Waveform Audio Filter

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Waveform Audio Filter is a powerful audio player for WordPress with filterable categories. Organize your music based on categories (keywords, genres, bpm, length, price, date, sales etc..). Gallery supports song list and grid style layout, filter style pill and dropdown layouts, dark and light skin modes, and multiple types of pagination. It can display unlimited playlists and songs in a waveform style using pagination. Plugin uses song statistics to analyze and track song plays and downloads. Comes with developer API to further extend its functionality. Written in plan Javascript which means it will run fast in your website and will not interfere with other scripts.

Updates / Changelog

VERSION 5.65 [20.1.2024]

 - [FIX] waveform not visible on some items after pagination
 - [UPDATE] make keywords tags act as filter

VERSION 5.61 [5.6.2023]

 - [FIX] invalid spacing between song items and pagination buttons after filters have been used

VERSION 5.6 [29.5.2023]

 - [FIX] some bugs 
 - [ADD] option to specify one artwork cover for all songs in playlist
 - [ADD] option to make each song download link the same as the play link

VERSION 5.5 [8.5.2023]


 - [FIX] filter dialog opens out of screen sometimes on mobile
 - [FIX] some lyrics fixes
 - [FIX] first song can have wrong filter values

 - [UPDATE] converted player to javascript only (no jquery dependencies)
 - [UPDATE] export statistics to csv
 - [UPDATE] removed most css important
 - [UPDATE] option to use Font Awesome offline for GDPR compliance
 - [UPDATE] option to show text filter in pill layout in dropdown style 
 - [UPDATE] preserve order of filters in custom query (filters_id="2,3,1")
 - [UPDATE] add search field in radio filter pill layout
 - [UPDATE] Facebook share

 - [ADD] stop on song end option 
 - [ADD] change colors in admin
 - [ADD] option to add genres from ID3 tags to filters when reading folders
 - [ADD] option to sort song by custom number type filters (if you have filter type number called "Price", it can sort songs by price)
 - [ADD] new filter (stars / rating)


VERSION 4.41 [8.4.2023]

 - [FIX] audio upload with create waveform can fail in playlist manager if site is https and audio is http 

VERSION 4.4 [18.2.2023]

 - [ADD] improved waveform generation

VERSION 4.36 [17.2.2023]

 - [FIX] some admin fixes

VERSION 4.35 [14.2.2023]

 - [FIX] filtering bug

VERSION 4.31 [1.2.2023]

 - [FIX] if no filters were defined and use filtering was true, plugin would not load

VERSION 4.3 [21.1.2023]

 - [FIX] admin radio filter allow only one selected
 - [FIX] select filter_id in shortcode

VERSION 4.21 [18.11.2022]

 - [FIX] statistics might fail if song title contains ampersand

VERSION 4.2 [17.9.2022]

 - [FIX] edit track sometimes affecting other tracks in playlist
 - [FIX] some bugs with filtering

VERSION 4.16 [22.9.2022]

 - [FIX] statistics does not clear 

VERSION 4.16 [7.5.2022]

 - [FIX] reset filter kills pagination

VERSION 4.15 [7.5.2022]

 - [FIX] waveform not changing in fixed player on song change

VERSION 4.1 [21.4.2022]

 - [FIX] css safari range slider color missing
 - [FIX] Font Awesome css not valid for some custom playlist icons
 - [UPDATE] apply filters in bulk upload (folder or wp library)
 - [UPDATE] custom icon in edit song dialog in playlist visible and saved
 - [ADD] javascript function callback for custom icon click

VERSION 4.02 [24.3.2022]

 - [FIX] font awesome icons clear search after icon modal is closed

VERSION 4.01 [27.2.2022]

 - [FIX] some issues after 4.0 update

VERSION 4.0 [22.2.2022]


 - [UPDATE] new filtering for songs (define any property: genre, keywords, length, date, bpm...) 
 - [UPDATE] song description was not inluded in song search (only title, artist) 
 - [UPDATE] show all shortcode params
 - [UPDATE] new lyrics display  
 - [UPDATE] new icons in fixed player (link, share...) 
 - [UPDATE] statistics update

 - [ADD] new filtering layouts (pill + dropdown)
 - [ADD] new song Grid layout 
 - [ADD] load gallery with query parameters with filters and search 
 - [ADD] apply filtering ajax style as each filter is selected or choose all filters then apply filtering
 - [ADD] option to specify player icons 
 - [ADD] option to specify custom icons in playlist songs
 - [ADD] option to show scroll to gallery top button 
 - [ADD] option to allow song download only if registered or logged in
 - [ADD] option to not render inline waveforms on mobile
 - [ADD] option to load all playlists in shortcode with playlist_id="all"    
 - [ADD] option to set song order on start
 - [ADD] option to use song pagination with buttons  
 - [ADD] import / export playlist + option to batch rename domain in song urls
 - [ADD] media session

 - [FIX] search or using filtering now works with pagination
 - [FIX] upload multiple songs not displaying without refresh 

VERSION 2.6 [6.08.2021]

 - [UPDATE] option to show all tracks on start even when genres and keywords are used
 - [ADD] option to upload json playlist in admin

VERSION 2.55 [29.07.2021]

 - [UPDATE] download file names with song title instead of download.mp3

VERSION 2.52 [23.05.2021]

 - [UPDATE] PHP 8 compatibility 

VERSION 2.51 [19.5.2021]

 - [FIX] audio preview field error when uploading songs in playlist manager

VERSION 2.5 [10.3.2021]

 - [FIX] when player loads through share url link progress bar in song list does not work
 - [UPDATE] fixed player now working with multiple players in page
 - [UPDATE] search songs for keywords using search field

VERSION 2.0 [11.1.2021]

 - [FIX] download icon created while no download url set on song
 - [UPDATE] admin improvements
 - [UPDATE] keyboard controls improve
 - [UPDATE] show / hide statistic icons in frontend
 - [ADD] sort songs by title, artist, duration
 - [ADD] show all audio waveforms in playlist on start
 - [ADD] optional fixed player bottom connected with song list
 - [ADD] option to read folder of songs (including ID3 tags) located in custom location on server
 - [ADD] options to show / hide individual action buttons (save playlist, keyboard info...)

VERSION 1.2 [29.10.2020]

 - [UPDATE] added song pagination to frontpage (works on page scroll + load more button)
 - [UPDATE] added animation effect for songs display
 - [UPDATE] backend pagination for playlist songs
 - [UPDATE] genre / keywords alphabetical sort on frontpage

VERSION 1.0.1 [5.10.2020]

 - [FIX] undefined index 0 in taxonomy page

VERSION 1.0 [1.09.2020]

 - first release


Using this plugin requires registration to domain. Instructions how to register are available here


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