Video Chat

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Video Chat is a web based face-to-face video chat application. The app is built using PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. The video/audio streaming broadcasted via Vonage API.


  • Face-to-face video room
  • Live chat in video room
  • Notification system
  • Responsive layout
  • Android mobile friendly

Applications demo

Online Demo

Installation & Documentation

Online Documentation


Download and upload (copy and open in a new tab) file to your web server and run it via browser to see whether you can run Video Chat on your server.

There are some additional requirements beside PHP:

  • SSL support (HTTPS) required
  • Cron job support required
  • Vonage Account


v 1.6 – 2023.12.28

  • PHP 8.2 support
  • Framework update
  • Better session handling
  • Better mobile layout responsiveness

v 1.5 – 2021.08.30

  • Better error handling

v 1.4 – 2021.07.15

  • PHP 7.4/8 support
  • MySQL strict mode support
  • Updated Libraries

v 1.3 – 2017.07.09

  • PHP 7.0 support

v 1.2 – 2014.12.08

  • Support opentok API 2.2

v 1.1 – 2014.08.27

  • Some code/design bug fixes

v 1.0 Initial – 2013.09.01

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

Firefox, Opera, Chrome

Compatible Software

PHP 8.x, PHP 7.x, MySQL 8.x, MySQL 5.x

Demo Url


High Resolution


Software Framework


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL

Video Preview Resolution
