v_chat_sdk witch run on nestjs and socket.io mongo db

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Vchat-sdk is a SaaS (Software as a Service) chat system that offers real-time messaging capabilities for web and mobile applications. It consists of two parts: the server-side and the client-side. The server-side is built using Node.js and Socket.IO for real-time communication, while MongoDB is used for data storage.

A unique feature of vchat-sdk is its independence from Firebase for data storage. However, it does provide the option to enable push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) or OneSignal.

Create a new app or integrate with an existing production app to get started.

Full Documentation Here


  • V_CHAT_SDK is a package written in pure Dart and NestJS for the server-side. It helps you add chat functionality to any existing or new Flutter mobile project, regardless of the back-end service you use.
  • V_CHAT_SDK offers unlimited text, image, video, record, location, push notifications, and data control.
  • With only 6 public APIs, V_CHAT_SDK is an easy way to integrate advanced real-time messaging into your chat.
  • V_CHAT_SDK uses Node.js for its backend service and Firebase for push notifications. MongoDB is used as the message database, while the client-side is powered by Flutter.
  • this is the flutter Clint public avalible on github you need to purchasing the server side code from here

About Microservices

  1. Reduced load on your main server, as chat traffic can be high.
  2. Improved scalability: Microservices make it easier to identify and resolve scaling bottlenecks at a per-microservice level.
  3. Easy to build and maintain: Their single-purpose design enables smaller, cross-functional teams to specialize in a subset of the microservices within a solution.

Use Cases

  1. Perfect for social media apps that require a chat system similar to WhatsApp or Facebook.
  2. Ideal for e-commerce apps looking to add chat features, such as delivery or marketplace communication, like OLX or Facebook Marketplace.
  3. Can be used for real-time user chat support.

How V_CHAT_SDK Works

V_CHAT_SDK connects with your backend service, regardless of the language or framework it uses. It communicates with your system through public APIs and runs separately, yet remains connected via these APIs.

When you register a new user in your system, call the V_CHAT_SDK public API to create a separate database for saving user information like names, images, and identifiers. Once the user is successfully connected in your client app ( typically after successful authentication), you need to connect the user to the V_CHAT_SDK system to enable communication with other users this done through using of flutter packages already build. If you have an existing production app and wish to integrate V_CHAT_SDK, you can migrate old users, as explained in the backend section.


  1. Nestjs is used for server-side code.
  2. MongoDB stores chat texts and user data.
  3. Socket.IO enables real-time communication.
  4. FCM or OneSignal provide push notifications. You can choose between them or enable both, and V_CHAT_SDK will manage the user’s platform availability.
  5. Amazon AWS S3 securely stores user media with access restrictions using pre-signed URLs.
  6. WebRTC is used for video and voice calls, but it’s not 100% stable and requires a paid TURN server. Support for Agora.io will be added.
  7. Client-side SDK supports Flutter for Android, iOS, web, Windows, and Mac.

Server Requirements for V_CHAT_SDK

V_CHAT_SDK is a lightweight SaaS chat system with minimal server resource requirements:

  • 1 CPU core
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Fast SSD storage
  • Ubuntu version 18 or higher
  • Recommended hosting: DigitalOcean
  • Domain name: recommended provider is NameCheap

Additionally, you need a MongoDB database for data storage. You can host a free MongoDB database on MongoDB Atlas, a cloud-based database service offering simple and secure data management.

With these minimum server requirements, you can easily set up V_CHAT_SDK and start enabling real-time messaging in your web or mobile applications.


vchat-sdk supports the following features:

V_CHAT_SDK supports a wide range of features, including:

v_chat_sdk witch run on nestjs and socket.io mongo db - 1

With vchat-sdk, you can easily integrate real-time messaging into your applications without the need to build your own chat system from scratch.


  1. V_CHAT_SDK is not a full app, but a set of APIs designed to make chat development faster and easier. If you’re looking for a full app, consider SuperUp.
  2. While there’s no prebuilt admin panel UI, V_CHAT_SDK provides prebuilt Postman APIs for integrating the chat panel into your system. See the admin_apis section.
  3. You can view all APIs before purchasing the source code: see the PostmanCollection.
  4. To see an example of the current features, check out the open-source client app that uses V_CHAT_SDK: SuperUp.
  5. For a web version, you can use Flutter web, as all packages support Flutter web. To integrate with other projects like React or Angular, you can build your components using the PostmanCollection, read the docs for API params, and follow the socket.io events.
  6. Purchasing this project from codecanyou allows for one-time use per project. For multi-project usage, contact hatemragapdev@gmail.com.

purchase order

  • You will get the full nestjs code
  • Support for package bugs for ever
  • access the next package updates
  • current we not support Extended License
  • Free for personal use
  • For commercial use you need to contact me you only have license to use this server side for one commercial app


  • You can reach out via email at hatemragapdev@gmail.com or on Skype at live:.cid.607250433850e3a6.
  • For server deployment assistance and more information, visit.


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