: 123
Guardian Login:
User: guardian@edufirm.com
Password: 123
Student Login:
User: student@edufirm.com
Password: 123

Test Web Site Demo (Some Features Disable on Demo)
URL: http://scweb.unlimitededufirm.com
Admin Login:
URL: http://scweb.unlimitededufirm.com/login
User: webadmin@edufirm.com
Password: 123

Unlimited Edu Firm School & College Information Management System - 1
Developer : Freelancer Umesh
Company: Business With Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Local Sell & Support : Online Saptari

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

PHP 7.x

Demo Url


High Resolution


Software Framework


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, LESS, PHP, SQL

Video Preview Resolution


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