WooCommerce Custom Product Addons, Custom Product Options

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Provide Unlimited Product Options with WooCommerce Custom Product Addons!

With the WooCommerce product addons plugin, you can use a range of field types, including text area, text field, upload file, drop-down, check-boxes, multiple select, etc., to add an infinite number of additional product options. It simplifies end-user product customization.

You can create global options that are easily attached to products and categories when appropriate, in addition to options that are specific to a particular product. By creating common options only once and applying them to relevant products, you can save time. You can design one-off options or multiple sets of WooCommerce add ons, then apply them to various categories and products.

Imagine the ability to assign product fields to thousands of products in just 5 minutes. The Pizza category can have its own set of options, the drinks category can have its options, All or each specific shirt type can have its custom options, etc.

New Features of WooCommerce Product Addons

  • Sell any catalog item as product addon
  • Charge addons dynamically or in a product’s fixed cost
  • Hide or Display addon fields in cart and checkout pages
  • Hide or Display fields in order details page
  • Additional Fields: number, heading, color selection, font style

Did not find the desired functionality? Email us now at info@extendons.com to get the customized solution.

Create Extra Product Options to Sell More

Woo product addons allows you to create WooCommerce extra product options to let customers select add-ons that complement the primary product or enhance its functionality. Select fields type according to the custom option so that users can easily select their preferences.

create extra product options

Add Conditional Fields for Product Options

WooCommerce product addons plugin lets you add conditional fields to create product options. It displays the specific fields when the condition is satisfied.

Conditional fields for product options

Replaces Product Image with Selected Addon

When customers choose a radio option, the selected custom product addon image is used to replace the product image.

replace product image with the addon

Charge Addons Once or Based on its Quantity

You can choose to charge the price of WooCommerce addons once or multiply it by the number of addons selected.

price only once no matter the quantity

Multiple Input Types for WooCommerce Product Add-ons Plugin

WooCommerce extra product options has a variety of custom options for adding to product pages. Display custom fields on the product page that best describes a product feature. Following are the available input types for adding custom fields to the landing pages.

  • Text Field – WooCommerce personalized product options enable you to add a text field to the product page to let the users write line messages. For example, a customer can write the initials of his name and spouse’s name to be embossed on a wedding ring.
  • Text Area – Woo product option allows you to create a text area option and the users can write multiple lines about a product. if selling a t-shirt, let the users submit a message of multiple lines or other customization instructions.
  • Font Style – Enable you to add different text style to allows users choose their preferred text style customization on the product.
  • File Upload – Add a file upload option to products so that users can submit a file as an example. For example, a customer wants a dress to be designed like the one they have in a picture.
  • Drop down – Place a drop-down menu to allow users easily select an option they need. For instance, a user can select a preferred color or size of jeans from a dropdown list.
  • Radio button – Showcase product attributes in the shape of radio buttons so that users can select them with a click. It does not require navigating through a drop-down menu.
  • Simple radio buttons – You can include simple radio buttons to help customers choose their product options. However, it is different from the other radio button as you can include images for this radio button.
  • Checkbox – Represent custom options in terms of checkboxes so that your potential customers can tick the features or product add-ons they need. It allows checking multiple boxes.
  • Multiple Select – Create multiple select options to let the users choose more than one product attribute. For example, if a user requires a shirt in black as well as red color, he can select both.
  • Date and Time – Allow users to pick a date and time that is relevant to the product. For example, a gift shop can allow users to select a specific date and time to deliver a present.
  • Color Picker – WooCommerce product color options allow you to create a color-picking option that allows your potential customers to shop for a product in their preferred color. You can charge more for specific color selections.
  • Color Buttons – Woo product addons enables admin to set and include the colors button as the radio button of their own choice. It helps admin to only show those color buttons which are available in the stock.
  • Google Fonts – Display an option to select a font type among Google fonts for product personalization. Let your customer design, print, engrave, or paint the product in a font style of their choice.
  • Google Map – With the Google Map option, you can allow customers to select the location on a map to receive the consignment.
  • Range Picker – Create a range for users to pick between a minimum and maximum value. Let them easily select a size or any product attribute with a quick range picker field.

Create and Attach Global Options to Specific Products and Categories

Product add ons for WooCommerce allow you to create global options that can be added to multiple products and categories. This saves a lot of your valuable time. You can create a global add-on rule with a variety of custom options and apply them to selected products or categories.

