Back-end Demo :
- username : demo
- password : demo
Note : demo site resets hourly.
WooCommerce Deposits is a premium WordPress and WooCommerce plugin for handling partial payments. Customers pay a fixed price or percentage up front. You can also force a deposit.
Compatible with the WooCommerce Bookings And Appointments plugin by PluginHive , allowing you to collect deposits on bookings , check their following article on how to use both plugins together
Compatible with the WooCommerce Bookings by Woothemes plugin, allowing you to collect deposits on bookings as well as other products.
- Accept or force deposits on products in your store.
- Checkout mode to make deposits cart based and deposit option button located in checkout.
- Automatic email reminders to pay remaining amount after specific number of days.
- Select deposit type: Fixed value or percentage.
- Customers can pay the remaining amount later by logging in.
- Disable or enable deposits site-wide with a single click.
- Disable specific payment gateways when there’s a deposit in cart.
- Display custom messages when the deposit option is chosen.
- Add new deposits from the order editor in the admin back-end.
- Built for WooCommerce: Designed from the ground up to work with WooCommerce.
- Compatible with WooCommerce Bookings: Multiply the deposit by persons on your bookings or collect a percentage of the total value.
- Deposit reports are available in the WooCommerce reports panel.
- Fully translatable: Compatible with WPML.
- Comes pre-translated in the following languages: Arabic, Dutch, English, French, German, and Spanish.
* WooCommerce Deposits Changelog *
23/12/2023 Version 4.3.1
* [update] updated woocommerce template "checkout/form-pay.php" * [fix] some scripts are not loaded in admin order page when HPOS is not enabled
14/12/2023 Version 4.3.0
* Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 8.4.0 * Declared official compatibility with HPOS * updates to internal reminder functionality
30/11/2023 Version 4.2.2
* [fix] fixed a bug with new reminder updates
25/11/2023 Version 4.2.1
* Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 8.3.0 * [fix] fixed a bug with new reminder updates
12/11/2023 Version 4.2.0
* Improvements to HPOS Compatibility * [tweak] added formal German translation files * [tweak] Made improvements to reminders functionality * [fix] fixed a bug with deposit calculation in some cases
29/09/2023 version 4.1.17
* [fix] fixed a bug with deposit calculation in some cases * Added HPOS Compatibility updates
19/08/2023 version 4.1.16
* Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 8.0.0 * [fix] fixed a bug with deposit calculation in some cases * [fix] fixed an incompatiblity issue with WooCommerce PayPal Payments plugin
01/07/2023 version 4.1.15
* minor bug fix
06/06/2023 version 4.1.14
* [fix] recalculate deposit from admin editor caused total to be set to 0
31/05/2023 version 4.1.13
* [Tweak] Reduced the timeout for plugin update & purchase code verification API calls * [dev] added filter 'wc_deposits_order_item_deposit_data' which allows overriding deposit data * minor bug fix
05/04/2023 version 4.1.12
* [fix] Future payments settings tab was showing up empty in some environments. * minor bug fix
03/03/2023 version 4.1.11
* [tweak] Prevent partial payment emails from being sent out during deposit recalculation * minor bug fix
25/02/2023 version 4.1.10
* [fix] fixed an issue with adding deposit product to cart * [tweak] prevent plugin classes from being loaded twice in cause there is a bug caused by 3rd party * [tweak] Translations adjustment * minor bug fix
07/01/2023 version 4.1.9
* [tweak] removal of unnecessary development code * minor bug fix
04/01/2023 version 4.1.8
* [fix] Division by zero errors on product page * minor bug fix
19/12/2022 version 4.1.7
* minor bug fix
15/11/2022 version 4.1.6
* Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 7.2.0 * [fix] fixed an issue with partial payment date not being stored correctly when deposit is recalculated * [fix] fixed a display issue in admin order editor
12/11/2022 version 4.1.5
* minor bug fixes
07/11/2022 version 4.1.4
* Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 7.1.0 * Updates to maintain compatibility with "PDF Invoices & Packing Slips" Plugin" plugin * minor bug fixes
