WhatsBox – The WhatsApp Marketing – Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS

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DISCLAIMER – The system uses Official WhatsApp Cloud API. This is a paid API. Please see the current pricing here. Also please note that if you run it as a SaaS, your clients are the one that setup the WhatsApp Cloud API for their account, so they are the ones that pay for their usage.

NOTE – Unlike before, getting access to Official WhatsApp Cloud API, is publicly open for every business. There is no review or acceptance process.

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WhatsBox – The WhatsApp Marketing – Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS – is one of a kind script that you can use to automate your WhatsApp marketing, offer support, and interact with your clients even when you are not available, using reply bots.

WhatsBox - The WhatsApp Marketing - Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS - 5

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome

Compatible Software

PHP 8.x

Demo Url


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Software Framework


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, PHP

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