Follow 3 Steps to Create Global Product Options

follow 3 steps to create global products

follow 3 steps to create global products

follow 3 steps to create global products

Add Product-Specific Options

Add unlimited options for a product using WooCommerce product addons to better display its features, attributes, and variety in color, size, design, etc. It allows you to create and customize each option so that users can easily understand and respond to their preferences.

add product specific options

Exclude Global Options

Additionally, you can override the global options associated with a product by creating a customized option for that product via the WooCommerce product options plugin. This simplifies the management of product add-ons.

exclude global options

Enable Price Per Character for Text and Text Area Field

With the WooCommerce product custom fields plugin, you can also set the price per character to charge customers an extra amount for the customization of a product with the name, initials, or phrase. Prices can be set for printing, embossing, or engraving a character on products like cups, t-shirts, caps, and cards.

price per text or characters

Manage Stock of Product Options

You have the ability to control the inventory of additional product options. This feature ensures that any out-of-stock WooCommerce product addons are hidden on the product page.

manage stock of product options

Import and Export Product Options

You can also import and export the WooCommerce product options in CSV files from your e-store.

import export product options

Additional Features of WooCommerce Extra Product Options Plugin

  • Allow certain extensions in file upload options like .pdf, .docx, etc.
  • Select price type as Fixed or Percentage for the custom fields
  • Add custom images to radio buttons and checkboxes
  • Additional price for an add-on appears on product pages with the help of WooCommerce display custom fields on product page
  • Customer data against custom options appear in backend
  • Product custom options are displayed in the customer account as well
  • Product options and replies are shown on cart, checkout, and order confirmation email


1. Does user selected WooCommerce extra product options are displayed on order, cart and checkout page?

Ans. Yes, user selected options are displayed on order, cart and checkout page.

2. Does WooCommerce product addons work with product variations?

Ans. Product addons for WooCommerce works with variable products but not with individual variations.

3. What types of product options can I add with this plugin?

Ans. WooCommerce add ons plugin supports 15 types of options, including text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, select boxes, and more.

4. Can I apply different options to different products?

Ans. Yes, WooCommerce product options enables you to apply unique product options to specific products or globally to all products.

5. Is it possible to set pricing for WooCommerce custom product fields?

Ans. Yes! With the help of WooCommerce product addons, you can charge extra for custom options, making sure that your prices accurately reflect the chosen product customizations.

6. How can I manage and view customer-selected options in the backend?

Ans. WooCommerce add ons provides a user-friendly interface in the WordPress admin area where you can easily view and manage customer-selected options.

Description in Dutch

Voeg onbeperkt extra productopties toe door gebruik te maken van een verscheidenheid aan veldtypen zoals tekstgebied, tekstveld, uploadbestand, dropdown, selectievakjes, meervoudige selectie, enz. WooCommerceproduct add-ons plugin vereenvoudigt de productaanpassing voor de eindgebruikers.

Naast productgerichte opties kunt u globale opties creëren die gekoppeld zijn aan selectieve producten en categorieën. Dit bespaart u tijd, omdat u niet voor elk product maatwerkopties hoeft te creëren. U kunt individuele opties of meerdere sets van opties maken en deze toewijzen aan verschillende producten en categorieën.

Belangrijkste kenmerken Hoogtepunten:

  • 18 Soorten velden om extra productopties te creëren
  • Productopties aanmaken op productniveau
  • Globale opties met specifieke producten en categorieën maken en toevoegen
  • Prijs per teken Eigenschap voor Tekst- en Tekstgebiedsveld
  • Aangepaste afbeeldingen aan radioknoppen en selectievakjes toevoegen
  • De door de gebruiker geselecteerde opties worden weergegeven op de bestel-, winkel- en afrekenpagina.
  • Voorwaardelijke velden voor productopties toevoegen
  • Beheer van de voorraad van productopties
  • Nieuwe velden: Kleurenkiezer, Google Map, Google Fonts, Range Select Bar
  • Optie om slechts één keer de prijs voor elke optie in te stellen, maakt het niet uit wat de hoeveelheidsorder is
  • Productopties importeren en exporteren
  • Compatibel met WPML
  • Compatibel met WooCommerce Plugin voor prijscalculator (nieuw)

Description in French

Ajoutez un nombre illimité d’options de produits supplémentaires en utilisant une variété de types de champs tels que zone de texte, champ texte, fichier de téléchargement, listedéroulante, cases à cocher, sélection multiple, etc. Le plugin d’add-ons de produits WooCommerce simplifie la personnalisation des produits pour les utilisateurs finaux.
En plus des options par produit, vous pouvez créer des options globales qui sontattachées à des produits et catégories sélectifs.Cela Vous Permet de gagner du temps car vous n’avez pas à créer d’options personnalisées pour chaque produit. Vous Pouvez Créer des options individuelle ou plusieurs ensembles d’options et les affecter à différents produits et catégories.