09/09/2022 version 4.1.3
* minor bug fixe
08/09/2022 version 4.1.2
* [fix] fixed additional partial payment issues in some scenarios * minor bug fixes
22/08/2022 version 4.1.1
* [fix] fixed a calculation issue with taxable negative fees. * [fix] fixed a calculation issue with woocommerce subscriptions. * [fix] fixed a division by zero error in some cases. * minor bug fixes
04/08/2022 version 4.1.0
* [tweak] support of more html tags and attributes in deposit / full messages. * [tweak] updates to compatibility code for "WooCommerce PayPal Payments" plugin * [fix] fixed Division by zero in checkout mode. * [fix] Multiple calculation fixes for partial payments in order editor admin page. * Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 6.7.0 * Minor bug fixes
26/05/2022 version 4.0.21
* [fix] fixed a bug with deposit calculations in order editor admin page * [fix] Fixed a compatibility issue with some plugins causing deposit emails to disappear from woocommerce settings * [fix] fixed missing translation strings issues. * Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 6.5.1 * Minor bug fix
15/04/2022 version 4.0.20
* [fix] miscalculation in some cases where multiple coupons are used. * [fix] error saving some actions of varitaions bulk editor * minor bug fix
27/03/2022 version 4.0.19
* [fix] fixed the functionality of partial payment invoice downloads as part of compatibilitt with "WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips" Plugin * Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 6.3.1 * Minor bug fix
12/03/2022 version 4.0.18
* added action "wc_deposits_partial_payment_created" which is triggered after a partial payment is created * added function "get_order_balance_details" allowing 3rd party plugins to retrieve paid and unpaid balanced of an order * basic compatibility with WooCommerce Paypal Payments plugins ( beta )
09/03/2022 version 4.0.17
* [fix] product bulk editor issue when setting multiple payment plans
02/03/2022 version 4.0.16
* [fix] deposit amount being set to 0 in some cases when a coupon is set to apply to future payments.
01/03/2022 version 4.0.15
* [tweak] updates to the plain email template "wc-deposits-email-partial-payments-summary.php" * Minor bug fix
21/02/2022 version 4.0.14
* [tweak] updates to compatibility class with WooCommerce PDF Invocies & Packing slips plugin * Minor bug fix
17/02/2022 version 4.0.13
* [fix] improved calculation for discounts when discount amount is larger than deposit / future payments * [dev] added the filter "wc_deposits_checkout_mode_available_payment_plans" allowing the manipulations of available payment plans in checkout mode * Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 6.2.0
08/02/2022 version 4.0.12
* [fix] miscalculation in checkout mode fixed deposit situation * [fix] compatibility issue with ShopMagic for WooCommerce * [tweak] added filter "wc_deposits_product_disable_deposit_ajax_refresh" to allow disabling ajax refresh of deposit container
02/02/2022 version 4.0.11
* [fix] compatibility issue with Woocommerce Tm Extra Product options on product page * [fix] compatibility issue with ShopMagic for WooCommerce * minor bug fixes.
29/01/2022 version 4.0.10
* [fix] Admin new order email not being triggered in some cases * [fix] manually added discounts were being removed during deposit recalculation
24/01/2022 version 4.0.9
* [fix] PHP error for WooCommerce bookings "has_persons" functions fixed. * minor bug fix
20/01/2022 version 4.0.8
* Minor bug fix
15/01/2022 version 4.0.7
* Improved compatibility with WooCommerce Appointments by BookingWP
14/01/2022 version 4.0.6
* [Fix] date being displayed instead of Future payment even when no due date is set. * [Fix] display of placeholder {partial_payment_number} disappeared in some cases
12/01/2022 version 4.0.5
* [Tweak] Improved email triggers for partial payments. * [Tweak] Replaced is_ajax() with wp_doing_ajax() following WooCommerce 6.1.0. * Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 6.1.0
05/01/2022 version 4.0.4
* [Fix] Multiply deposit per persons for woocommerce bookings plugin was not always working correctly.
25/12/2021 version 4.0.3
* [Tweak] Added warning message when some functions are invoked directly to improve custom code backward compatibility.
