Whats ChatBot Pro -send automatically message

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What is Whats ChatBot Software ?

Whats ChatBot Software – is Advance Software with Unique Feature for send automatic response of whatsapp chat.

If you are business owner , what to send response to your customer on whatsapp automatically as per there query.

in Software you can create multiple rules for send automatic message like if you create Rule like If press 1 , Send Prduct Detail , if press 2, send contact detail etc.

Send Automatic Welcome message to your whatsapp customer when any enquiry from your customer

Send Automatic Message to your whatsapp customer when any enquiry from your customer

Send Any type of message Text/Image/Video/AnyFiles

Send Poll Message to your customer

Send Contact card to your customer

Response time is very fast

Project Requirement

  • Google Chrome Latest Version

Installation Process

  • You will Recieve only Software. Code is not Included
  • After Purchase Product purchase code is your Licence code. if you face issue in license please email me at bhansalisoft781986@gmail.com

    you can check what is Purchase Code from this link : https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/202822600-Where-Is-My-Purchase-Code-

  • After i Confirm your purchase Code , Please Unzip Main File and Run AllinWhatsappSender.exe and Register your Licence as per below Screen.
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    • Licence Email : Registered Email.
    • Registration Code : Evanto Purchase Code.
    • After Registration you can Use Software.

Getting Started

After Registration Licence , Start Software, software start with below screen

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  • Chatbot window open and scan your whatsapp QR code with your mobile whatsapp device
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  • Configure ChatBot Rules- Click on Setting icon on chatbot window
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  • You can create Two types of Rules :
    • WelcomeMessage : This is welcome message is sent when user first time contact you on whatsapp
      Example :

      Please chooze our service
      1 : you press 1
      2 : you press 2
      back: back to menu
    • Rules : You can create Rules With your Rule Keyword : Like you want if user send message keyword: 1 then you want to send some unique message to your user
      • Rule Name : Unique name of your rule
      • Rule Keyword : Unique keyword of your rule like for example your add : 1
      • Message :Message is sent when someone send message equal to Rule keyword
      • Attachment :You can add attachment of anytype
      • Enabled : you can enable or disable your rule
      • ButtonFile : You can create Three types of button : Reply ,Phone and URL
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  • You can Start Chatbot Process, so that chatbot respond user message
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  • Informação adicional

    Application Runtime

    .NET 4

    Demo Url
    High Resolution


    Operating System Versions

    Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 Desktop, Windows 8 Metro

    Video Preview Resolution