Principales Caractéristiques:/

  • 18 types de champs pour créer des options deproduits supplémentaires
  • Créer des options de produit au niveau du produit
  • Créer et joindre des options globales avec des produits et des catégories spécifiques
  • Prix par caractère pour le texte et la zone de zone de texte
  • Ajouter des images personnalisées aux boutons radio et aux cases à cocher
  • Les options sélectionnées par l’utilisateur š’affichent sur la page de commande, de panier et de paiement.
  • Ajouter des champs conditionnels pour les options de produit
  • Gérer le stock d’options de produits
  • Nouveaux champs : Color Picker, Google Map, Google Fonts, Barre de sélection de gamme
  • Option de ne fixer le prix qu’une seule fois pour chaque option, peu importe la quantité commandée
  • Options d’importation et d’exportation de produits
  • Compatible avec WPML
  • Compatible avec le plugin de calculateur de prix WooCommerce

Description in Italian

Aggiungi opzioni di prodotto extra illimitate utilizzando una varietà di tipi di campo come area di testo, campo di testo, file di caricamento, menu a discesa, caselle di selezione, selezione multipla, ecc. Il plug-in di WooCommerce per prodotti semplifica la personalizzazione del prodotto per gli utenti.

Oltre alle opzioni di prodotto, è possibile creare opzioni globali associate a prodotti e categorie selettive. Ciò consente di risparmiare tempo in quanto non è necessario creare opzioni personalizzate per ciascun prodotto. È possibile creare singole opzioni o più set di opzioni e assegnarle a diversi prodotti e categorie.

Caratteristiche principali:

  • 18 Tipi di Campi per Creare Opzioni di Prodotto Extra
  • Creare Opzioni di Prodotto a Livello di Prodotto
  • Creare e Collegare Opzioni Globali con Prodotti e Categorie Specifici
  • Prezzo per Caratteristica cCratteri per Campo di Testo e Area di Testo
  • Aggiungi Immagini Personalizzate a Pulsanti Eadio e Caselle
  • Le opzioni selezionate dall’utente sono visualizzate su ordine, carrello e pagina di pagamento
  • Aggiungi campi condizionali per le opzioni del prodotto
  • Gestisci stock di opzioni di prodotto
  • Nuovi campi: Color Picker, Google Map, Google Fonts, Range Select Bar
  • Opzione per impostare il prezzo solo una volta per ciascuna opzione, senza considerare l’ordine per quantità
  • Importare ed esportare le opzioni del prodotto
  • Compatibile con WPML
  • Compatibile con WooCommerce Price Calculator Plugin

Description in Spanish

Añade opciones de productos adicionales ilimitadas usando varios tipos de campo como áreas de texto, campos de texto, subida de archivos, listas desplegables, casillas de verificación, selecciones múltiples, etc. El plugin de complementos de productos para WooCommerce simplifica la personalización de los productos para los usuarios finales.

Además de opciones globales para todos los productos, puedes crear opciones que se aplican a productos y categorías seleccionados. Esto te ahorra tiempo, ya que no tienes que crear opciones personalizadas para cada producto. Puedes crear opciones individuales o un conjunto múltiple de opciones y asignarlas a diferentes productos y categorías.

Características destacadas:

  • 18 tipos de campos para crear opciones de productos adicionales
  • Crea opciones de productos a nivel de producto
  • Crea y aplica opciones globales a productos y categorías específicos
  • Función de Precio por Carácter para los campos de texto y área de texto
  • Añade imágenes personalizadas a los botones de radio y las casillas de verificación
  • Las opciones seleccionadas por el usuario se muestran en la página de Pedido, Carrito y Pago
  • Añade campos condicionales para las opciones de productos
  • Gestiona el stock de las opciones de productos
  • Nuevos campos: selector de colores, mapa de Google, fuentes de Google, barra de selección de rango
  • Opción de fijar el precio sólo una vez para cada opción, sin importar la cantidad de pedido
  • Opción de importar y exportar productos
  • Compatible con WPML
  • Compatible con el plugin Calculadora de Precios para WooCommerce

Description in German

Fügen Sie unbegrenzte zusätzliche Produktoptionen hinzu, indem Sie eine Vielzahl von Feldtypen wie Textbereich, Textfeld, Upload-Datei, Dropdown-Menü, Kontrollkästchen, Mehrfachauswahl usw. verwenden. WooCommerce Product Add-ons Plugin vereinfacht die Produktanpassung für den Endverbraucher.
Zusätzlich zu den produktbezogenen Optionen können Sie globale Optionen erstellen, die an ausgewählte Produkte und Kategorien angehängt sind. Dies spart Ihnen Zeit, da Sie nicht für jedes Produkt eigene Optionen erstellen müssen. Sie können einzelne Optionen oder mehrere Optionssätze erstellen und diesen verschiedenen Produkten und Kategorien zuordnen.