23/12/2021 version 4.0.2
* Minor bug fix to checkout mode calculation * [Fix] false "payment failed" error on thankyou page in some cases
23/12/2021 version 4.0.1
* Minor fix to 4.0.0 database update process
21/12/2021 version 4.0.0
* Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 6.0.0 * [Feature] Global Deposit options added. * [Feature] Fixed Payment Plans. * [Feature] Added a button to remove all deposit data from order. * [Feature] Added a setting to hide deposit UI when deposit is forced. * [Feature] Added a setting to allow having itemized partial payment instead of single line payments only. * [Tweak] Reworked deposit calculation functionalities to eliminate some rounding bugs. * [Tweak] Reworked plugin settings for better user experience. * [Tweak] Removed Setting for shipping taxes handling, for better calculation shipping taxes values are handled with shipping
06/11/2021 version 3.2.12
* Minor bug fix
26/10/2021 version 3.2.11
* Added notification for major upcoming update (v4.0) * Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 5.8.0
01/10/2021 version 3.2.10
* [Fix] Error making payment on order-pay page for some gateways * [Fix] Duplicate deposit email triggered in some cases
27/09/2021 version 3.2.9
* [Fix] issue was occurring with grouped products while being added to cart * Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 5.7.1
17/09/2021 version 3.2.8
* [Fix] Grouped products deposit values were incorrect in some scenarios. * Minor bug fix
07/09/2021 version 3.2.7
* [Tweak] display a notification message to pay-for-order page when main order cannot be paid for. * Minor bug fix
31/08/2021 version 3.2.6
* [Tweak] added filter "wc_deposits_deposit_enabled_for_customer" to allow 3rd party control over display of deposit UI based on customer
22/08/2021 version 3.2.5
* [Fix] Deposit received email being triggered when a post-deposit partial payment is completed manually * Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 5.6.0
11/08/2021 version 3.2.4
* [Tweak] Admin can now view plugin latest version and changelog without inserting purchase code * Minor display fix
08/08/2021 version 3.2.3
* Updates to some translation strings and default values.
05/08/2021 version 3.2.2
* [Fix] issue with partial payment status transition from on-hold to partially-paid
28/07/2021 version 3.2.1
* [Fix] issue with HTML escaping in deposit / full messages
25/07/2021 version 3.2.0
* Code enhancement & removed unused code * Updates to ensure all plugin strings are escaped properly * updates to all JavaScript functions to ensure running in strict mode * Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 5.5.1 * [Fix] Fixed bug with wrong deposit values when customer create account during checkout. * [Fix] rounding amounts issue at partial payment level * [Tweak] Implemented plugins API to display plugin changelog from plugins page in wordpress * Minor bug fixes
15/06/2021 version 3.1.7
* Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 5.4.0 * Minor bug fix
07/06/2021 version 3.1.6
* [Fix] : payment plans display is not sorted by name. * Minor bug fix
31/05/2021 version 3.1.5
* Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 5.3.0 * Minor bug fix
07/05/2021 version 3.1.4
* [Feature] : allow overriding taxes , shipping & fees settings when recalculating deposit in admin order editor * [Fix] : rounding fix in deposit calculations * Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 5.2.2 * Minor bug fix
31/03/2021 version 3.1.3
* Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 5.1.0 * Minor bug fix
29/03/2021 version 3.1.2
* [Tweak] Some changes in DB Queries to improve performance. * [Fix] "All Bookings" now include partially paid bookings ( WooCommerce Bookings compatibility enhancement) * [Tweak] : Improved compatibility with Paypal Express checkout ( by WooThemes ) * Minor bug fix
08/03/2021 version 3.1.1
* Fix : tax calculation for payment plans when customer change country * Minor bug fix
04/03/2021 version 3.1.0
* Tweak: added deposit tab to coupon data panel in coupon editor page * Feature : setting to disable a coupon when cart has deposit * Feature : setting to automatically apply a coupon when customer is paying full amount ( no deposit in cart) * Feature : Added compatibility class to support WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway * Minor bug fix
22/02/2021 version 3.0.15
* Tweak : enhanced deposit form reload when woocommerce product adds are changed * Minor fix to some translations
21/02/2021 version 3.0.14
* Fix : reminder email custom subject and heading is now applied properly.
19/02/2021 version 3.0.13
* Fix : setting "wc_deposits_order_fully_paid_status" value was saved incorrectly
18/02/2021 version 3.0.12
* Fix : reflect partial payment refunds on amounts in partial payments table. * Minor bug fix
16/02/2021 version 3.0.11
* Fix : Error occurred message was appearing on some appointment products when deposit is enabled * Improvement : available payment plan setting override for variation products
13/02/2021 version 3.0.10
* Feature : added setting "Order fully paid status" to set order status when all partial payments are complete and added filter "wc_deposits_order_fully_paid_status" * Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 5.0.0 * enhanced compatibility code with bundled products * Minor bug fix
11/02/2021 version 3.0.9
* Minor bug fix to recalculating deposit discounts in order editor.
