Vue Fullstack Automation – Database CRUD Generator using VueJS, NodeJS, MongoDB

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Vue Fullstack Automation – Database CRUD Generator using VueJS, NodeJS, MongoDB

Automate your FullStack Development

Create, Customize and deploy enterprise-level fullstack web application from scratch under 5 minutes

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Database CRUD (Create, Update, Delete, Read, Search, Sort, Pagination, Export) operation using VueJS + NodeJS + MongoDB (Material Designed)

  • Additional requests for customization are possible and accepted on a case by case basis @ $100/hr


  • A perfect boiler plate for Fullstack web app.
  • Carefully designed to fit in any project requirements with little customizations.
  • Save more than 100 hours of development time.
  • A single line of code auto generates all the required HTML + API endpoints to perform user interactive database operations
yo vuefull book

Single line of code to generate production version which can be directly copied to the live/test server with minification

yarn prod


  • Auto generate database admin pages with single line of code (Material Designed)
  • Generate Create, Update, Delete, Read, Search, Sort, Pagination, Export with `1 command`.
  • All operations(Create, Update, Delete, Read, Search, Sort) are through API hence consumes less client memory
  • Integrated authentication module `Login, Signup, Change Password, Forgot Password, Reset Password, Edit Profile`
  • User Roles module with level of separation
  • Highly scalable, can handle more than 50000 database operations per second
  • Best user experience with Single Page Application
  • Modular coding structure
  • Perfect boiler plate for MEVN Stack with all required elements
  • Auto deploy to production server
  • Better and cleaner JavaScript code
  • Simplified installation and configuration
  • Reliable: Load fast and provide offline experience
  • Fast: Respond quickly to user actions
  • Engaging: Feel like a native app on mobile devices
  • Industry best practices
  • Accessibility support out of the box
  • All configurations at 1 place
  • Highly customizable
  • Separate API and Client, hence highly flexible
  • Created using the latest technology stack `MongoDB ExpressJS VueJS NodeJS (MEVN)`
  • Auto generate minified files for deployment to production server
  • Modular Emails with integrated templating feature
  • Headless architectue
  • Single page progressive ecommerce app using VueJs
  • All assets(js,css,images) are precached for a faster user experience
  • Modular coding structure
  • Full source code shared (Both Client and Server)
  • Easy deployment to production server
  • Improved markup and semantic.
  • Better and cleaner JavaScript code
  • Simplified installation and configuration
  • Role based admin panel
  • Transactional emails
  • Flat learning curve

VueJS Fullstack Fullstack Automation is successor to the following

  • mCRUD – “mCRUD” (AngularJS 1.6 + NodeJS + SQLServer) – 157 enrolled
  • MEANCRUD – “MEANCRUD” (AngularJS 1.6 + NodeJS + MongoDB) – 115 enrolled


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