Wichtigste Hauptfunktionen:

  • 18 Arten von Feldern zum Erstellen zusätzlicher Produktoptionen
  • Produktoptionen auf Produktebene anlegen
  • Erstellen und Anhängen von globalen Optionen mit bestimmten Produkten und Kategorien
  • Preis pro Zeichenmerkmal für Text und Textbereichsfeld
  • Hinzufügen von benutzerdefinierten Bildern zu Auswahlknöpfen und Kontrollkästchen
  • Die vom Benutzer ausgewählten Optionen werden auf der Bestell-, Warenkorb- und Checkout-Seite angezeigt
  • Hinzufügen von bedingten Feldern für Produktoptionen
  • Verwalten des Bestands an Produktoptionen
  • Neue Felder: Color Picker, Google Maps, Google Fonts, Bereichsauswahlleiste
  • Option, den Preis nur einmal für jede Option festzulegen, unabhängig von der Menge der Bestellung
  • Produktoptionen Importieren und Exportieren
  • Kompatibel mit WPML
  • Kompatibel mit WooCommerce Preisrechner Plugin

Change Log

Version 3.2.0
CSS and Image issues fixed
Version 3.1.9
Checkboxes and multiselects issues fixed
Version 3.1.8
Fixed Default radio button selected issue (backend)
Fixed If by default radio button selected then next fields is visible (frontend)
Version 3.1.7
Minor Issue Resolved
Version 3.1.6
Made compatible with multisite
Version 3.1.5
Multi-language support
Version 3.1.4
Minor issues Resolved
Percentage Issue Resolved
Version 3.1.3
Minor issues Resolved
Version 3.1.2
Minor Bugs Fixes
Version 3.1.1
 Fixed Some Minor issues
Version 3.1.0
 Fixed Some Minor issues
Version 3.0.9
* Add input type field "font-style".
* Add input type field "Color-buttons".
* Design Issues Fixed.
* Add-on price included on total price.
* Add rule-name as title of fields on conditional logic of each separated rule.
* Fixed Rules confliction.
* Fixed default upload path to reduce plugin file size.
* Add cancellation of image upon uploading.
* Fixed hide/show dependency issue of fields.
* Minor Issues Fixed.
Version 3.0.8
 Fixed Some Minor issues
Version 3.0.7
1. Fixed sorting issue
2. Fixed Import/Export Issue
Version 3.0.6
1. Resolved CSS Issues
2. Some css issues on admin side
3. Java script issue when adding new row
4. Resolved Tan issue
Version 3.0.5
Minor Bug fixes
Version 3.0.4
Solve compatibility issues with mix and match
Version 3.0.3
Sort order issue resolved
Version 3.0.2
Fixed Some Bugs
Version 3.0.1
Import Export Feature Issue Fixed
Version 3.0.0 Updated:
New Features:
Don't display in cart & checkout option with each field
Don't display in order details option with each field
New Fields: Number, heading,
Option to display fields after add to cart button
Option to add specific product to sell
Option to display additional price separately or with product price on product page

Version 2.1.2 Updated:
Bug Fixes
Version 2.1.1 Updated:
Checkbox validation resolved
Rules applied on same category issue resolved
Version 2.1.0 Updated:
Compatible with Extendons WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator Plugin
Compatible with Extendons WooCommerce Mix & Match Plugin
Version 1.9.0:
Issue fix with Price Once charged option with radio buttons.
Version 1.8.0:
WPML Compatible
Version 1.7.0:
Bug Fixex:
1) Price calculation errors on product page and in cart are removed.
Version 1.6.0:
New Features added:
1) Color picker fields
2) Google font pick
3) Display map
4) Range select bar field
5) Price only once no matter the quantity order
6) Import Export for options
Version 1.5.0:
New Features added:
1) Conditional Logic.
2) Custom option's stock management.
Version 1.4.0:
Bug Fixed:
1) issue fixed with simple radio button, Price was not adding in the cart.
Version 1.3.0:
New Features Added:
1) Rule Base custom options for product. You can apply on products and categories wise products
Version 1.2.0:
New Features Added:
1) Price Per Character option for Text field and Textarea.
2) Simple Radio Button option.
Version 1.1.0:
New Features added:
1) Following languages translations has been added.
German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch 
Version 1.0.0
Initial release of pluign


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