10/02/2021 version 3.0.8
* improved grouped products handling * improved experience with changing variations by adding overlay while deposit values are being refreshed. * added filter "wc_deposits_add_to_cart_deposit_override" , allowing to override deposit values while adding to cart * Minor bug fix
01/02/2021 version 3.0.7
* Tweak : improved compatibility with woocommerce bookings by woothemes * Minor bug fix
29/01/2021 version 3.0.6
* fix : fixed an issue of new order email not being sent in some cases. * fix : display formatted & translated order status name "Partially Paid" instead of slug "partially-paid" in emails.
28/01/2021 version 3.0.5
* minor enhancements to payment plans calculations * Minor bug fix
20/01/2021 version 3.0.4
* Fix : corrected future payments on admin order editor page. * Fix : total payment plan display was not being updated on payment plan editor page load
19/01/2021 version 3.0.3
* Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 4.9.0 * bug fix : Input for payment plans stuck when switching between amount types * Minor bug fixes
18/01/2021 version 3.0.2
* Added setting to display & text tab to change the string "Payment Link".
16/01/2021 version 3.0.1
* Minor bug fix to admin editor deposit recalculation modal
14/01/2021 version 3.0.0
* * Note : this is a major release, if you are updating from a previous version then it is advised to run the update on a staging site first and test functionality before updating live server. * Feature : Allowing Payment plans to be set for both product-based and checkout-mode deposits, payment plans can change total to less or more than 100% of price / total. * Feature : Allowing Deposit value of 0 * Feature : More customizable deposit emails text & payment link values. * Tweak : Displayed strings are now more modified in a simpler way. * Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 4.8.0
16/11/2020 version 2.5.40
* Added plugin update notice for an upcoming major update (V.3.0) * Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 4.7.0
23/07/2020 version 2.5.39
* Minor bug fix * Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 4.3.1
17/07/2020 version 2.5.38
* Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 4.3.0 * Minor bug fix
26/05/2020 version 2.5.36
* Minor bug fix
23/05/2020 version 2.5.35
* Minor bug fix
16/05/2020 version 2.5.34
* Minor bug fix
08/05/2020 version 2.5.33
* Minor bug fix
30/04/2020 version 2.5.32
* Tweak : Admin partial payments page "Parent Order" column display order number instead of order id. * Minor bug fix
20/04/2020 version 2.5.31
* Minor bug fix
05/04/2020 version 2.5.30
* Minor bug fix with woocommerce versions 3.6.x
26/03/2020 version 2.5.29
* Compatibility with woocommerce 4.0.1 * Minor bug fix
06/03/2020 version 2.5.28
* Compatibility class "WCDP_Partial_Payment_Invoice" can now be accessed via the plugin global $wc_deposits
05/03/2020 version 2.5.27
* Minor bug fix
02/03/2020 version 2.5.26
* Feature : based on several requests, we added a setting to control tax display in cart item details. The setting title is "Display Taxes In Cart Item Details"
27/02/2020 version 2.5.25
* Bug fix : Cart tax display was not correct in specific scenarios.
26/02/2020 version 2.5.24
* Minor bug fix
25/02/2020 version 2.5.23
* Minor bug fix
19/02/2020 version 2.5.22
* Minor bug fix
10/02/2020 version 2.5.21
* Minor code enhancements to partial payments summary templates.
28/01/2020 version 2.5.20
* Improvement : The setting ("display taxes" count taxes as part of deposits for purposes of display to the customer) only applies to product page now ( tax display included in deposit amount in cart always) * Bug fix : improved deposit calculation on product level for some different Woocommerce settings.
