Webstrot Admin Panel Responsive Bootstrap Dashboard Template

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Webstrot Admin Responsive Bootstrap 3 Dashboard Template

Webstrot Admin is a professional Internet of Things admin dashboard template with a clean and clear design. It is a fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 3 Framework, HTML5 and CSS3, and Media query. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and is integrated with the latest jQuery plugins. It can be used for all types of Web applications like websites of things, custom admin panels, app backend, CMS, or CRM.


  • Bootstrap 3 Framework
  • 07 Different Dashboards
    • Dark Version
    • Ecommerce 01
    • Ecommerce 02
    • Analytics
    • Social Media
    • School Management
    • Restaurant
  • 04+ Layouts
    • Left Sidebar
    • Mini Sidebar
    • Overlay Sidebar
    • Dark Pages
  • 500+ Demos Pages
  • 1000+ Ui Components
  • 2000+ Fonts Icons
  • HTML5 Valid Pages(CSS3)
  • Clean and Creative Dashboard Page
  • Data Table Export to CSV, Excel, PDF, Copy and Print
  • Lightbox
  • Range Slider
  • Light and Dark Color Schemes
  • Light/Dark Sidebar Themes
  • Bootstrap Compatible
  • Fully Responsive pages
  • Super Clear and Clean Layout
  • Compatible With Major Modern Browsers
  • Nice JQuery files:Preloader, Menu…
  • Active and Hover stats are included.
  • Well Organization Layers
  • Typography Elements
  • Pixel Perfect
  • Easy to Customize
  • Free Google Web Fonts
  • Font Awesome icons
  • Free Icon Fonts
  • High Quality Template
  • Extended Documentation
  • And Much More…

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Ui Components

  • Main
    • Dashboard 1
    • Dashboard 2
    • Dashboard 3
    • Dashboard 5
    • Dashboard 6
    • Dashboard 7
  • Management
    • Student
    • Student Profile
    • Student Detail
    • Hostel
    • Students Table
    • search
    • Teacher Info
    • Teacher Details
    • Teacher Table
    • Class Info
    • Subject
    • Routine
    • Attendance
    • Exam Result
    • Exam Schedule
    • Setting
    • Collection Fees
    • Payment info
    • New Expense
    • Expense
    • Attendance
    • Book Info
    • Book List
    • Parents List
    • Parents
    • Form
    • Notice
    • Transport
  • Restaurant
    • Menu One
    • Menu Two
    • Menu Three
    • Favourite
    • Order List
    • Booking
    • Upload Menu
  • Charts
    • Flot
    • Morris
    • Chartjs
    • Chartist
    • Peity
    • Sparkle
    • Knob
  • Charts
    • Flot
    • Morris
    • Chartjs
    • Chartist
    • Peity
    • Sparkle
    • Knob
  • Calender
  • Email
  • Profile
  • Widget
  • UI Elements
    • Accordion
    • Alerts
    • Badges
    • Button
    • Dropdown
    • Images
    • List Group
    • Panels
    • Progressbar
    • Tab
    • Wells
  • Components
    • Calendar
    • Carousel
    • Weather
    • Datamap
    • To do
    • Scrollable
    • Sweet Alert
    • Toastr
    • Basic Range Slider
    • Advance Range Slider
    • Nestable
    • Portlets
    • Bar Rating
    • jRate
  • Table
    • Basic
    • Datatable
    • Datatable Export
    • Datatable Row Select
    • Editable
  • Themify Icons
  • Maps
    • Basic
    • Vector Map
  • Basic Form
  • Themify Icons
  • Invoice
    • Basic
    • Editable
  • Pages
    • Login
    • Register
    • Forgot password
  • Documentation

Update : 09 Jan 2019

:: Map Working 
:: Bug Fixed 
:: Reponsive Fixed 
:: Improve Load time 

Update : 10 Feb 2018


:: Responsive Bug Fixed
:: JS Bug Fixed 

Source and Credit

I am Happy to Credit the Below For

  1. Google Web fonts
  2. Shutterstock
  3. jQuery
  4. Jquery
  5. Bootstrap
  6. Jquery ui
  7. Chart
  8. Chartist Chart
  9. Flot Chart
  10. Moment Chart
  11. Morris Chart
  12. Peity Chart
  13. Sparkline Chart
  14. Owl Carousel
  15. BarRating
  16. Full Calendar
  17. Pignose Calendar
  18. Circle Progress
  19. Datamap
  20. Gmap
  21. Vactor Map
  22. Granim
  23. Data Table
  24. Easing
  25. Knobo
  26. Nastable
  27. Portlets
  28. Pace
  29. Rang Slider
  30. Scrollable
  31. Sweetalert
  32. Toastr
  33. Js Grid
  34. Flowtype
  35. Jquery Nanoscroller
  36. Lobi Panel
  37. Weather


Please note that images used in live preview are not included in the package. If you have any questions please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thank you!

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Informação adicional



Compatible Browsers

IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible With

Bootstrap 4.x

Demo Url



Well Documented

High Resolution




Themeforest Files Included

HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files