28/01/2020 version 2.5.19
* Bug fix : partial payment id numbers in order received pages were not shown correctly * Minor changes to deposit calculation in cart to improve 3rd party compatibility
25/01/2020 version 2.5.18
* Minor bug fix
23/01/2020 version 2.5.17
* Compatibility with woocommerce 3.9.0 * Minor bug fix
06/01/2020 version 2.5.16
* Improved compatibility with WPML * Minor bug fix
15/12/2019 version 2.5.15
* Partial payment order numbers now include parent order number * Fixed a bug with second payment link when order deposit is modified * Fixed issue with emaials additional content not being displayed
07/12/2019 version 2.5.14
* added filter "wc_deposits_partial_payment_title" allowing overriding title / date displayed in partial payments table * added filter "wc_deposits_order_payment_schedule" allowing modifications to partial payment schedule upon order creation * minor bug fix
03/12/2019 version 2.5.13
* Enhanced compatibility fix with Woocommerce bookings 1.15.0 and higher * Improved compatibility with "WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips" Plugin * Compatibility with woocommerce 3.8.1
29/11/2019 version 2.5.12
* Enhancement : When deposit partial payment fails , Parent order status is set to failed. * Bug fixed : translations for some strings in admin dashboard were not being displayed * Bug fixed : calculations were wrong in some cases when applying coupons in checkout-mode * Compatibility with woocommerce 3.8.0
09/11/2019 version 2.5.11
* Minor enhancements to deposit calculation code in cart * fixed a bug with wrong email being sent when payment method for second payment needs manual verification
03/11/2019 version 2.5.10
* Bug fix : Bank details were not included in some partial payments emails when order has payment method "Direct bank transfer" * Improved compatibility with "WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips" Plugin * Minor bug fix
16/10/2019 version 2.5.9
* Enhancement : Automatically sync second payment to pending status when an order is set to partially-paid. * Minor bug fix
11/10/2019 version 2.5.8
* Improved compatibility with "WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips" Plugin * Bug fix : product-base second payment reminder field was not displaying correctly. * Minor bug fix
07/10/2019 version 2.5.7
* Improved compatibility with "WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips" Plugin
04/10/2019 version 2.5.6
* Display Improvements to order details on thank you page ( Modifications to template (order/wc-deposits-order-summary.php) * Added filters following filters to increase admin control over display: - wc_deposits_thankyou_show_partial_payments_summary - wc_deposits_email_show_partial_payments_summary - wc_deposits_myaccount_show_partial_payments_summary * Minor bug fix
11/09/2019 version 2.5.5
* Tweak : Based on several requests, removed reference to partial payment number on thankyou page and will display only main order number for reference to avoid customer confusion * Tweak : added a setting which allows overriding form-pay.php template to display original order details during partial payment. * Tweak : enhanced Woocommerce bookings by WooThemes compatiblity. when deposit is paid , booking status is automatically transitioned to partially-paid * Minor bug fix
11/09/2019 version 2.5.4
* minor bug fixes
30/08/2019 version 2.5.3
* minor bug fixes
21/08/2019 version 2.5.2
* minor bug fix
14/08/2019 version 2.5.1
* minor bug fixes * removed filter "wc_deposits_product_deposit_amount_before_display" , use filter "wc_deposits_product_deposit_amount" instead. * Compatibility with woocommerce 3.7.0
07/06/2019 version 2.5.0
* Set minimum woocommerce version to 3.6.0 * Added partially paid orders count to woocommerce status widget * Reworked payments system for better compatibility with most gateway plugins * Removed Gateway compatibility settings as they are no longer required * Removed "-WCDP" suffix from order numbers as it is no longer required with new logic * Added setting "Days before Second Payment is due" which sets the due date for second payment
05/06/2019 version 2.4.11
* minor bug fix
01/06/2019 version 2.4.10
* minor bug fix with refunds * minor bug fixes
28/05/2019 version 2.4.9
* minor bug fix with cart sessions
25/05/2019 version 2.4.8
* Compatibility with woocommerce 3.6.3
11/05/2019 version 2.4.7
* minor update to woocommerce reports for deposits * minor bug fixes to deposit calculations and rounding
25/03/2019 version 2.4.6
* fix : adjust deposit / full values if user choose deposit, proceed to payment gateway then hit back in browser to choose full amount * minor bug fixes * Compatibility with woocommerce 3.5.7
11/03/2019 version 2.4.5
* Tweak : second payment settings will not display if "Enable second payment" option is unchecked in settings * Tweak : product based second payment reminder metabox will not display if "Enable second payment" option is unchecked in settings * fix : disabled gateways in checkout mode were not showing up when paying full amount * minor bug fixes
08/03/2019 version 2.4.4
* Tweak : removed -WCDP from order number if "Enable second payment" option is unchecked in settings * minor bug fixes
26/02/2019 version 2.4.3
* minor bug fixes
23/02/2019 version 2.4.2
* minor bug fix
18/02/2019 version 2.4.1
* Translations updated ( added italian translation ) * Prevented plugin from running on PHP versions lower than 5.6 for compatibility reasons * Minor bug fixes
07/01/2019 version 2.4.0
* feature : (product based reminders for tours etc) send second payment reminder emails to all orders containing a product on a specific date in the future. * feature : added option to disallow specific gateways for user making second payment * fixed bug with disabling deposit for user roles in checkout mode * Minor bug fixes
10/12/2018 version 2.3.9
* feature : Choose how to handle cart discount ( deduct from deposit / from second payment ) * feature : Enable / Disable deposit functionality for selected user roles * feature : Enable / Disable deposit functionality for guests ( non logged-in users ) * fix : fixed display bug of deposit row in checkout mode * fix : fixed display bug of negative second payment when discount is more than deposit amount
10/12/2018 version 2.3.8
* Compatibility with woocommerce 3.5.2 * Updated plugin translations * fix : fixed a bug with forcing deposit in single product * fix : fixed a bug with wrong tax split calculations if prices are inclusive of tax * fix : fixed a price display issue if prices are inclusive of tax * fix : decimals were not being saved in admin order editor if decimal separator is not a dot * fix : prevent cart item duplicates with deposit if the product is set to be individually sold * fix : corrected payment_complete order status when paying second payment and order status is failed * feature : added setting to show "has deposit" column in admin order list table
24/10/2018 version 2.3.7
* Compatibility with woocommerce 3.5.0 * fix : updated some deprecated code
07/09/2018 version 2.3.6
* fix : fatal error when plugin activated on some environments * fix : minor issue with new variations feature.
06/09/2018 version 2.3.5
* fix : changed plugin update server values to fix a connectivity problem with previous update server. * Compatibility with woocommerce 3.4.5
29/08/2018 version 2.3.4
* Feature : support for variable deposit settings override ( each variable can have it own deposit settings )
19/07/2018 version 2.3.3
* Minor bug fix for older versions of PHP
10/07/2018 version 2.3.2
* Compatibility with woocommerce 3.4.3 * Minor css fix for deposit button
05/07/2018 version 2.3.1
* added hooks "wc_deposits_settings_tabs" & "wc_deposits_after_settings_tabs_content" allowing future plugin addons to show own settings tabs * Feature : plugin automatic update functionality added * minor bug fix
14/06/2018 version 2.3.0
* Compatibility with woocommerce 3.4.2 * Tweak : Reworked plugin settings pages to make it easier for store managers * Feature : added a setting allowing store manager to set a date to send out second payment reminder email for all partially-paid orders. * Feature : Added a setting allowing users to enable / disable order editing in partially-paid status * Feature : Added Recalculate Deposit button in order editor * Tweak : Improved compatibility with Paypal Express checkout ( by WooThemes ) * Minor bug fixes
24/05/2018 version 2.2.6
* Compatibility with woocommerce 3.4.0 * Tweak : enhanced price breakdown display for paypal gateway * feature : Option to split fees according to deposit amount * minor bug fixes
10/02/2018 version 2.2.5
* Compatibility with woocommerce 3.3.1 * Bug fix : compatibility issue for deposit slider on Firefox / IE
05/01/2018 version 2.2.4
* Bug fix : minor localization issues * Bug fix : checkout mode buttons disappear when default selection is set to Full Amount. * Tweak : Added "Mark partially paid" to orders bulk actions * Minor bug fixes.
23/11/2017 version 2.2.3
* Bug fix : deposit calculation issue with woocommerce bookings person types fixed
18/11/2017 version 2.2.2
* Bug fix : Deposit status display in my account page was not correct when order status is changed manually
15/11/2017 version 2.2.1
* Bug fix : Product Purchase not was not displaying partially-paid emails
20/10/2017 version 2.2.0
* Woocommerce 3.2 compatibility * Dropped support and compatibility for woocommerce versions below 3.0 * minor bug fixes
19/10/2017 version 2.1.8
* tweak : added filter "wc_deposits_deposit_breakdown_tooltip_labels" which allows overriding labels in deposit breakdown tooltip * Tweak : modifications to deposit breakdown tool-tip , allowing to unset any tool-tip values.
09/10/2017 version 2.1.7
* Bug fix : some user added text were not getting translated properly & other translation fixes
04/10/2017 version 2.1.6
* Tweak : User added text in settings can now be translated
04/10/2017 version 2.1.5
* fixed a bug : on deposit payment, order status was updating to processing instead of partially-paid with some payment gateways.
24/09/2017 version 2.1.4
* Tweak : enhanced display of deposit and second payment in customer emails * fixed a bug : wrong amount was displaying in customer email if user choose to pay deposit by check then second payment by check as well
16/09/2017 version 2.1.3
* fixed a bug : deposit calculation in checkout mode was not correct for some cases * minor bug fixes
30/08/2017 version 2.1.2
* Tweak : added filter "wc_deposits_is_product_deposit_enabled" to override whether deposit is enabled or not on product-level * Tweak : added filter "wc_deposits_product_force_deposit" to override whether deposit is forced or not on product-level
14/08/2017 version 2.1.1
* Feature : possibility to split taxes cost on deposit / second payment according to amounts * Feature : deposit-breakdown explanation tooltip next to deposit amount title in cart & checkout * Improved compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles * added filter "wc_deposits_cart_item_deposit_data" to allow overriding deposit values for each individual cart item * minor bug fixes
11/07/2017 version 2.1.0
* Marked setting "Display Taxes" as Deprecated * Feature : Strings Override section in settings, allows changing of all frontend text displayed to customer * Tweak : Deposit slider buttons are now loaded as a woocommerce template, it can be overwritten in parent / child theme
08/07/2017 version 2.0.10
* fixed a bug : for some cases stock was not reducing when paying full amount * fixed a bug with subscription products
10/06/2016 version 2.0.9
* minor bug fixes * Tweak : deposit button will not display in checkout mode if deposit amount is 0 or less
24/05/2017 version 2.0.8
* rewritten email templates to match woocommerce latest templates * minor bug fixes in order editor * removed some legacy code * other minor fixes
22/05/2017 version 2.0.7
* fixed a bug with deposit calculation
20/05/2017 version 2.0.6
* compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0.7 * Feature : checkout-based deposit mode added ( available for Woocommerce 3.0.0+ ) * updated translations
26/04/2017 version 2.0.5
* compatibility with woocommerce 3.0.4 * enhancements to Woo Subscriptions compatibility on product page * Feature : new email template : Second Payment Reminder ( available for Woocommerce 3.0.0+ ) * Feature : added the ability for admin to set up reminder email of second payment to be sent automatically to customer after * number of days ( available for Woocommerce 3.0.0+ ) * added resend partially-paid and second-payment reminder emails to order actions, resend order emails section ( available for Woocommerce 3.0.0+ ) * updates to deposit calculations interface in admin order area ( based on product deposits and taxes/fees/shipping handling settings) * fixed an error with refunded orders in order management admin page
16/04/2017 version 2.0.4
* compatibility with woocommerce 3.0.3 * product editor and bulk editor compatibility with woocommerce 3.0. * CRUD * Woo Subscriptions compatibility : deposit calculation now applies on sign-up fee and ignores recurring subscription fees. * Featured : added option that allows user to choose when to collect fees (either with deposit or second-payment) * fixed a bug with incorrect deposit amount when changing order total after it becomes already partially-paid * fixed a bug with email templates * added filters "woocommerce_deposits_cart_deposit_amount" and "woocommerce_deposits_cart_second_payment_amount" allowing overriding of deposit and second-payment amounts in cart/checkout * fixed a bug with some emails failing to send due to empty body error * some improvements to "update outdated orders" tool
10/04/2017 version 2.0.3
* Deposit status row removed from order received and email templates because of a bug with woocommerce caching, it still is viewable from myaccount page * Implemented wc-deposits-legacy classes for backward compatibility * replaced all product/order meta updating functions to use woocommerce 3.0+ CRUD * fixed a bug with variations product not working * updated email templates to be fully functional with woocommerce 3.0
1/04/2017 version 2.0.2
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0 * Feature : added gateway compatibility enhancement section to settings (with a single option currently) * updated translations
29/03/2017 version 2.0.1
* Compatibility with Woocommerce 2.6.14 * Feature : added option that allows user to choose when to collect taxes (either with deposit or second-payment) * Feature : added option that allows user to choose when to collect shipping (either with deposit or second-payment) , please note that shipping taxes are collected with taxes * Feature : added option to use basic radio buttons for deposits in product pages, helpful in cases where there are multiple deposit buttons in the same page or when there are CSS conflicts * Tweak : deposit & remaining fields won't display in cart / checkout/ emails if there is no deposit in cart /order * fixed a bug of some orders displaying incorrect price amounts * fixed a minor display bug with order editing page * fixed a bug which caused partially-paid orders to get cancelled if making second payment fails * fixed a bug that caused "pay" button to display to customers even if second payment is disabled by admin * fixed a compatibility bug with woocommerce bookings that caused fatal error to occur when trying to access bookings * fixed a minor bug with decimal separator in admin order editing area * added compatibility with Payment Gateway Based Fees * Improved compatibility with Woocommerce Bookings and Woocommerce Appointments * Feature : added options to change deposit button colors * updated translations
2016.03.29 – version 1.6
* Fix stock reduction not working in rare cases. * Don't modify order totals after order completion. * Overhaul of the order editor logic. * Fix "Amount Paid:" and "To Pay:" in contextual situations. * Fix order totals with WooCommerce 2.5. * Fix email templates with WooCommerce 2.5. * Support for Composite Products. You must add a deposit percentage to at least one component. * Don't hide any items in order editor. * Hide `Remaining Amount` on final payment. * Fix an issue with emails and the remaining amount. * Fix a rounding issue. * Fix a bug with WooCommerce Bookings.
2016.01.20 – version 1.5.1
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.5. * Generate unique order numbers based on order status. (Better compatibility with gateways) * Fixed bug with variable products and Booking System PRO. * Fixed translations having the wrong file names. * Misc. UI bug fixes.
2015.06.02 – version 1.5
* Added new translations: Arabic, Dutch, French, German, and Spanish. * Added bulk editing. * Added WooCommerce reports. * Added new email templates: partial payment emails to the customers now contain a payment link. * Added the option to prevent customers from making the second payment. * Added stock reduction options. (On deposit/full payment) * Extra filters to control items passed to the gateway. * Change "Paid Today:" to "To Pay:" in the cart as well as the checkout page. * Set explicit price on line items on second payment. * Fixed typos in email description and the admin interface. * Fixed stylesheet priority. * Fixed WooCommerce detection in multi-site configurations. * Fixed calculation of order total when manually creating new order.
2015.03.01 – version 1.4.2
* Fixed issue with deposit metadata handling. * Hide everything without a remaining amount from the second payment. * Fix WooCommerce color selection. * Changed "Paid Today:" to "To Pay:"
2015.02.12 – version 1.4.1
* WooCommerce 2.3.x compatibility. * Fixed missing translations. * Fixed a potential rounding issue. * Fixed order editor bug preventing setting the remaining amount to 0. * Removed redundant price suffixes. * Fixed rare bug in the enumeration of variable products. * Restore deposit/price range upon clearing variable product selection. * Don't display "per item" for products sold individually.
2015.01.02 – version 1.4
* Applied coupon discounts will now subtract from the remaining amount rather than the deposit amount when appropriate. * The "Paid Today" and "Remaining" fields are now displayed after "Order Total" in the cart totals. * Manually marking orders with a deposit as complete clears the remaining balance. * Only enqueue front-end scripts and styles on product pages with deposits enabled. * Fixed tax display option always activating. * Fixed misc. translations. * Fixed deposit button CSS and expanded gradient browser support. * Added minimum-maximum deposit display for variable products when a percentage is used. * Added dynamic client-side deposit display for variable products.
2014.11.03 – version 1.3.2
* Fixed product tax display. (Since tax is always collected upfront) * Added the option to add taxes to the deposit for purposes of display.
2014.10.31 – version 1.3.1
* Fixed PayPal cart issues with partial payments.
2014.10.29 – version 1.3
* Added "Partially paid" order status. * Added editable deposit fields in the order editor admin back-end. * Added the ability for the customer to pay the remaining amount. * Added email hooks for the new order status. * Added additional security checks. * Fixed conditional payment gateway disabling logic. * Fixed initial status for the deposit switch. * Fixed order-specific currency display in order admin view. * Fixed order-specific currency display in emails and the checkout page.
2014.10.25 – version 1.2.1
* Fixed a security issue. * Updated totals display in the "my account" page. * More small fixes.
2014.10.24 – version 1.2
* Added the ability to change the button text for the deposit options. * Added the ability to select the default deposit option when adding to cart. * Fixed links in custom messages in the add-to-cart form. * Some minor fixes.
2014.10.22 – version 1.1
* Added the ability to disable specific payment gateways when there's a deposit in cart. * Added the ability to disable all deposit functionality site-wide. * Added the ability to show custom messages in the add-to-cart form. * New site-wide settings tab in the WooCommerce settings. * A number of small fixes.
2014.10.16 – version 1.0
* First Release.